Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Science of the Earth's Interior & Techtonophysics(IT) /  **International Session
S-IT043 On the Cause of Continental Drift

Short title On the Cause of Continental Drift
Poster presentation
May 25 (Core Time 17:15 - 18:45) Convention Hall
Contact Shinichiro Mado
Email Shinichiro@marosa.jp
Convener Shinichiro Mado 
Scope We are prepareing for a presentation of a new theory on a Planetary Collision which is the Cause of Continental Drift. This new theory proposes a recosideration of plate techtonics or ploom techtonics. This proposition is essential to geosciences. Therefore, people, as many as possible, should listen this presentation.

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 25  Core Time (17:15-18:45) Convention Hall                    to the top
SIT043-P01 On the Cause of the Continental Drift Shinichiro Mado Shinichiro Mado English