Outline of Session


Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary(M) / Intersection(IS) /  **International Session
M-IS02 Global Data Sciences in the Big Data Era---Global Data Management and System

Short title Global Data Science--Global Data Ssytem
Oral presentation
May 19 PM2 (16:15 - 18:00) 301B Yasuhiro Murayama 
Poster presentation
May 19 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Yasuhiro Murayama
Email murayama@nict.go.jp
Convener Yasuhiro Murayama  / Toshio Koike  / Masatoshi Ohishi  / Masaki Kanao  / Masaru Kitsuregawa  / Ryosuke Shibasaki  / Iku Shinohara  / Eizi TOYODA  / Ken T. Murata  / Akiyo Yatagai 
Scope In earth, planetary and space sciences, scientific findings and understanding of irreproducible phenomena like earth's climate change etc. cannot be validated with double-check of results by independent scientists which is essential elements of the modern science. Then, "data" is the only proof which scientists can show to the society to secure the scientific truth. The ICSU-WDS (World Data System) progarmme has started its international programme office (IPO) hosted in Japan targets world-scale data-sharing community and framework. New initiatives such as persistent digital identifiers of datasets and authors, as well as data citation are important as a new science infrastructure in this new era. Nowadays when decision-makers requires access to usable information on natural phenomena which impacts the society, joint efforts and possible collaboration, and furthermore fusion are required of advanced information science and technology together with earth and planetary science datasets, so targeted activities like DIAS are proceeding now. In this session, a wide range of data activities of not only earth and planetary sciences but also of social and economic fields are welcome to exchange and interact for the future global coordination of scientific data and information.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
: - : 3-min talk in an oral session