Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Seismology(SS)
S-SS027 Seismic linkage of great earthquakes

Short title Seismic linkage of great earthquakes
Oral presentation
May 24 PM1 (13:45 - 15:15) 303 Koichiro Obana  / Shozo Matsumura 
May 24 PM2 (15:30 - 17:00) 303 Takashi Furumura  / Takane Hori 
Poster presentation
May 24 (Core Time 17:15 - 18:45) Convention Hall
Contact Yoshiyuki Kaneda
Email kaneday@jamstec.go.jp
Convener Yoshiyuki Kaneda  / Norihito Umino  / Masanobu Shishikura  / Kenji Satake  / Ryosuke Ando 
Scope This session aims to understand of seismic linkage of great earthquakes. We welcome the broad spectrum of the topics based on observations, experiments and numerical simulations/analyses etc. Especially, researches on great earthquakes around the Nankai trough, Indonesia and Japan trench are highly welcomed.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 24 PM1 (13:45-15:15) 303                              to the top
13:45 - 14:00 SSS027-01 Active-passive seismic studies in the Nankai trough for improving a physical model of the seismogenic zone Shuichi Kodaira
Ayako Nakanishi
Koichiro Obana
Shuichi Kodaira English
14:00 - 14:15 SSS027-02 Ocean bottom earthquake observations in Hyuga-nada, western end of Nankai trough Koichiro Obana
Tsutomu Takahashi
Yojiro Yamamoto
Koichiro Obana English
14:15 - 14:30 SSS027-03 Crustal structure and segmentation of seismicity around the fault boundary of the Nankai and Tonankai great earthquakes Kimihiro Mochizuki
Kazuo Nakahigashi
Asako Kuwano
Kimihiro Mochizuki English
14:30 - 14:45 SSS027-04 Observation of very low frequency earthquakes near the Nankai Trough by using broadband ocean bottom seismometers Kazuo Nakahigashi
Yuya Machida
Takehi Isse
Kazuo Nakahigashi English
14:45 - 15:00 SSS027-05 Reappearance of seismicity change pattern in the Tokai region leaving 60 years interval since the Tonankai earthquake Shozo Matsumura Shozo Matsumura English
15:00 - 15:15 SSS027-06 The stochastic resonance model of seismic activity in the plate boundary mitsuhiro toriumi mitsuhiro toriumi English
Oral Presentation   May 24 PM2 (15:30-17:00) 303                              to the top
15:30 - 15:45 SSS027-07 Tsunami casualty estimation method and risk to coastal population along the Indian Ocean and South China Sea coast Anawat Suppasri
Fumihiko Imamura
Shunichi Koshimura
Anawat Suppasri English
15:45 - 16:00 SSS027-08 Fault models of the AD 869 Jogan earthquake inferred from tsunami deposit and computed tsunami inundation area Yuichi Namegaya
Kenji Satake
Shigeru Yamaki
Yuichi Namegaya English
16:00 - 16:15 SSS027-09 Hierarchical asperity model for multiscale characteristic earthquakes: a numerical study for the off Kamaishi events Takane Hori
Shin'ichi Miyazaki
Takane Hori English
16:15 - 16:30 SSS027-10 Dynamic rupture of anticipated Nankai-Tonankai earthquakes using plate coupling rates on the subduction interface Sebastien Hok
Eiichi Fukuyama
Chihiro Hashimoto
Sebastien Hok English
16:30 - 16:45 SSS027-11 The strong motion and tsunami by lining occurrence of the Nankai-Trough earthquake -"Worst" scenario by -3 linkage occur Takashi Furumura Takashi Furumura English
16:45 - 17:00 SSS027-12 Possibility of a hyper-earthquake along the Ryukyu arc Muneyoshi Furumoto
Masataka Ando
Muneyoshi Furumoto English

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 24  Core Time (17:15-18:45) Convention Hall                    to the top
SSS027-P01 Holocene Tsunami deposits along the Pacific coast, northeast Japan Toshifumi Imaizumi
Takahiro Miyauchi
Tatsuya Ishiyama
Toshifumi Imaizumi English
SSS027-P02 3.4 ka tsunami deposit in the Rokken-gawa lowland near Lake Hamana, Pacific coast of central Japan Osamu Fujiwara
Yoshiki Sato
Eisuke Ono
Osamu Fujiwara English
SSS027-P03 Huge boulders scattered at Hashigui-iwa, pacific side of central Japan - transported by tsunamis or not? Hideaki Maemoku
Asaka Nagai
Masanobu Shishikura
Hideaki Maemoku English
SSS027-P04 Recurrence interval and relative size of Nankai Earthquakes evaluated from tsunami sediments along the coast of Shikoku Makoto Okamura
Hiromi Matsuoka
Makoto Okamura English
SSS027-P05 Resolution for Estimating Occurrence Time of the 1707 Hoei Earthquake from Historical Documents Kentaro Imai
Akihito Nishiyama
Takuto Maeda
Kentaro Imai English
SSS027-P06 Tsunami simulation in the Western Pacific Ocean and East China Sea from the Tokai and Nankai earthquakes Tomoya Harada
Kenji Satake
Tomoya Harada English
SSS027-P07 Tsunami Source of the 1960 Chilean Earthquake inferred from Tide Gauge Data Yushiro Fujii
Kenji Satake
Yushiro Fujii English
SSS027-P08 The existence of a thrust-type tectonic line in the foreac sliver off Sumatra, and its potential to generate tsunami Masaru Nakano
Tadashi Yamashina
Hiroyuki Kumagai
Masaru Nakano English
SSS027-P09 Slip distributions of the 1963 great Kurile earthquake and the largest aftershock estimated from tsunami waveforms Kei Ioki
Yuichiro Tanioka
Kei Ioki English
SSS027-P10 Philippine Sea Plate that crawls up at each Nankai earthquake Hirofumi Mase Hirofumi Mase English
SSS027-P11 Regional variation of decollement reflection along the Nankai subduction zone Jiyoon Lim
Tomoyuki Sasaki
Masayuki Higashi
Jiyoon Lim English
SSS027-P12 Crustal structure of the Tokai region Narumi Takahashi
Tetsuo No
Shuichi Kodaira
Narumi Takahashi English
SSS027-P13 Low-frequency events beneath the landward slope along the Nankai trough observed by ocean bottom seismographs Koichiro Obana
Aki Ito
Hiroko Sugioka
Koichiro Obana English
SSS027-P14 Structural factor controlling the Hyuga-nada segment, western edge of the Nankai mega-earthquake Ayako Nakanishi
Shuichi Kodaira
Gou Fujie
Ayako Nakanishi English
SSS027-P15 Deep structure of the Philippine Sea slab subducted in the Hyuga-nada region Yojiro Yamamoto
Shuichi Kodaira
Gou Fujie
Yojiro Yamamoto English
SSS027-P16 Path dependence of seismic wave scattering in the Hyuga-nada region Tsutomu Takahashi
Shuichi Kodaira
Gou Fujie
Tsutomu Takahashi English
SSS027-P17 Large-scale earthquake cycle simulations in an infinite homogeneous elastic medium with Fast Multipole Method Kazuro Hirahara
Makiko Ohtani
Noa Mitsui
Kazuro Hirahara English
SSS027-P18 FMM Application to the Slip Response Function Used in EQ Cycle Simulations in a Semi-infinite Elastic Medium. Makiko Ohtani
Kazuro Hirahara
Makiko Ohtani English
SSS027-P19 3-D cell model simulation of earthquake generation cycles in Southwest Japan in a layered viscoelastic medium Yosuke Shikakura
Yukitoshi Fukahata
Noa Mitsui
Yosuke Shikakura English
SSS027-P20 Modeling of earthquake cycles along the Nankai Trough: Recurrence interval variation due to the stressing rate change Mamoru Hyodo
Takane Hori
Mamoru Hyodo English
SSS027-P21 Rupture propagation beyond fault discontinuities under depth-dependent stress: Effect of thermal pressurization Yumi Urata
Keiko Kuge
Yuko Kase
Yumi Urata English
SSS027-P22 Modeling of Asperity in terms of Spatial Inhomogeneity in the Effect of Inelastic Pore Creation Takehito Suzuki Takehito Suzuki English
SSS027-P23 Numerical simulations of temperature distributions associated with subduction of the Yoichiro Suminokura
Shoichi Yoshioka
Takumi Matsumoto
Yoichiro Suminokura English
SSS027-P24 Global barotropic ocean modeling for detection of seafloor vertical deformation from ocean bottom pressure observation Daisuke Inazu
Ryota Hino
Hiromi Fujimoto
Ryota Hino English
SSS027-P25 Development of Real time monitoring system (DONET) for understanding mega thrust Yoshiyuki Kaneda
Katsuyoshi Kawaguchi
Eiichirou Araki
Yoshiyuki Kaneda English