Outline of Session


Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary(M) / Intersection(IS)
M-IS008 Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics

Short title Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics
Oral presentation
May 27 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) Exibition hall 7 subroom 2 Jun Izutsu  / Katsumi Hattori 
Poster presentation
May 27 (Core Time 17:15 - 18:45) Convention Hall
Contact Masashi Kamogawa
Email kamogawa@u-gakugei.ac.jp
Convener Masashi Kamogawa 
Scope This session deals with the general survey (or review) and contributions on the recent studies of EM phenomena associated with EQs and VEs (SEMS). One of the main targets of the session is to clarify LAI coupling problem. Furthermore, in March 2006, Prof. Motoji Ikeya of Osaka University, who made a huge amount of contributions on this subject, suddenly died. We memorize his works in the session.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 27 AM1 (09:00-10:30) Exibition hall 7 subroom 2                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 MIS008-01 Empirical relation between seismic activity in the southern Hokkaido and EQ Echo observed at HSS station. Takeo Moriya
Toru Mogi
Takeo Moriya English
09:15 - 09:30 MIS008-02 Measurement of pre-seismic atmospheric anomalies in Hokkaido, Japan Isao Yamamoto
Takeo Moriya
Masashi Kamogawa
Isao Yamamoto English
09:30 - 09:45 MIS008-03 Activation of positive holes induced in igneous rocks under non-uniform stress Akihiro Takeuchi
Omer Aydan
Keizo Sayanagi
Akihiro Takeuchi English
09:45 - 10:00 MIS008-04 Development of small-size field mill for detecting pre-seismic atmospheric electric field variation Hironobu Fujiwara
Koji Inazaki
Masashi Kamogawa
Hironobu Fujiwara English
10:00 - 10:15 MIS008-05 Propagation of earth-originating electromangentic pulses Minoru Tsutsui
Munetoshi Kamitani
Taka Nakatani
Minoru Tsutsui English
10:15 - 10:30 MIS008-06 EM pre-seismic responses related to the intermediate depth earthquakes occurred in the active Vrancea zone, Romania Dumitru STANICA
Dragos Armand Stanica
Dumitru STANICA English

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 27  Core Time (17:15-18:45) Convention Hall                    to the top
MIS008-P01 Causal mechanism of Luminous phenomena in 2001 Shizuoka Earthquake (M5.1), Japan Yoichi Noda
Masashi Kamogawa
Toshiyasu Nagao
Yoichi Noda English
MIS008-P02 Luminous phenomena in 2007 Mw8.0 Peru earthquake: Location of luminous source Akihiro Tanaka
Masashi Kamogawa
Akihiro Tanaka English
MIS008-P03 Characteristic EQ echoes observed at HSS before earthquakes which occurred off Cape Erimo. Takeo Moriya
Toru Mogi
Takeo Moriya English
MIS008-P04 Application of wavelet transform to EQ-echo records and its effect Haruyuki Yamashita
Tomonori Watanabe
Takeo Moriya
Haruyuki Yamashita English
MIS008-P05 VHF anomalous transmission associated with lightning activity Nozomi Ohno
Masashi Kamogawa
Hironobu Fujiwara
Nozomi Ohno English
MIS008-P06 The observation of seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in Earth Watch Safety Net Research Center, Chubu University Jun Izutsu
Kenji Ohta
Masayasu Hata
Jun Izutsu English
MIS008-P07 ULF Electromagnetic Anomaly Associated with Two Large 2009 Earthquakes in Indonesia Febty Febriani
Takuya Hirano
Katsumi Hattori
Febty Febriani English
MIS008-P08 Geomagnetic transfer function analysis and fractal analysis using Esashi's MT data Takuya Hirano
Katsumi Hattori
Takuya Hirano English