

領域外・複数領域(M) / ジョイント(IS) /  **国際セッション
M-IS03 Changes in Northern Asia and the Arctic: Their feedbacks to the Globe

プログラム掲載短縮名 Changes in Northern Asia and the Arctic
5月25日 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 101B Maksyutov Shamil 
5月25日 AM2 (10:45 - 12:15) 101B Groisman Pavel 
5月25日 PM1 (13:45 - 14:30) 101B 檜山 哲哉 
5月25日 (コアタイム 13:45(14:30) - 15:15, 15:30 - 16:45)  
連絡先 Groisman Pavel
メールアドレス pasha.groisman@noaa.gov
コンビーナ Groisman Pavel  Shamil Maksyutov  Tetsuya Hiyama  Ailikun 
スコープ The Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) was launched as an interdisciplinary program of internationally-supported Earth science research addressing large-scale and long-term manifestations of climate, environmental, and socioeconomic changes (focusing on Northern Eurasia) that affect the rate of global change through atmosphere-biosphere-cryosphere interactions and through strong biogeophysical and biogeochemical couplings. Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) embraces regional Earth System studies in Southern and Central Asia. Dry Land Area of extratropical Eurasia is a region of mutual interests of both these mega-projects. NEESPI and MAIRS research teams welcome a broad spectrum of participants and do not restrict their gatherings to the research team members. The particular focus of this year Session will be on the studies of the early career scientists associated with (or are interested to join) these mega-projects. The goal of the proposed Session is to bring together scientists who conduct their studies in the region to share their findings, to discuss the yet unresolved problems, and to establish fruitful collaboration within a broad range of the disciplines and research groups. We invite presentations on the biogeochemical cycles, the surface energy budget and water cycle, climate and terrestrial ecosystems interactions (land cover and land use, atmospheric aerosols, soil, and, in particular, dry land and weather extreme changes that affect and are being affected by climate and ecosystems changes), human dimension that includes, in addition to regional impact studies of environmental changes, the feedback studies of societal and land use changes on regional and global environment and climate, and tools to address the Northern Asia and the Arctic studies (paleoclimatic reconstructions, present and past field campaigns, remote sensing, and modeling).

時間 講演番号 タイトル 著者 発表者 予稿原稿
口頭発表   5月25日  AM1(09:00-10:30)  101B        このページのtopへ
09:00 - 09:15 MIS03-01 Progresses of MAIRS Dryland Study in East Asia Likun Ai Likun Ai
09:15 - 09:30 MIS03-02 Challenges for Managing Rangelands under Changing Climate in Arid Regions Jiaguo Qi
Dennis Ojima
Chuluun Togtohyn
Jiaguo Qi
09:30 - 09:45 MIS03-03 Temporal-spatial Characteristics of Surface Dry/Wet status in Northeast China by NCAR/CLM3.5 Gang Tu
Liu Bo
Wang Shuyu
Gang Tu
09:45 - 10:00 MIS03-04 Treeline dynamics under the climate changes in the Russian Altai Mountains Margarita Syromyatina
Igor Moskalenko
Kirill Chistyakov
Margarita Syromyatina
10:00 - 10:15 MIS03-05 Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative in 2011-2012: An Update Pavel Groisman Pavel Groisman
10:15 - 10:30 ポスター講演3分口頭発表
講演番号 タイトル 著者 発表者 予稿原稿
MIS03-P01 環北極陸域システムの変動と気候への影響 杉本 敦子
石川 守
兒玉 裕二
杉本 敦子
MIS03-P04 Socio-economic and land productivity analysis in Central Asia: CACILM SLM IS Inception phase results Kamilya Kelgenbaeva
Chris Hatten
Peter Hayes
Kamilya Kelgenbaeva
MIS03-P05 Very heavy rains and prolonged no-rain periods in the Pacific Sector of the Northern Extratropics Pavel Groisman
Richard W. Knight
Pavel Groisman
MIS03-P07 Observed effects of integrated water vapor on long-term diurnal temperature range changes over China Tianbao Zhao Tianbao Zhao
MIS03-P08 陸面モデルにおけるサブグリッドスケールの積雪被覆率と積雪深の変化の表現 新田 友子
芳村 圭
高田 久美子
新田 友子
口頭発表   5月25日  AM2(10:45-12:15)  101B        このページのtopへ
10:45 - 11:00 ★招待
シベリア上空における大気中二酸化炭素濃度とメタン濃度の時空間変動 町田 敏暢
BELAN, Boris
町田 敏暢
11:00 - 11:15 ★招待
Megafauna and frozen soil: the drivers of atmospheric CH4 and CO2 dynamics Sergey Zimov Sergey Zimov
11:15 - 11:30 ★招待
Research on high-latitude Eurasian-global linkages at the International Arctic Research Center John Walsh
Larry Hinzman
John Walsh
11:30 - 11:45 MIS03-09 東シベリア・永久凍土帯における地下水年代の推定 檜山 哲哉
浅井 和由
コレスニコフ アレキサンダー
檜山 哲哉
11:45 - 12:00 MIS03-10 Land cover classification of West Siberian middle taiga and its application for estimating methane emission Irina Kleptsova
Ilya Filippov
Elena Lapshina
Shamil Maksyutov
12:00 - 12:15 MIS03-11 マイクロ波リモートセンシングによるシベリア地域における永久凍土の劣化のモニタリング 酒井 徹
檜山 哲哉
酒井 徹
口頭発表   5月25日  PM1(13:45-14:30)  101B        このページのtopへ
13:45 - 14:00 MIS03-12 Arctic warming, increasing snow cover and widespread boreal winter cooling Judah L Cohen
Jason C Furtado
Mathew A Barlow
Vladimir Alexeev
14:00 - 14:15 MIS03-13 東シベリアにおける夏季降水量の経年変動と長期変化の研究 安成 哲三
渡部 達郎
藤波 初木
安成 哲三
14:15 - 14:30 MIS03-14 レナ川河川流量の季節変化・経年変動とそれらの大気水循環との関係 大島 和裕
檜山 哲哉
大島 和裕

講演番号 タイトル 著者 発表者 予稿原稿
ポスター発表   5月25日 コア(13:45(14:30)-15:15, 15:30-16:45)      このページのtopへ
MIS03-P01 環北極陸域システムの変動と気候への影響 杉本 敦子
石川 守
兒玉 裕二
杉本 敦子
MIS03-P02 Analysis of Siberian CH4 flux during 1994-2010 金 憲淑
Maksyutov Shamil
Saeki Tazu
金 憲淑
MIS03-P03 東シベリア北方林における二酸化炭素と水蒸気の正味生態系交換量 小谷 亜由美
小谷 亜由美
MIS03-P04 Socio-economic and land productivity analysis in Central Asia: CACILM SLM IS Inception phase results Kamilya Kelgenbaeva
Chris Hatten
Peter Hayes
Kamilya Kelgenbaeva
MIS03-P05 Very heavy rains and prolonged no-rain periods in the Pacific Sector of the Northern Extratropics Pavel Groisman
Richard W. Knight
Pavel Groisman
MIS03-P06 Changes in pan and visible evaporation over Asian Russia NINA SPERANSKAYA NINA SPERANSKAYA
MIS03-P07 Observed effects of integrated water vapor on long-term diurnal temperature range changes over China Tianbao Zhao Tianbao Zhao
MIS03-P08 陸面モデルにおけるサブグリッドスケールの積雪被覆率と積雪深の変化の表現 新田 友子
芳村 圭
高田 久美子
新田 友子