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K.-C. Kim ★ PEM027-02 Some new aspects of magnetic dipolarizations in the inner plasma sheet
K.G.I.D. Kumari * AGE030-P05 Geochemical forms and mobility of heavy metals in alluvial sediments of Arakawa lowlands, Japan
Kadyrbek Sakiev SMP055-P19 Three metamorphic events of the eclogites from the Neldy Formation in the Makbal district, Kyrgyz Northern Tien-Shan
Kaj M. Johnson MGI017-P02 測地データの逆解析による断層摩擦パラメータの推定
Kara Bogus ★ BPO020-08 Barium in Black Sea sediments: a tracer for productivity or migration of the sulphate/methane transition zone
Karin Sigloch ★* SIT040-04 A variety of subduction styles shaped the mantle beneath North America
Karl-Heinz Hellmuth ★ AGE030-08 The Diffusion of Selenium through Granite
Karma Toeb HDS022-01 ブータンにおける氷河湖研究とGLOF対策の歴史と現状
HDS022-07 ブータンヒマラヤにおける近年の氷河変動
HDS022-13 岩屑被覆型氷河からの異常出水 -ブータンヒマラヤTshojo氷河の例-
Kate Wilson MIS003-P05 トンガ,ニウアトプタプ島における2009年サモア諸島沖地震津波の現地調査
Katherine Kelley ★ MIS010-03 Knowns and Unknowns in the Deep Earth Carbon Cycle
Kato Makoto AHW016-10 Determining Horizontal Groundwater Flow Velocity Magnitudes in Permeable Layers and Across a Perforated Borehole
Katsuo Tsukamoto PPS009-15 In-situ visualization of crystallization inside high temperature silicate melt droplets
Kaz Higuchi AAS001-P15 成田上空におけるCO2短周期変動の観測値と計算値の比較
Keiko Udo MAG022-15 Optimal Reservoir Operation for Downstream Flood Reduction Using NWP in Central Vietnam
MAG022-16 Change of Water Balance in An Urbanized River Basin during Flood Event
Keith Groves AAS006-13 C/NOFS衛星及び地上観測網によって観測されたプラズマバブルの事例研究
Kelly Caylor HGG001-05 Forest Transition Theory and Thresholds of Reforestation in the Midwest United States and State of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Kelum Chamindu * AGE030-P20 Gas Diffusivity Fingerprints for Aggregated Soils with Different Size Fractions
Ken Heydolph BPT013-12 シャッツキー海台玄武岩の地球化学的特徴:IODP第324次掘削航海の船上分析結果
Ken Xiansheng Hao (はお 憲生) * SSS025-09 2008年Wenchuan地震の震度と地殻変動に関する検討:ALOS/PALSARの画像マッチング手法から評価
SSS025-15 Kinematics of the double-layered dipping fault rupture of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Kenichiro Kobayashi AAS004-P05 Rainfall-runoff modeling of Bagmati River Basin, Nepal with the incorporation of APHRODITE precipitation data
Kerstin Nothen ★ BPO020-08 Barium in Black Sea sediments: a tracer for productivity or migration of the sulphate/methane transition zone
Kevin Reardon PEM029-05 H-alpha wingで見た太陽彩層の温度構造
Kevin Righter ★* PPS001-14 Early thermal state of Mars constrained from siderophile element data from meteorites and metal-silicate experiments
Kevin T. Pickering MIS007-P05 後期中新世(〜11Ma)における四国海盆(IODP サイトC0011 & C0012)の半遠洋性堆積速度の急変
Khan-Hyuk Kim ★* PEM027-03 Large electric fields at the nightside plasmapause observed by the Polar spacecraft
Kharka Singh Ghallay HDS022-01 ブータンにおける氷河湖研究とGLOF対策の歴史と現状
HDS022-11 ブータンヒマラヤの氷河湖湖盆地形
Khwanruthai Bunruamkaew * HTT031-P08 Site Suitability for Ecotourism using GIS & AHP: A Case Study of Surat Thani Province
Kicengge (承志) HQR010-P04 中央アジアにおける過去1000年間の環境変動
Kim Yongwon (金 龍元) ACG031-09 放射炭素同位体を用いたアラスカツンドラ・タイガ生態系における土壌有機炭素の滞留時間の推定
Kirsti Kauristie PEM022-12 auroral roar emissionsの到来方向計測
Konstantin Litasov MIS010-12 Effect of Carbon and Hydrogen on Melting and Magma properties at High Pressure
* MIS010-14 Carbon-silicate-Fe metal reactions at high pressures: New experimental constraints on deep volatile cycles
PPS004-22 水星マントルの相関係
SIT042-05 Incipient fluid migration through the deep mantle by dissolution-precipitation: crystal growth constraints
Kristen Menou ★ PPS008-12 Generalized Milankovitch Cycles and the Influences on Climatic Habitability
Krystle Catalli ★ SIT042-18 Effect of Compositional Variation on the Post-Perovskite Transition in the Lowermost Mantle
Ku-Ding Tsuei SIT042-13 Mg-ペロブスカイトにおける3価鉄のスピン転移と下部マントルでの意味
Kunwar Alkendra Pratap Singh ★* PEM031-09 彩層リコネクション: 観測、理論、今後の課題
Kuo-Chang Chung SCG084-06 台湾における地震に伴う地下水位変化における地震動と歪変化の寄与
Kuo-Chin Hsu SCG084-06 台湾における地震に伴う地下水位変化における地震動と歪変化の寄与
Kuo-Lung Wang SMP055-02 Zircon U-Pb ages, trace element and Hf isotope compositions of migmatites from the Higo metamorphic terrane, Japan
Kusali Gamage MIS007-02 IODP Expeditions 320 and 321, Pacific Equatorial Age Transectの成果
★ MIS009-02 An example of high-resolution stratigraphy in the PEAT cruise, Expedition 320/321  Hiroshi Nishi, Heiko Palik
Kyaw Thu Moe SSS019-P10 南海トラフ地震発生帯掘削C0009サイトから得られた熊野海盆の応力方向