Outline of Session


Space and Planetary Sciences(P) / Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment(EM) /  **International Session
P-EM08 Mesosphere-Thermosphere-Ionosphere coupling in Asian sector

Short title MTI coupling in Asian sector
Oral presentation
May 21 PM1 (13:45 - 15:15) 301B Huixin Liu 
May 21 PM2 (15:30 - 17:00) 301B Yoshihiro Kakinami 
May 22 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 301B Libo Liu 
May 22 AM2 (10:45 - 12:15) 301B Yuichi Otsuka 
May 22 PM1 (13:45 - 15:15) 301B Shigeto Watanabe 
May 22 PM2 (15:30 - 17:00) 301B Akinori Saito 
Poster presentation
May 21 (Core Time 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Huixin Liu
Email huixin@serc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Convener Huixin Liu  / Yuichi Otsuka  / Libo Liu 
Scope This session focuses on the coupling between the thermosphere-ionosphere-mesosphere (MTI) in the Asia-Oceania sector. Physics-wise, the Asia sector plays a central role in the global coupling process. This is easily understood with the fact that deep convection activity over Indonesia is the strongest on the globe and is thus the essential driver of the global coupling between the lower and upper atmosphere. Facility-wise, the Asian sector has recently enjoyed a huge increase in ground instruments probing the MTI regions. These include many meteor/MF/HF/VHF radars, all sky camaras, magnetometer chains, GPS receiver networks in India, Indonesia, China, Korea, Japan and Australia, if just to mention a few. The over observation area covers nearly all latitudes from equator to mid-latitude and extending to the pole. However, in comparison to the American sector, much less progress has been achieved in the Asian sector in terms of coordinated observations. To maximize the scientific returns, it is vital to coordinate various Asian facilities to form an "All-Asia" network instead of viewing them on a point by point basis. In responding to this need, this international session focuses on recent achievements pertaining to the MTI coupling in Asian sector. Presentations on observations/modelling of regional features obtained from the above local facilities or the combination of them are particularly welcome. Presentations on global features which provide global context to Asian studies are also highly valued. Introduction about new instrument or new observing capabilities are strongly encouraged. This session wishes to serve as a forum to exchange views and information among Asian scientists in the field of MTI, and to foster collaborations among young scientists.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 21 PM1 (13:45-15:15) 301B                              to the top
13:45 - 14:05 Invited
Seasonal variations of thermospheric nonmigrating tides observed by CHAMP and GRACE Jiyao Xu
Wenbin Wang
Jia Yue
Jiyao Xu
14:05 - 14:20 PEM08-02 Long-term variability of mean winds and its oscillations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere within +/- 22^o Venkateswara Rao Narukull
Toshitaka Tsuda
D.M. Riggin
Venkateswara Rao Narukull
14:20 - 14:40 Invited
Longitudinal and Geomagnetic Activity Modulation of the Equatorial Thermosphere Anomaly Lei Jiuhou Lei Jiuhou
14:40 - 14:55 PEM08-04 Geomagnetic conjugate observations of airglow images and neutral winds in the low and middle latitude thermosphere Kazuo Shiokawa
Daisuke Fukushima
Yuichi Otsuka
Kazuo Shiokawa
14:55 - 15:10 PEM08-05 Simulated longitudinal variations in the E-region plasma density induced by non-migrating tides Zhipeng Ren
Weixing Wan
Libo Liu
Zhipeng Ren
Oral Presentation   May 21 PM2 (15:30-17:00) 301B                              to the top
15:30 - 15:50 Invited
Acoustic Gravity Waves Triggered by the 22 July 2009 Total Solar Eclipse Jann-Yenq Liu
Yang-Yi Sun
Koichi C.H. Chen
Jann-Yenq Liu
15:50 - 16:05 PEM08-07 English Variation of Ne and Ni observed by DEMETER during the solar eclipses Kaori Mochizuki
Masashi Kamogawa
Yoshihiro Kakinami
Kaori Mochizuki
16:05 - 16:20 PEM08-08 Statistical analysis of the ionospheric responses to solar flares in solar cycle 23 Huijun Le
Libo Liu
Weixing Wan
Huijun Le
16:20 - 16:35 PEM08-09 Discrepant EUV-Proxy Correlations on Solar Cycle and Solar Rotation Timescales and the Manifestation in the Ionosphere Yiding Chen
Libo Liu
Weixing Wan
Yiding Chen
16:35 - 16:50 PEM08-10 The changes in the ionosphere during the recent deep solar minimum Libo Liu
Yiding Chen
Huijun Le
Libo Liu
16:50 - 16:53 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
PEM08-P01 Long-term variation relationship between the strength of EEJ and atmospheric disturbance in the MTI region Shuji Abe
Atsuki Shinbori
Hiroo Hayashi
Shuji Abe
Oral Presentation   May 22 AM1 (09:00-10:30) 301B                              to the top
09:00 - 09:20 Invited
Study of the Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Using Observations of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Charles Lin
Loren C. Chang
Jia-Ting Lin
Charles Lin
09:20 - 09:35 PEM08-12 Effects of Sudden Stratosphere Warming on the ionosphere Koichiro Oyama
Jhong _Ting Jhou
Jia-Ting Lin
Koichiro Oyama
09:35 - 09:50 PEM08-13 Response of the global ionospheric current system to stratospheric sudden warmings Yosuke Yamazaki
Kiyohumi Yumoto
Huixin Liu
Yosuke Yamazaki
09:50 - 10:05 PEM08-14 Comparison between GAIA model and COSMIC-TIMED/SABER observations: stratospheric warming event in 2009 Hidekatsu Jin
Yasunobu Miyoshi
Dora Pancheva
Hidekatsu Jin
10:05 - 10:20 PEM08-15 3D-Cowling Channel Model in the Sq Current System Akimasa Yoshikawa
Teiji Uozumi
Kiyohumi Yumoto
Akimasa Yoshikawa
Oral Presentation   May 22 AM2 (10:45-12:15) 301B                              to the top
10:45 - 11:05 Invited
Zonal Drift Velocities of 3-m Field-aligned Irregularities of Layer-type and Clump-type Plasma Structures in Es Region Yen-Hsyang Chu
Kuo-Feng Yang
Chien-Ya Wang
Yen-Hsyang Chu
11:05 - 11:20 PEM08-17 Small-scale irregularities in the ionosphere studied by precise ionospheric TEC difference measurement Susumu Saito
Seigo Fujita
Takayuki Yoshihara
Susumu Saito
11:20 - 11:35 PEM08-18 Conjugate observations of mid-latitude travelling ionospheric disturbances by HF radars Adrian Grocott
Keisuke Hosokawa
Steve Milan
Adrian Grocott
11:35 - 11:50 PEM08-19 Study of tri-band beacon signal scintillation for new LITN Tung Yuan Hsiao
L.-C. Tsai
C. H. Liu
Tung Yuan Hsiao
11:50 - 12:05 PEM08-20 Monitoring of seasonal variability of the ionosphere over Japan region on the base of GPS and COSMIC RO measurements Irina Zakharenkova
Iurii Cherniak
Irk Shagimuratov
Irina Zakharenkova
Oral Presentation   May 22 PM1 (13:45-15:15) 301B                              to the top
13:45 - 14:05 Invited
VHF coherent scatter radar observations of mid-latitude E- and F-region field-aligned irregularities over South Korea Young-Sil Kwak
Tae-Yong Yang
Hyosub Kil
Young-Sil Kwak
14:05 - 14:20 PEM08-22 Study of ionosphere-thermosphere coupling using the SuperDARN Hokkaido radar and Asian sector ground-based network Nozomu Nishitani
SuperDARN Hokkaido radar group
Nozomu Nishitani
14:20 - 14:40 Invited
WINDs Campaign -Lithium Releases from Sounding Rockets in the Thermosphere- Shigeto Watanabe
Takumi Abe
yuuki furuta
Shigeto Watanabe
14:40 - 14:55 PEM08-24 Lithium release rocket experiments in evening, dawn, and daytime thermosphere. Masa-yuki Yamamoto
Shigeto Watanabe
Hiroto Habu
Masa-yuki Yamamoto
14:55 - 15:10 PEM08-25 Sounding rocket/ground-based observation campaign to study Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTID) Mamoru Yamamoto
Akinori Saito
Tatsuhiro Yokoyama
Mamoru Yamamoto
Oral Presentation   May 22 PM2 (15:30-17:00) 301B                              to the top
15:30 - 15:45 PEM08-26 Positive correlation between electron density and temperature in high density region of the topside ionosphere Yoshihiro Kakinami
Shigeto Watanabe
Jann-Yenq Liu
Yoshihiro Kakinami
15:45 - 16:00 PEM08-27 Imaging observation of the Ionosphere, mesosphere, and plasmasphere from ISS Akinori Saito
Atsushi Yamazaki
Takeshi Sakanoi
Akinori Saito
16:00 - 16:15 PEM08-28 Simulation of Airglow Observations with IMAP/ VISI on the International Space Station Septi Perwitasari
Takeshi Sakanoi
Yuichi Otsuka
Septi Perwitasari
16:15 - 16:30 PEM08-29 Mesosphere-Thermosphere-Ionosphere coupling research by using MAGDAS network Shuji Abe
Kiyohumi Yumoto
Hideaki Kawano
Shuji Abe
16:30 - 16:45 PEM08-30 Upper atmospheric researches using metadata database and data analysis software developed by the IUGONET project Atsuki Shinbori
Yukinobu Koyama
Masahito Nose
Atsuki Shinbori
16:45 - 17:00 PEM08-31 Asia-Oceania Space Weather Alliance: AOSWA Ken T. Murata
Tsutomu Nagatsuma
Shinichi Watari
Ken T. Murata

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 21  Core Time (17:15-18:30)                     to the top
PEM08-P01 Long-term variation relationship between the strength of EEJ and atmospheric disturbance in the MTI region Shuji Abe
Atsuki Shinbori
Hiroo Hayashi
Shuji Abe
PEM08-P02 Observation of atmospheric gravity waves with lithium release from sounding rocket yuuki furuta
Yoshihiro Kakinami
Masa-yuki Yamamoto
yuuki furuta
PEM08-P03 Toward estimating plasmaspheric density along 210MM by using MAGDAS/CPMN stations Kiyotoshi Matsuyama
Hideaki Kawano
Shuji Abe
Hideaki Kawano