Outline of Session


Biogeosciences(B) / Astrobiology & the Origin of Life(AO) /  **International Session
B-AO01 Astrobiology: Origins, Evolution, Distribution of Life

Short title Astrobiology
Oral presentation
May 24 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 202 Masatoshi Ohishi  / Takeshi Kakegawa 
May 24 AM2 (10:45 - 12:15) 202 Eiichi Tajika  / Akihiko Yamagishi 
May 24 PM1 (13:45 - 15:15) 202 Kensei Kobayashi 
Poster presentation
May 24 (Core Time 15:30 - 17:00, 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Kensei Kobayashi
Email kkensei@ynu.ac.jp
Convener Kensei Kobayashi  / Akihiko Yamagishi  / Masatoshi Ohishi  / Eiichi Tajika  / Takeshi Kakegawa 
Scope Astrobiology is a new interdisciplinary science field that intends to address the origins, evolution, distribution and destiny of life on Earth and elsewhere in the universe. In this session, every topic of Astrobiology will be discussed, including cosmic evolution, primitive Earth environments and origins of life, coevolution of life and Earth, life in extreme environments, etc.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 24 AM1 (09:00-10:30) 202                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 BAO01-01 Theoretical Investigation of a Mechanism of Chirality Induction for Amino Acids in the Early Solar System Akimasa Sato
Mitsuo Shoji
Katsumasa Kamiya
Akimasa Sato
09:15 - 09:30 BAO01-02 Possibility of organic matter formations in irradiated CO2 and CH4 hydrates on Mars Motoi Oshima
Atsushi Tani
Katsuhisa Kitano
Motoi Oshima
09:30 - 09:45 BAO01-03 Tanpopo: Astrobiology exposure and micrometeoroid capture experiments Akihiko Yamagishi
Shin-ichi Yokobori
Hirofumi Hashimoto
Shin-ichi Yokobori
09:45 - 10:15 Invited
Origins of life from the point of view of evolution of biochemical functions Kensei Kobayashi Kensei Kobayashi
10:15 - 10:30 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
BAO01-P01 Stability and alteration of amino acid-related compounds against soft X-rays and extreme UV in interplanetary space Yukinori Kawamoto
Midori Eto
Takuto Okabe
Yukinori Kawamoto
BAO01-P02 Studies on stabillity of nucleic acid bases by irradiation with soft X-rays and heavy ions Takuto Okabe
Yukinori Kawamoto
Midori Eto
Takuto Okabe
BAO01-P03 Possible amino acid formation pathways in submarine hydrothermal systems Yuichi Kondo
Kurihara Hironari
Hideharu Kuwahara
Yuichi Kondo
BAO01-P07 Effects of metal ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+) and pH on the formation and decomposition rates of di- and tripeptides Kasumi Sakata
Hikaru Yabuta
Kasumi Sakata
BAO01-P09 Microbe space exposure experiments at International Space Station (ISS) in the mission "Tanpopo" Yuko Kawaguchi
Yinjie Yang
Narutoshi Kawashiri
Yuko Kawaguchi
Oral Presentation   May 24 AM2 (10:45-12:15) 202                              to the top
10:45 - 11:15 Invited
Origin and birth place of life on the Earth Shigenori Maruyama Shigenori Maruyama
11:15 - 11:45 Invited
Abiogenic graphite in the 3.8 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt Takeshi Kakegawa Takeshi Kakegawa
11:45 - 12:15 Invited
Was the Archean atmosphere reducing? Hiroshi Ohmoto Hiroshi Ohmoto
Oral Presentation   May 24 PM1 (13:45-15:15) 202                              to the top
13:45 - 14:00 BAO01-08 Does bimodal distribution of carbon isotopes of 3.0 Ga kerogen mean oxygenic photosynthesis? Takeshi Kakegawa
Kazuya Yokota
Takeshi Kakegawa
14:00 - 14:15 BAO01-09 Linking multiple sulfur isotopic characteristics of Archean sedimentary rocks to their depositional environments Yumiko Watanabe
Yumiko Watanabe
14:15 - 14:45 Invited
Molecular resurrection of the genes of common ancestor of all the living organisms Akihiko Yamagishi Akihiko Yamagishi
14:45 - 15:00 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
BAO01-P10 A characteristic and problems of active life materials formed at the multiple cyclic systems in water planet Yasunori Miura Yasunori Miura

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 24  Core Time (15:30-17:00, 17:15-18:30)                     to the top
BAO01-P01 Stability and alteration of amino acid-related compounds against soft X-rays and extreme UV in interplanetary space Yukinori Kawamoto
Midori Eto
Takuto Okabe
Yukinori Kawamoto
BAO01-P02 Studies on stabillity of nucleic acid bases by irradiation with soft X-rays and heavy ions Takuto Okabe
Yukinori Kawamoto
Midori Eto
Takuto Okabe
BAO01-P03 Possible amino acid formation pathways in submarine hydrothermal systems Yuichi Kondo
Kurihara Hironari
Hideharu Kuwahara
Yuichi Kondo
BAO01-P04 Effects of glycine and its decomposition products on polymerization of methionine under high temperature and pressure Rui Huang
Yoshihiro Furukawa
Takeshi Kakegawa
Rui Huang
BAO01-P05 Effects of salt on organic molecule formations by oceanic impacts on early Earth Chizuka Suzuki
Yoshihiro Furukawa
Takamichi Kobayashi
Chizuka Suzuki
BAO01-P06 Effects of borate on the reaction between glyceraldehyde and glycoraldehyde Mana Horiuchi
Yoshihiro Furukawa
Takeshi Kakegawa
Mana Horiuchi
BAO01-P07 Effects of metal ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+) and pH on the formation and decomposition rates of di- and tripeptides Kasumi Sakata
Hikaru Yabuta
Kasumi Sakata
BAO01-P08 Decomposition and peptide formation of glycine on oxide and mineral surface under dry and wet conditions Shigeshi Fuchida
Harue Masuda
Shigeshi Fuchida
BAO01-P09 Microbe space exposure experiments at International Space Station (ISS) in the mission "Tanpopo" Yuko Kawaguchi
Yinjie Yang
Narutoshi Kawashiri
Yuko Kawaguchi
BAO01-P10 A characteristic and problems of active life materials formed at the multiple cyclic systems in water planet Yasunori Miura Yasunori Miura