Outline of Session


Human Geosciences(H) / Complex & General(CG)
H-CG31 A relationship among submarine slides, submarine mass movements and our society

Short title Submarine slides
Oral presentation
May 20 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 105 Kiichiro Kawamura  / Toshiya Kanamatsu 
Poster presentation
May 20 (Core Time 10:45 - 12:15, 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Kiichiro Kawamura
Email kiichirokawamura@gmail.com
Convener Kiichiro Kawamura  / Yasuhiro Yamada 
Scope Submarine landslides are one of the important geo-hazard topics in next phase of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (new IODP). Submarine landslide studies are being propelled strongly by two International Geological Correlation Programmes (IGCP-511; 2005-2009 and IGCP-585; 2010-2014). Furthermore, an international symposium related to IGCP-585 was held in Kyoto from 24-26 October, 2011. The main objective of this session is to bring a world-wide perspective of submarine mass movements and their consequences by assembling state-of-the-art contributions from international researchers of academic institutions and the offshore industry, and to stimulate the research. This session provides full coverage of the scientific and engineering aspects of this type of marine and coastal geo-hazards.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 20 AM1 (09:00-10:30) 105                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 HCG31-01 Boso triple junction: large-scale instability and landsliding for potential tsunami genesis Yujiro Ogawa Yujiro Ogawa English
09:15 - 09:30 HCG31-02 Scientific drilling for elucidation of submarine landslide mechanism Sumito Morita Sumito Morita English
09:30 - 09:45 HCG31-03 Trapped sediment in Ocean Bottom Seismometers - The 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake and earthquake-induced turbidite Ryo Miura
Kazuno Arai
Hajime Naruse
Ryo Miura English
09:45 - 10:00 Invited
Submarine Liquefied Sediment Flows: Characteristics and Their Potential Impacts on Societies Shinji Sassa Shinji Sassa English
10:00 - 10:15 Invited
A slope stability study for marine gas hydrate resource development Koji Yamamoto
Tore Jan Kvalstad
Koji Yamamoto English
10:15 - 10:30 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
HCG31-P02 Large submarine landslides in the Japan Trench: An old but new scenario for tsunami generation Kiichiro Kawamura
Tomoyuki Sasaki
Toshiya Kanamatsu
Kiichiro Kawamura English
HCG31-P03 Mass Transfer deposits along the splay fault Nankai Trough, Kumanonada: Deformation structure and transfer direction of Toshiya Kanamatsu
Juichiro Ashi
Kiichiro Kawamura
Toshiya Kanamatsu English
HCG31-P04 Submarine landslide structure in the lower Pleistocene slope deposits, exposed at the Miura Peninsula, central Japan. Atsushi Nozaki
Chie Kusu
Ryuichi Majima
Atsushi Nozaki English
HCG31-P06 Experimental Study on Motion Mechanism of Submarine Landslides Mitsuki Honda
Wang Fawu
Tomokazu Sonoyama
Mitsuki Honda English

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 20  Core Time (10:45-12:15, 17:15-18:30)                     to the top
HCG31-P01 Benthic foraminiferal faunas in the sediment into OBSs off Miyagi after 2011 earthquake of the Pacific coast of Tohoku Shiro Hasegawa
Ryo Miura
Shiro Hasegawa English
HCG31-P02 Large submarine landslides in the Japan Trench: An old but new scenario for tsunami generation Kiichiro Kawamura
Tomoyuki Sasaki
Toshiya Kanamatsu
Kiichiro Kawamura English
HCG31-P03 Mass Transfer deposits along the splay fault Nankai Trough, Kumanonada: Deformation structure and transfer direction of Toshiya Kanamatsu
Juichiro Ashi
Kiichiro Kawamura
Toshiya Kanamatsu English
HCG31-P04 Submarine landslide structure in the lower Pleistocene slope deposits, exposed at the Miura Peninsula, central Japan. Atsushi Nozaki
Chie Kusu
Ryuichi Majima
Atsushi Nozaki English
HCG31-P05 Characteristic of submarine landslide deposit,observed and the Nebukawa coustal area Masatoshi Yagi
Shiino Sawaka
Izumi Sakamoto
Masatoshi Yagi English
HCG31-P06 Experimental Study on Motion Mechanism of Submarine Landslides Mitsuki Honda
Wang Fawu
Tomokazu Sonoyama
Mitsuki Honda English