Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Seismology(SS)
S-SS34 Crustal Structure

Short title Crustal Structure
Oral presentation
May 21 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 104 Shinobu Ito  / Kimihiro Mochizuki 
May 21 AM2 (10:45 - 12:15) 104 Toshihiro Igarashi  / Eiji Kurashimo 
Poster presentation
May 21 (Core Time 13:45 - 15:15, 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Eiji Kurashimo
Email ekura@eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Convener Eiji Kurashimo 
Scope The aim of this session is to cover seismological and geophysical studies on the Earth's crust. Contribution on seismological and geophysical structure of the crust, processes that develop in the crust which include earthquakes, volcanoes and geological descriptions of the crust are welcomed. We also welcome theoretical and methodological studies that will serve as basics in such explorations.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 21 AM1 (09:00-10:30) 104                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 SSS34-01 Wide-angle OBS velocity structure along the SAHKE transect, lower North Island, New Zealand Kimihiro Mochizuki
Stuart Henrys
Tomoaki Yamada
Kimihiro Mochizuki English
09:15 - 09:30 SSS34-02 Seismic scatterer distribution beneath the Wellington region, southernmost part of New Zealand's North Island Eiji Kurashimo
Tatsuya Ishiyama
Hiroshi Sato
Eiji Kurashimo English
09:30 - 09:45 SSS34-03 Spatial variation of plate interface reflectivity at the source area of 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake Ryosuke Azuma
Yoshio Murai
Kimihiro Mochizuki
Ryosuke Azuma English
09:45 - 10:00 SSS34-04 The plate boundary fault in the northwestern margin of Izu-collision zone: 2011 Hakone-Fujiyoshida seismic survey Hiroshi Sato
Takaya Iwasaki
Tatsuya Ishiyama
Hiroshi Sato English
10:00 - 10:15 SSS34-05 Interpretation of the seismic reflection survey at Kawajima, Saitama Shinobu Ito
Kazuo Yamaguchi
Shinobu Ito English
10:15 - 10:30 SSS34-06 Reconstruction of reflection data with dense spatial sampling by deconvolution interferometry using backscattered waves Susumu Abe
Hiroshi Sato
Eiji Kurashimo
Susumu Abe English
Oral Presentation   May 21 AM2 (10:45-12:15) 104                              to the top
10:45 - 11:00 SSS34-07 Improvement of S-wavevector Receiver Function Analysis for Deep Borehole Logging Takumi Murakoshi
Hiroshi Takenaka
Takumi Murakoshi English
11:00 - 11:15 SSS34-08 Characteristics of the crustal structure in the occurrence areas of crustal earthquakes Toshihiro Igarashi
Takashi Iidaka
Toshihiro Igarashi English
11:15 - 11:30 SSS34-09 Seismic anisotropy in the southern part of Tohoku region Takashi Iidaka
Kazushige Obara
Takashi Iidaka English
11:30 - 11:45 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SSS34-P01 Low-Q related to partially saturated pores within the reservoir beneath The Geysers area in the northern California Makoto MATSUBARA Makoto MATSUBARA English
SSS34-P04 Re-analysis of Gravity Anomaly aound the Kitakami district based on Conrad-Moho-Slab-residual gravity anomaly Eiji Nakayama
atsushi Miwa
Hideki Kosaka
Eiji Nakayama English
SSS34-P07 Shear-wave Splitting Analysis in the Focal Area of Earthquake Swarm at the Hakone Volcano from 1995 to 2010 Yu Nihara
Keiichi Tadokoro
Yohei Yukutake
Yu Nihara English
SSS34-P08 Stripping analysis of S and Ps waves traveling through a dipping anisotropic layer structure Mitsumi Watanabe
Hitoshi Oda
Mitsumi Watanabe English
SSS34-P11 Estimation of velocity discontinuities in and around the swarm seismicity region beneath the Kii Peninsula (Part 2) Issei Doi
Hironori Kawakata
Issei Doi English
11:45 - 12:00 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SSS34-P12 Seismic structure of the locked-sliding transition on the plate boundary beneath the southern part of Kii Peninsula Eiji Kurashimo
Takashi Iidaka
Takaya Iwasaki
Eiji Kurashimo English
SSS34-P14 Three-dimensional P-and S-wave velocity structures in the southwestern Ryukyu arc, and its relationship to repeating slo Mamoru Nakamura Mamoru Nakamura English
SSS34-P16 Relationship between half-graben and high-velocities area at depths of 10km 5 Yukio Oishi Yukio Oishi English

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 21  Core Time (13:45-15:15, 17:15-18:30)                     to the top
SSS34-P01 Low-Q related to partially saturated pores within the reservoir beneath The Geysers area in the northern California Makoto MATSUBARA Makoto MATSUBARA English
SSS34-P02 P-wave velocity structure and deep crustal reflections in the central Ontong Java Plateau Seiichi Miura
Naoto Noguchi
Millard F. Coffin
Seiichi Miura English
SSS34-P03 Uppermost mantle velocity distribution just beneath the Moho discontinuity of Japanese islands Akio Katsumata Akio Katsumata English
SSS34-P04 Re-analysis of Gravity Anomaly aound the Kitakami district based on Conrad-Moho-Slab-residual gravity anomaly Eiji Nakayama
atsushi Miwa
Hideki Kosaka
Eiji Nakayama English
SSS34-P05 Basement structure based on gravity anomaly in the northwestern Noto peninsula Tasuku Mizubayashi
Akihiro Sawada
Masaaki Hamada
Tasuku Mizubayashi English
SSS34-P06 Estimation of quality factor of auto correlation function obtained by seismic interferometry around the Noubi fault zone Sugane Tsuji
Yoshihiro Hiramatsu
Joint observation group in the Noubi-earthquake region
Sugane Tsuji English
SSS34-P07 Shear-wave Splitting Analysis in the Focal Area of Earthquake Swarm at the Hakone Volcano from 1995 to 2010 Yu Nihara
Keiichi Tadokoro
Yohei Yukutake
Yu Nihara English
SSS34-P08 Stripping analysis of S and Ps waves traveling through a dipping anisotropic layer structure Mitsumi Watanabe
Hitoshi Oda
Mitsumi Watanabe English
SSS34-P09 Crustal resistivity structure at the western extension of Kannawa Fault Yasuo Ogawa
Yoshimori Honkura
Ryokei Yoshimura
Yasuo Ogawa English
SSS34-P10 Velocity profile along the Boso peninsula: result of Boso 2002 Yoshitaka Nakayama
Hiroshi Sato
Takaya Iwasaki
Yoshitaka Nakayama English
SSS34-P11 Estimation of velocity discontinuities in and around the swarm seismicity region beneath the Kii Peninsula (Part 2) Issei Doi
Hironori Kawakata
Issei Doi English
SSS34-P12 Seismic structure of the locked-sliding transition on the plate boundary beneath the southern part of Kii Peninsula Eiji Kurashimo
Takashi Iidaka
Takaya Iwasaki
Eiji Kurashimo English
SSS34-P13 Upper surface of Philippine Sea plate and asperity in the south Ryukyu arc Yasuhisa Arashiro
Mamoru Nakamura
Yasuhisa Arashiro English
SSS34-P14 Three-dimensional P-and S-wave velocity structures in the southwestern Ryukyu arc, and its relationship to repeating slo Mamoru Nakamura Mamoru Nakamura English
SSS34-P15 Seismic Exploration along a longitudinal profile in the central part of Kyushu, 2011 - The outline of the experiment - Hiroki Miyamachi
OHKURA Takahiro
KATAO Hiroshi
Hiroki Miyamachi English
SSS34-P16 Relationship between half-graben and high-velocities area at depths of 10km 5 Yukio Oishi Yukio Oishi English
SSS34-P17 Reprocessing of 1988-90 Seismic Reflection Data of the Beppu Bay and the Bungo Strait : A new attempt Takeshi Ikawa
Keiji Takemura
Hiroshi Sato
Takeshi Ikawa English
SSS34-P18 Preliminary results of SAHKE II low fold seismic reflection profile across the Wairarapa fault, New Zealand Tatsuya Ishiyama
Eiji Kurashimo
Naoko Kato
Tatsuya Ishiyama English