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Xiangdong Wang (王 向東) BPO021-09 海山型石灰岩の有孔虫群集から見た後期古生代パレオテチス遠洋浅海域の古生物地理的特徴
Xianyu Xue (薛 献宇) SMP056-09 AlPO{sub}4{/sub}の相関係と高圧相の結晶構造
Xiaofang Fu (付 小方) SSS025-07 地中レーダと表面波探査法の組合せによる中国、都江堰の2008年Wenchuan地表地震断層の研究
Xiaofei Chen * SSS025-17 Preliminary study on rupture dynamics of 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
Xiaoning Su SSS025-10 Using high-rate GPS data to measure ground deformations caused by the 2008 Wenchuan Ms8.0 Earthquake
Xiaoping Wu SIT042-P02 Si diffusion in single crystal of MgSiO3 perovskite
Xiaowei Shao (邵 肖偉) HTT031-P05 ASTER衛星画像を用いた都市域の高分解能自動マッピング
Xin Wang (王 欣) * SSS025-12 2008年中国四川地震における建物被害と強震動特性の関係について
Xin Wang (王 欣) ACC021-10 海螺溝冰川高程及運動速度変化
Xingyuan Chen AGE030-02 Bayesian Geostatistical Inversion Framework for Probabilistic Risk Assessments of Groundwater Contamination
Xinlin zhang * SGD001-P10 Deformation theory for a 3-dimensional viscoelastic earth model-II
Xinyu Guo (郭 新宇) ACG034-05 マルチトレーサーによる瀬戸内海沿岸域での地下水流出評価
Xinzhuan Guo SMP055-P18 High-P/T metamorphic rocks in the Yilan area from Jiamusi massif, northeastern China
Xinzhuan Guo SIT042-12 フェロペリクレースのスピン転移圧力への鉄の量の影響
* SIT042-P04 In Situ Infiltration Experiments of Basalt- San Carlos Olivine Couple Based on the Electrical Resistance Measurements
Xiwei Xu (徐 XiWei) SSS025-09 2008年Wenchuan地震の震度と地殻変動に関する検討:ALOS/PALSARの画像マッチング手法から評価
Xixi MIS007-P04 Preliminary bio-magnetostratigraphy and magnetic signature of basement for IODP Exp. 322: NanTroSEIZE Subduction Inputs
Xixi Zhao MIS007-P05 後期中新世(〜11Ma)における四国海盆(IODP サイトC0011 & C0012)の半遠洋性堆積速度の急変
SSS019-08 A significant change in magnetic fabric in an accretionary prism toe at Sites C0006 and C0007, Nankai Trough
Xueze Wen SSS025-18 龍門山断層ガウジの多彩なすべり履歴のもとでの高速摩擦挙動
Xuzhang Shen * SIT040-06 Origin of the geothermal in Tianshui region in the northeastern margin of Tibet and its implication