Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Complex & General(CG)
S-CG64 Structure and active tectonics of high strain rate zone

Short title High strain rate zone in Japan
Oral presentation
May 23 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 302 Tetsuo No  / Hiroshi Sato 
May 23 AM2 (10:45 - 12:15) 302 Ritsuko S. Matsu'ura  / Tatsuya Ishiyama 
Poster presentation
May 23 (Core Time 13:45 - 15:15, 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Shoji Sekiguchi
Email seki@bosai.go.jp
Convener Shoji Sekiguchi  / Hiroshi Sato  / Tatsuya Ishiyama 
Scope Main purpose of this session is comprehensive understanding of high strain rate zone in Japan: its origin, relationship between geological structures and seismogenic fault systems, construction of fault model, evaluation of seismic potentials, and other important problems are widely discussed. We welcome papers relevant to geophysical, geological structure, crustal deformation, active fault system based on field observation, modeling, simulation, and multidisciplinary approaches.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM1 (09:00-10:30) 302                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 SCG64-01 Crustal structure imaging around the rupture zone of the 1983 Nihonkai-Chubu earthquake by seismic reflection survey Tetsuo No
Takeshi Sato
Narumi Takahashi
Tetsuo No
09:15 - 09:30 SCG64-02 Seismic velocity image off the northern Oga Peninsula in the Japan Sea, deduced from the offshore seismic survey Takeshi Sato
Tetsuo No
Narumi Takahashi
Takeshi Sato
09:30 - 09:45 SCG64-03 Subsurface image inferred from receiver functions using a dense linear array in Niigata region: Preliminary results Katsuhiko Shiomi
Tetsuya Takeda
Shoji Sekiguchi
Katsuhiko Shiomi
09:45 - 10:00 SCG64-04 Some problems on the deformation of the back arc region of Northern Honshu arc, Japan Hiroshi Sato
Tatsuya Ishiyama
Hiroshi Sato
10:00 - 10:15 Invited
Petrological crustal structure model of the northeast Honshu arc, Japan Masahiro Ishikawa Masahiro Ishikawa
10:15 - 10:30 SCG64-06 Basement structures and lower crustal rocks of the NE Japan arc Takeyoshi Yoshida
Dapeng ZHAO
Zhouchuan HUANG
Takeyoshi Yoshida
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM2 (10:45-12:15) 302                              to the top
10:45 - 11:00 Invited
Seismic structures below the Japan Sea complied from results of ocean bottom seismographic observations Masanao Shinohara
Kazuo Nakahigashi
Hajime Shiobara
Masanao Shinohara
11:00 - 11:15 SCG64-08 Long-term permanent strain accumulation in southern Northeast Japan estimated from seismic reflection data and rates of Tatsuya Ishiyama
Hiroshi Sato
Tatsuya Ishiyama
11:15 - 11:30 SCG64-09 The Research of Historical Earthquakes on the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea - 1762 Horeki Sado Earthquake etc. Ritsuko S. Matsu'ura
Mitsuko Furumura
Koji Iwasa
Ritsuko S. Matsu'ura
11:30 - 11:45 SCG64-10 Strong ground motion, ambient noise, and GPS continuous observation in southern Niigata prefecture, JAPAN Masayuki Yoshimi
Takumi Hayashida
Yukinobu Okamura
Masayuki Yoshimi
11:45 - 12:00 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SCG64-P02 Resistivity structure in southern Tohoku region inferred from Wide-band MT surveys (2) Hideaki Hase
Shin'ya Sakanaka
Takao Koyama
Hideaki Hase
SCG64-P04 P-wave velocity structure model in a shallow part around the source area of the 1964 Niigata earthquake Yuya Machida
Takashi Shinbo
Masanao Shinohara
Yuya Machida
SCG64-P09 Improved, high-resolution underground velocity structure in the Niigata region and its relation with seismicity Bogdan Enescu
Tetsuya Takeda
Youichi Asano
Bogdan Enescu
SCG64-P10 Crustal movement of North Nagano earthquake and seismotectonics of the Sakae - Tsunan - Matsunoyama district Yuka Ito
Akira Takeuchi
Yuka Ito
SCG64-P12 Construction of integrated velocity model of shallow and deep structure in the high strain rate zone Shigeki Senna
Takahiro Maeda
yoshiaki Inagaki
Shigeki Senna
12:00 - 12:15 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SCG64-P14 The trial edition of historical earthquake data base in high strain rate zone Kenji Satake
Akihito Nishiyama
Toshifumi Yata
Akihito Nishiyama
SCG64-P15 Seismic acitivity at southern part of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano Teruo Yamawaki
Kenji Nogami
Hiroshi Aoyama
Teruo Yamawaki
SCG64-P16 Spatial distribution of coda Q around the Atotsugawa fault zone Yoshihiro Hiramatsu
Akihiro Sawada
Yoritaka Yamauchi
Yoshihiro Hiramatsu
SCG64-P17 Stress field and pore-pressure distribution in seismogenic zone of Kyushu, Japan inferred from and focal mechanisms Hiromi Chikura
Satoshi Matsumoto
Takahiro Ohkura
Satoshi Matsumoto

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 23  Core Time (13:45-15:15, 17:15-18:30)                     to the top
SCG64-P01 Resistivity structure around the Ishikari-teichi-toen fault zone, Hokkaido, Japan (3) Yusuke Yamaya
Toru Mogi
Ryo Honda
Yusuke Yamaya
SCG64-P02 Resistivity structure in southern Tohoku region inferred from Wide-band MT surveys (2) Hideaki Hase
Shin'ya Sakanaka
Takao Koyama
Hideaki Hase
SCG64-P03 Spatial distribution of stress field around Niigata prefecture inferred from a marine and land seismic network Takashi Shinbo
Yuya Machida
Masanao Shinohara
Takashi Shinbo
SCG64-P04 P-wave velocity structure model in a shallow part around the source area of the 1964 Niigata earthquake Yuya Machida
Takashi Shinbo
Masanao Shinohara
Yuya Machida
SCG64-P05 Crustal structure of the fold-and-thrust belt, Chuetsu, central Japan: result of 2012 Muikamachi-Naoetsu seismic survey Hiroshi Sato
Susumu Abe
Nobuo Kawai
Hiroshi Sato
SCG64-P06 High-resolution seismic reflection profiling in the eastern margin of Takada plain, central Japan Naoko Kato
Hiroshi Sato
Tatsuya Ishiyama
Naoko Kato
SCG64-P07 Late Pleistocene uplift rate across the eastern margin fault zone of the Takada-heiya based on borehole drillings Daisuke Hirouchi
Tatsuya Ishiyama
Takehiko Suzuki
Daisuke Hirouchi
SCG64-P08 High resolution seismic reflection profiling across the Torigoe fault, central Japan Tatsuya Ishiyama
Naoko Kato
Hiroshi Sato
Tatsuya Ishiyama
SCG64-P09 Improved, high-resolution underground velocity structure in the Niigata region and its relation with seismicity Bogdan Enescu
Tetsuya Takeda
Youichi Asano
Bogdan Enescu
SCG64-P10 Crustal movement of North Nagano earthquake and seismotectonics of the Sakae - Tsunan - Matsunoyama district Yuka Ito
Akira Takeuchi
Yuka Ito
SCG64-P11 GNSS continuous observation network in sourthern Niigata Prefecture Masayuki Yoshimi
Yuki Matsuura
Toshiyuki Mori
Masayuki Yoshimi
SCG64-P12 Construction of integrated velocity model of shallow and deep structure in the high strain rate zone Shigeki Senna
Takahiro Maeda
yoshiaki Inagaki
Shigeki Senna
SCG64-P13 Microtremor Measurement at Large Seismic Intensity Regions of the 1828 Sanjo Earthquake Hiroe Miyake
Minoru Sakaue
Koji Miyakawa
Hiroe Miyake
SCG64-P14 The trial edition of historical earthquake data base in high strain rate zone Kenji Satake
Akihito Nishiyama
Toshifumi Yata
Akihito Nishiyama
SCG64-P15 Seismic acitivity at southern part of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano Teruo Yamawaki
Kenji Nogami
Hiroshi Aoyama
Teruo Yamawaki
SCG64-P16 Spatial distribution of coda Q around the Atotsugawa fault zone Yoshihiro Hiramatsu
Akihiro Sawada
Yoritaka Yamauchi
Yoshihiro Hiramatsu
SCG64-P17 Stress field and pore-pressure distribution in seismogenic zone of Kyushu, Japan inferred from and focal mechanisms Hiromi Chikura
Satoshi Matsumoto
Takahiro Ohkura
Satoshi Matsumoto
SCG64-P18 Comparisons of source characteristics among recent disastrous inland earthquake sequences in Japan (3) Kazuhiro Somei
Ken Miyakoshi
Kimiyuki Asano
Kazuhiro Somei