Outline of Session


Human Geosciences(H) / Social Earth Sciences & Civil/Urban System Sciences(SC)
H-SC24 Human environment and disaster risk

Short title Human environment and disaster risk
Oral presentation
May 23 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 102B Yasuhiro Suzuki 
May 23 AM2 (10:45 - 12:15) 102B Toshihiko Sugai 
May 23 PM1 (13:45 - 15:15) 102B Mamoru Koarai 
Poster presentation
May 23 (Core Time 15:30 - 17:00, 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Yasuhiro Suzuki
Email suzuki@seis.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Convener Yasuhiro Suzuki  / Mamoru Koarai  / Toshihiko Sugai  / Hiroshi Une  / Yoichi Nakamura  / Toshinari Nagasaka  / Jun Matsumoto 
Scope This session discusses disaster risks being inherent in the natural and human environment, which sometimes happen to appear at a disaster, from the viewpoint of not only natural sciences but also social and human sciences. Examples of discussion subjects are as follows: uncertainty of forecasting disaster and problems of huge disaster with low frequency that raised from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the methodology for improving hazard maps, national recovery plans considering probable changes or sustainability of the society, international cooperation for disaster mitigation, problems of active faults or liquefaction, adjusting disaster mitigation plan to the regional characteristics, technical development for supporting disaster prevention.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM1 (09:00-10:30) 102B                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 HSC24-01 Significance and Course of Damage Maps of the Area hit by the Tsunami of 2011, Northeast Japan 1:25,000-scale Tsunami Damage Mapping Team, Association of Japanese Geographers
Nobuhisa Matsuta
Nobuhisa Matsuta
09:15 - 09:30 HSC24-02 Tsunami flow on the Sendai and Ishinomaki plains in relation to their landforms and geoenvironment Masatomo Umitsu
Masatomo Umitsu
09:30 - 09:45 HSC24-03 Inland Liquefaction in Tochigi Prefecture Caused by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Yoichi Nakamura Yoichi Nakamura
09:45 - 10:00 HSC24-04 Distribution of Liquefaction Damage in Inland Area and its Evaluation in Hazard Map: A Case Study of Abiko City Hiroshi Une
Masafumi Aoyama
HASEGAWA, Tomonori
Hiroshi Une
10:00 - 10:15 HSC24-05 Effectiveness of interoperability of GIS data in wide-area disaster: Case in the Great East Japan Earthquake Yuichiro Usuda
Toshinari Nagasaka
Yuichiro Usuda
10:15 - 10:30 HSC24-06 Geographic characteristics information of hazard area in large earthquake Mamoru Koarai
Izumi Kamiya
Kosei Otoi
Mamoru Koarai
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM2 (10:45-12:15) 102B                              to the top
10:45 - 11:00 HSC24-07 Practical-use of GIS by municipality and civilian considering continuity between normal and disaster period Koichi Asano Koichi Asano
11:00 - 11:15 HSC24-08 Development of risk communication method on the town reconstruction planning Taiyoung Yi
Toshinari Nagasaka
Yohei Sunaga
Taiyoung Yi
11:15 - 11:30 HSC24-09 Archive activities of tsunami escape action to interview for business place Toshinari Nagasaka
Hiroaki Tsubokawa
Shinya Miura
Toshinari Nagasaka
11:30 - 11:45 HSC24-10 Discussion on the social demand level of hazard estimation Yasuhiro Suzuki Yasuhiro Suzuki
11:45 - 12:00 HSC24-11 Co-seismic uplift and active fault around in the western part of Noto peninsula, central Japan Mitsuhisa Watanabe
Yasuhiro Suzuki
Mitsuhisa Watanabe
12:00 - 12:15 HSC24-12 Study on the legends of ancient and historical tsunamis hanbed by Ainu Race Yoshinobu Tsuji
IMAI, Kentaro
HORIE, Takehito
Yoshinobu Tsuji
Oral Presentation   May 23 PM1 (13:45-15:15) 102B                              to the top
13:45 - 14:00 HSC24-13 A reservoir rip by the 2011 storm and flood damage and the influence Noboru Furuta Noboru Furuta
14:00 - 14:15 HSC24-14 Long-term changes of heavy rainfalls in Vietnam Jun Matsumoto
Nguyen Thi Hoang Ahn
Nobuhiko Endo
Jun Matsumoto
14:15 - 14:30 HSC24-15 A Study from the Questionnaire Result to Youth and Senior Citizens on Preparation for Emergency - Zagreb, Croatia Naoko Kimura
Yosuke Yamashiki
Naoko Kimura
14:30 - 14:45 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
HSC24-P01 Detection criteria for tsunami-inundation area of the Tohoku earthquake, based on air-photo stereo-pair interpretation Tsunami Damage Mapping Team, Association of Japanese Geographers
Nobuhiko Sugito
Nobuhiko Sugito
HSC24-P02 Comparison between Liquefaction Area Associated with the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and Interferometric SAR Coherence Change Tomokazu Kobayashi
Mikio Tobita
Mamoru Koarai
Tomokazu Kobayashi
HSC24-P03 Consideration on the distribution of liquefied sites in relation to the micro-topography and land history Masafumi Aoyama
Takushi Koyama
Masafumi Aoyama
HSC24-P04 Liquefaction-Fluidization phenomena in Chiba on Kanto Basin at the 2011 Earthquake off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Osamu Kazaoka
Kunio Furuno
Atsushi Kagawa
Osamu Kazaoka
HSC24-P05 Distribution of Geplogical Disaster by Liquefaction-Eluidizatio Phenomena on Boso peninsula at The-2011 off the Paclfic Kunio Furuno
Osamu Kazaoka
Takashi Kusuda
Kunio Furuno
14:45 - 15:00 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
HSC24-P06 Optimized shape design of gravel drains in liquefaction countermeasures Hidetaka Saomoto
Masayuki Yoshimi
Hidetaka Saomoto
HSC24-P07 Rough forecast damage just after earthquake Izumi Kamiya
Mamoru Koarai
Kosei Otoi
Izumi Kamiya
HSC24-P08 Grasping damage situation by accessibility to internet servers Izumi Kamiya Izumi Kamiya
HSC24-P09 Relief energy of slope failures area affected by the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004 Takahito Kuroki
Mamoru Koarai
Taku Komatsubara
Takahito Kuroki
HSC24-P10 Geomorphic characteristics of landslides caused by the Northern Nagano Prefecture Earthquake of Mar. 12, 2011 Yukari MATSUSHITA
15:00 - 15:15 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
HSC24-P11 Effects of school education for disaster prevention -An evaluation through the experience of the Tohoku Earthquake- Yoshiyuki Murayama Yoshiyuki Murayama
HSC24-P12 "100 Active fault-scape in Japan" movement and its implication in reduction of disaster risk Isamu Toyokura
Takashi Azuma
Atsumasa Okada
Isamu Toyokura

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 23  Core Time (15:30-17:00, 17:15-18:30)                     to the top
HSC24-P01 Detection criteria for tsunami-inundation area of the Tohoku earthquake, based on air-photo stereo-pair interpretation Tsunami Damage Mapping Team, Association of Japanese Geographers
Nobuhiko Sugito
Nobuhiko Sugito
HSC24-P02 Comparison between Liquefaction Area Associated with the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and Interferometric SAR Coherence Change Tomokazu Kobayashi
Mikio Tobita
Mamoru Koarai
Tomokazu Kobayashi
HSC24-P03 Consideration on the distribution of liquefied sites in relation to the micro-topography and land history Masafumi Aoyama
Takushi Koyama
Masafumi Aoyama
HSC24-P04 Liquefaction-Fluidization phenomena in Chiba on Kanto Basin at the 2011 Earthquake off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Osamu Kazaoka
Kunio Furuno
Atsushi Kagawa
Osamu Kazaoka
HSC24-P05 Distribution of Geplogical Disaster by Liquefaction-Eluidizatio Phenomena on Boso peninsula at The-2011 off the Paclfic Kunio Furuno
Osamu Kazaoka
Takashi Kusuda
Kunio Furuno
HSC24-P06 Optimized shape design of gravel drains in liquefaction countermeasures Hidetaka Saomoto
Masayuki Yoshimi
Hidetaka Saomoto
HSC24-P07 Rough forecast damage just after earthquake Izumi Kamiya
Mamoru Koarai
Kosei Otoi
Izumi Kamiya
HSC24-P08 Grasping damage situation by accessibility to internet servers Izumi Kamiya Izumi Kamiya
HSC24-P09 Relief energy of slope failures area affected by the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004 Takahito Kuroki
Mamoru Koarai
Taku Komatsubara
Takahito Kuroki
HSC24-P10 Geomorphic characteristics of landslides caused by the Northern Nagano Prefecture Earthquake of Mar. 12, 2011 Yukari MATSUSHITA
HSC24-P11 Effects of school education for disaster prevention -An evaluation through the experience of the Tohoku Earthquake- Yoshiyuki Murayama Yoshiyuki Murayama
HSC24-P12 "100 Active fault-scape in Japan" movement and its implication in reduction of disaster risk Isamu Toyokura
Takashi Azuma
Atsumasa Okada
Isamu Toyokura
HSC24-P13 Liquefaction-Fluidization phenomena in the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake : Tokyo bay reclaimed land in Urayasu area Atsushi Kagawa
Osamu Kazaoka
Kunio Furuno
Atsushi Kagawa
HSC24-P14 Development of a tunable differential absorption lidar using a mid-infrared laser to detect toxic gasses Masaki Inagaki
Taku D Kawahara
Takayuki Tomida
Masaki Inagaki
HSC24-P15 Tropical cyclone activities and their impacts on greenhouses under Agricultural Disaster Compensation System Wataru Morishima
Masahiko Morozumi
Wataru Morishima