JpGU Meeting 2011 - Session Program-
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Abstract download opens 13th May
Session informartion : Updated 18th May
presentation No. changes presenter title
Updated 18th May
SCG009-10 Author added(Motohiko Murakami,Eiji Ohtani) Taro Nishimoto Structural change of hydrous sodium silicate glass under high pressure using Brillouin and Raman spectroscopies
PEM026-07 Canceled Masao Nakamura 3D hybrid simulation of the mini-magnetosphere
SSS026-P03 Canceled Sadaki Hori Disagreement of first motion polarities of P wave with the focal mechanism solution
STT057-12 Canceled Makoto Omura Elevation Correlating Residuals in D-InSAR Phases for the Central Part of Kyushu, Japan
MIS021-11 Presentr Keiji Kimura>Shin-ichi Takehiro Mean-zonal-flow generation in Boussinesq thermal convection in a rotating spherical shell
PPS024-01 Canceled Yoshifumi Futaana Solar wind-regolith interaction: High reflection of the solar wind
SCG066-03 >invited Shigeki Tasaka Radon and Dischage Water Observations in Wari-ishi Hot Spring, Gifu Prefecture
SCG062-19 Time
Tanio Ito Formative process of the Beppu-Simabara Graben and its active tectonics
PPS001-11 Canceled Kunio M. Sayanagi Polar Atmospheric Dynamics of Giant Planets
SSS023-17 Presenter Takeshi Kurose>Satoru Fujihara CMT inversion considering the isotropic component-Focal mechanism difference between a fault event and a volcanic one-
ACG032-17 Presenter Daiki Yoshida>Yusuke Akiya Development of a database of quick-look plots for the earth and space science data
U003-13 Presenter Naomoto Iwagami>Shoko Ohtsuki Ground-based observations of atmospheric waves in Venus O2 night airglow
SCG008-15 Canceled Shen Shuzhong Permian sequences and faunas in the peri-Gondwanan region and their palaeogeographical and tectonic implications
PEM027-01 Presenter Takanori Nishiyama>Takeshi Sakanoi Initial results of auroral observations using an EMCCD camera in 2010/2011 winter campaign at Poker Flat Research Range
MIS020-08 Author added(Akihito Kumamoto,Tihiro Kaito,Jun Onagawa) Yoshiro Miura Production of Co nanocrystals from a C-Co mixture amorphous film and Oriented Crystallization of Carbon
AAS021-P02 Author added(Tomoo Nagahama,Tatsuki Ogino) Satoshi Kusakari Development of the precise measurement of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with optical spectrum analyzer
Updated 11th May
PEM007-04 Presenter Tomoyuki Higuchi>Shin'ya Nakano Estimation of temporal evolution of the plasmasphere using IMAGE/EUV data
MGI032-07 Author added
(youichi ISHIKAWA, masayuki KANO, shinichi MIYAZAKI, kazuro HIRAHARA, takane HORI)
yoshihisa HIYOSHI Simultaneous estimation of frictional parameters on earthquake and afterslip rapture areas using an adjoint method
MGI030-08 Presenter Tadashi Ishikawa>Hiroyuki YORITAKA Establishment of "Marine Information Clearing House" in Japan
PPS020-04 Author added(Hidekazu Tanaka) Satoshi Okuzumi Coagulation and radial drift of dust aggregates: the effect of porosity evolution
PPS024-21 Presenter corrected
Binaya Kumar Mishra>Hiroaki Matsuoka Modes of convective flow through deformable porous media,implication for lunar crust formation
PEM007-02 Canceled Kunihiro Keika Non-adiabatic ion acceleration in the Earth's inner magnetosphere on a substorm time scale
PEM005-09 Canceled Kunihiro Keika Response of ring current ion dynamics during the storm recovery phase to different solar wind drivers
AAS020-P04 Author added
(Tomoo Nagahama, Tatsuki Ogino, Takayuki Umeda)
Yu Okawa Development of semi centimeter-wave atmosphere observation system for stratospheric water vapor distribution
PEM028-P01 Canceled Daizaburo Wada Relation between activities on the solar surface and solar wind variation
SVC007-09 Time
Takashi Sano Magma variety and stratigraphy of Ori Massif, Shatsky Rise
SVC007-08 Time
Kenji Shimizu Uplift and subsidence of Shatsky Rise: inferred from volatiles in fresh volcanic glasses
SVC007-02 Presenter Anthony Koppers>Toshitsugu Yamazaki Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 330: Louisville Seamount Trail and its Relation to the Ontong Java Plateau
U004-05 Canceled Todd King The Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) Project and the Heliophysics Data Environment
APE031-18 Canceled Manato Kuriyama TOC, TN and stable isotope study on the BIW07-5 core off Nagahama in Lake Biwa, Japan
Updated 2th May
SGD021-P04 Presenter Hideki Kojima>Isao Kageyama Construction of GEONET quasi-real-time analysis system
SEM036-P09 Canceled Shoko Tachibana Paleomagnetic thermal history of faulting: constraints from the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
SVC007-P02 Canceled Anthony Koppers Preliminary 40Ar/39Ar Ages of the Shatsky Rise, IODP Expedition 324
SVC007-01 Presenter William Sager>Takashi Sano The Shatsky Rise Supervolcano
HGM002-03 Presentation (Canceled>HGM002−P02) Toshikazu Tamura Geomorphic development in a basin fringe in West Java and its effect on agro-landscape differentiation
PEM006-12 Presentation (Canceled>PEM006-P06) Mamoru Yamamoto Study of equatorial Spread-F with GNU Radio Beacon Receiver (GRBR) network in Asia, Pacific and Africa
Updated 27th Apr
SVC52-10 Presenter Kenji Mibe>Tatsuhiko Kawamoto Two magmatic series through separation of slab-derived supercritical fluid into aqueous fluid and melt
PEM006-12 Canceled Andreas Keiling Vortical Structures in the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere, their Relationships and Effects
PEM032-16 Presenter Kunihito Nakanishi>Toshihiko Iyemori Ordinary existing magnetic micropulsations and their relation to small-scale magnetic fluctuations over the ionosphere
SRD043-01 Presenter Akira Imai>Kenzo Sanematsu Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of ion-adsorption type REE mineralization: A case of Phuket, Thailand
Updated 20th Apr
SGC053-04 Presenter Conel Alexander>Tetsuya Yokoyama Evaluation of parent body processes on presolar components in chondrites
AAS022-13 Presenter Toshiyuki Hibiya>Noki Furuichi Assessment of turbulence closure models for resonant inertial response in the oceanic mixed layer using LES
SCG062-18 Canceled Shinji Nagaoka Quaternary tectonics of Miyazaki Plain and Kyushu Mountain, southern Japan
HDS027-15 Canceled JungHae CHOI Numerical Analysis for Permeability of Clay on Natural Terrane
Updated 13th Apr
AHW025-12 Author added
(Maki Tsujimura et al)
Wataru Yamada Interaction between surface water and groundwater in Sbiba,Tunisia
AAS020-13 Canceled Tomoki Ohno A new estimation method of the momentum fluxes associated with gravity waves
HGM002-03 Canceled A. Orkhonselenge Limno-geomorphological changes during Late Pleistocene and
SVC007-07 Canceled Ken Heydolph Early stage of Shatsky Rise formation: Isotope-geochemical characterization (Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf) of Site U1347A
SVC048-P10 Canceled audray delcamp Textural characterisation of Volcanic Debris Avalanche Deposit matrix through field and SEM study
Updated 7th Apr
U004-09 Presenter Takayuki Nakamura>(Undecided) Activities for the development of Global Map Version 2
GHE024-14 Canceled Yuko Murakami Science as enterprise: a case study of geosciences
PPS024-P09 Canceled Tetsuya Higa The Lunar Electrical Conductivity Structure using Magnetic Data Set of KAGUYA
PEM026-22 Canceled Ai Kato Effects of Synchrotron-Weibel Instabilities on Relativistic Perpendicular Shock Acceleration in Pair-Ion Plasmas