Outline of Session


Space and Planetary Sciences(P) / Complex & General(CG) /  **International Session
P-CG14 Instrumentation for space science

Short title Instrumentation for space science
Oral presentation
May 23 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 202 Hirotsugu Kojima 
May 23 AM2 (10:45 - 12:00) 202 Atsushi Kumamoto 
May 23 PM1 (13:45 - 15:15) 202 Satoshi Kasahara 
May 23 PM2 (15:30 - 17:00) 202 Yoshifumi Saito 
Poster presentation
May 23 (Core Time 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Hirotsugu Kojima
Email kojima@rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Convener Hirotsugu Kojima  / C. Z. (Frank) Cheng  / Yoshifumi Saito 
Scope This session will cover instrumentation and measurement techniques for the study of space science. We welcome contributions discussing newly designed instruments, and mission oriented instruments already in space or near launch as well as the ground based instruments. Status reports on the space missions are also welcome. This is the international session. We encourage the contributions especially from the Asian countries based on their own space missions.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM1 (09:00-10:30) 202                              to the top
09:00 - 09:30 Invited
Sprint-B/ERG satellite project Takeshi Takashima
Takayuki Ono
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Takeshi Takashima
09:30 - 10:00 Invited
Development of a Low-Energy Electron Instrument LEP-e for the ERG Mission Chio Z. Cheng
Yoichi Kazama
Chian-hsiao Ho
Chio Z. Cheng
10:00 - 10:15 PCG14-03 Performance tests of medium-energy ion mass spectrometer developed for SPRINT-B (ERG) Satoshi Kasahara
Kazushi Asamura
Takeshi Takashima
Satoshi Kasahara
10:15 - 10:30 PCG14-04 Development of 0.01-25keV/q ion mass spectrometer for inner magnetospheric reserach Kazushi Asamura
Yoichi Kazama
Satoshi Kasahara
Kazushi Asamura
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM2 (10:45-12:00) 202                              to the top
10:45 - 11:15 Invited
The ESA-led JUpiter ICy moon Explorer mission: a sophisticated instrumentation in an intense radiation environment Nicolas Andre Nicolas Andre
11:15 - 11:30 PCG14-06 BepiColombo Euro-Japan Joint mission to Mercury: MMO Project Status update Hajime Hayakawa Hajime Hayakawa
11:30 - 11:45 PCG14-07 Space Experiment on Interaction between High Power Microwave and Ionospheric Plasma for Solar Power Satellite Koji Tanaka
Takumi Abe
Kenichiro Maki
Koji Tanaka
11:45 - 12:00 PCG14-08 Development of High Resolution Magnetometers for Space Plasma Study at SPDL Lin-Ni Hau
Bo Jhou Wang
Yu-Chieh Chou
Bo Jhou Wang
Oral Presentation   May 23 PM1 (13:45-15:15) 202                              to the top
13:45 - 14:15 Invited
Tiny magnetic field measurement system onboard satellites by using an ASIC chip Werner Magnes
Hans Hauer
Aris Valavanoglou
Werner Magnes
14:15 - 14:30 PCG14-10 Development of Miniaturized Plasma Wave Receiver using analog ASIC Hajime Fukuhara
Satoshi Okada
Hiromune Ishii
Hajime Fukuhara
14:30 - 14:45 PCG14-11 LED mini lidar for Planetary Exploration Masanori Kobayashi
Tatsuo Shiina
Moriaki Koyama
Masanori Kobayashi
14:45 - 15:00 PCG14-12 The Development of the Miniaturized Antenna Impedance Measurement System using ASIC Hiromune Ishii
Hajime Fukuhara
Hirotsugu Kojima
Hiromune Ishii
15:00 - 15:15 PCG14-13 Flight verification and performance of a discrete MCP anode with ASIC Yoshifumi Saito
Shoichiro Yokota
Yoshifumi Saito
Oral Presentation   May 23 PM2 (15:30-17:00) 202                              to the top
15:30 - 15:45 PCG14-14 Development of small-sized radio sensor for future Jovian mission Yasumasa Kasaba
Hiroaki Misawa
Fuminori Tsuchiya
Yasumasa Kasaba
15:45 - 16:15 Invited
Means to avoid the contamination effect of Langmuir probe measurement for ionosphere studies Koichiro Oyama
C.H Lee
Hui-Kuan Fang
Koichiro Oyama
16:15 - 16:30 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
PCG14-P01 Development of the ASIC for fluxgate magnetometers onboard space exploration satellites kyosuke Iguchi
Hirokazu Ikeda
Ayako Matsuoka
kyosuke Iguchi
PCG14-P03 Development of white-noise-applied impedance probe for high resolution electron density measurements in the ionosphere Atsushi Kumamoto
Ken Endo
Keisuke Ishiguro
Atsushi Kumamoto
PCG14-P04 Development of Electron Temperature and Density Probe(TeNeP) Koichiro Oyama
Chio Zong Cheng
Koichiro Oyama
PCG14-P05 Reciprocal contamination between electrons, protons and alphas in the radiation belts: Akebono RDM and Geant4 simulation Keiko T. Asai
Takeshi Takashima
Tatsumi Koi
Keiko T. Asai
PCG14-P06 Atmospheric Neutral Analyzer for neutral mass composition and velocity measurement in the upper atmosphere Manabu Shimoyama
Andrew W. Yau
Masafumi Hirahara
Manabu Shimoyama
16:30 - 16:45 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
PCG14-P10 Airglow observation mission with a visible spectrometer IMAP/VISI on ISS: Current status for the launch Takeshi Sakanoi
Atsushi Yamazaki
Yusuke Akiya
Takeshi Sakanoi
PCG14-P11 Ultra-high resolution observations of planetary atmospheres using Mid-Infrared LAser Heterodyne Instrument (MILAHI) Hiromu Nakagawa
Shohei Aoki
Yasumasa Kasaba
Hiromu Nakagawa
PCG14-P12 PZT sensor with current-to-voltage converting amplifier for dust observation Masanori Kobayashi
Takashi Miyachi
Seiji Takechi
Masanori Kobayashi

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 23  Core Time (17:15-18:30)                     to the top
PCG14-P01 Development of the ASIC for fluxgate magnetometers onboard space exploration satellites kyosuke Iguchi
Hirokazu Ikeda
Ayako Matsuoka
kyosuke Iguchi
PCG14-P02 Statistical evaluation of the fluctuation of the WPIA analysis Masahiro Kitahara
Yuto Katoh
Takayuki Ono
Masahiro Kitahara
PCG14-P03 Development of white-noise-applied impedance probe for high resolution electron density measurements in the ionosphere Atsushi Kumamoto
Ken Endo
Keisuke Ishiguro
Atsushi Kumamoto
PCG14-P04 Development of Electron Temperature and Density Probe(TeNeP) Koichiro Oyama
Chio Zong Cheng
Koichiro Oyama
PCG14-P05 Reciprocal contamination between electrons, protons and alphas in the radiation belts: Akebono RDM and Geant4 simulation Keiko T. Asai
Takeshi Takashima
Tatsumi Koi
Keiko T. Asai
PCG14-P06 Atmospheric Neutral Analyzer for neutral mass composition and velocity measurement in the upper atmosphere Manabu Shimoyama
Andrew W. Yau
Masafumi Hirahara
Manabu Shimoyama
PCG14-P07 Spaceborne multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer for isotope analysis Shoichiro Yokota
TOYODA, Michisato
Yoshifumi Saito
Shoichiro Yokota
PCG14-P08 Numerical model and calibration experiment on the sensor characteristics of MIA/MMO Wataru Miyake
Yoshifumi Saito
Wataru Miyake
PCG14-P09 The evaluation of the contamination on the EUV reflectance for the SPRINT-A/EXCEED mission Kentaro Uji
Ichiro Yoshikawa
Kazuo Yoshioka
Kentaro Uji
PCG14-P10 Airglow observation mission with a visible spectrometer IMAP/VISI on ISS: Current status for the launch Takeshi Sakanoi
Atsushi Yamazaki
Yusuke Akiya
Takeshi Sakanoi
PCG14-P11 Ultra-high resolution observations of planetary atmospheres using Mid-Infrared LAser Heterodyne Instrument (MILAHI) Hiromu Nakagawa
Shohei Aoki
Yasumasa Kasaba
Hiromu Nakagawa
PCG14-P12 PZT sensor with current-to-voltage converting amplifier for dust observation Masanori Kobayashi
Takashi Miyachi
Seiji Takechi
Masanori Kobayashi