Outline of Session


Biogeosciences(B) / Biogeosciences & Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions(BG)
B-BG006 Coral Reefs: Life, the Earth and Human Beings

Short title Coral Reefs
Oral presentation
May 26 PM2 (15:30 - 17:00) Exibition hall 7 subroom 2 Atsushi Watanabe  / Atsushi Suzuki 
Poster presentation
May 26 (Core Time 17:15 - 18:45) Convention Hall
Contact Atsushi Watanabe
Email watanabe.a.ah@m.titech.ac.jp
Convener Atsushi Watanabe  / Atsushi Suzuki  / Tamotsu Oomori 
Scope Coral reefs are an ecosystem characterized by high biodiversity and active biogeochemical processes. Now coral reefs are at risk due to several stresses including human impact and global warming. Coral reefs are studied by wide range of disciplines in biological and earth sciences. In this session, latest developments in these areas will be discussed.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 26 PM2 (15:30-17:00) Exibition hall 7 subroom 2                              to the top
15:30 - 15:45 BBG006-01 Inter-colonial variation of environmental response in Porites australiensis Takashi Nakamura
Atsushi Suzuki
Akihiro Iwase
Takashi Nakamura English
15:45 - 16:00 BBG006-02 Elucidating food webs of lower trophic levels in a coral reef ecosystem by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses Nobuyuki Nakatomi
Ryota Nakajima
Teruaki Yoshida
Nobuyuki Nakatomi English
16:00 - 16:15 BBG006-03 Plutonium study on coral reef : Approach from Coral and Sclerosponge Skeletal Growth Bands Tamotsu Oomori
Mutsumi Mori
Eri Hirosawa
Tamotsu Oomori English
16:15 - 16:30 BBG006-04 Evaluating uncertainties in projected effects of global warming on corals in seas close to Japan Yumiko Yara
Kazuhiro Oshima
Masahiko Fujii
Masahiko Fujii English
16:30 - 16:45 BBG006-05 Evaluation of coral damages by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami based on numerical calculation. Hideki Kawamata
Kazuhisa Goto
Fumihiko Imamura
Hideki Kawamata English
16:45 - 17:00 BBG006-06 Comprehensive assessment of multiple stresses on coral reef ecosystems and their responses based on numerical models Kazuo Nadaoka
Atsushi Watanabe
Takahiro Yamamoto
Kazuo Nadaoka English

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 26  Core Time (17:15-18:45) Convention Hall                    to the top
BBG006-P01 Evaluation of aquifer Salinization in the atoll islands by using Electrical Resistivity Satoshi Nakada
Yu Umezawa
Hiroya Yamano
Satoshi Nakada English
BBG006-P02 Distribution of herbicide diuron in Shiraho coral reef and its effect on coral Galaxea fascicularis Hiroyuki Fujimura
Mohammed A. Sheikh
Toru Yokota
Hiroyuki Fujimura English
BBG006-P03 The twilight zone of modern and fossil reefs in the Ryukyu Islands Marc Humblet
Yasuo Furushima
Hiroyuki Yamamoto
Marc Humblet English
BBG006-P04 Development of a new technique using visible and near-infrared lights for on-site monitoring of coral health hiroshi saito hiroshi saito English
BBG006-P05 Development of coral fluorescent protein monitoring system Yasuo Furushima
Sadao Suzuki
Tadashi Maruyama
Yasuo Furushima English
BBG006-P06 Threshold of carbonate saturation state determined by CO2 control experiment Shoji Yamamoto
Hajime Kayanne
Atsushi Watanabe
Hajime Kayanne English
BBG006-P07 Evaluation of CO2 sink/source potential in a coral reef using carbonate system dynamics model Atsushi Watanabe
Kazuo Nadaoka
Yuji Maeda
Atsushi Watanabe English
BBG006-P08 Model development for simulating nutrient dynamics in coral reefs Takahiro Yamamoto
Atsushi Watanabe
Yasuaki Tanaka
Takahiro Yamamoto English