Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Earth's Electromagnetism(EM)
S-EM22 Electrical conductivity, Tectono-electromagnetism

Short title Solid Earth Geoelectromagnetism
Oral presentation
May 25 AM1 (09:00 - 10:30) 301A Noriko Tada 
May 25 AM2 (10:45 - 12:15) 301A Koki Aizawa 
Poster presentation
May 25 (Core Time 15:30 - 16:45)  
Contact Noriko Tada
Email norikot@jamstec.go.jp
Convener Noriko Tada  / Koki Aizawa 
Scope This session is for wide variety of studies on geo-electromagnetism of solid earth. The topics include electromagnetic phenomena associated with earthquakes and volcanism, geomagnetic/geoelectric structures, laboratory experiments, theoretical or numerical studies, and development of new observation equipments. Contributions that may be related to electromagnetic phenomena are also welcome.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 25 AM1 (09:00-10:30) 301A                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 SEM22-01 Transient response of the conducting Earth: Comparison of the observed and theoretical step response Hiroaki TOH
Yozo Hamano
Hiroaki TOH
09:15 - 09:30 SEM22-02 A reference electrical conductivity model of continental upper mantle estimated from the MT data in central Australia Masahiro Ichiki
Kiyoshi Fuji-ta
Liejun Wang
Masahiro Ichiki
09:30 - 09:45 SEM22-03 The three-dimensional conductivity structure of the stagnant slab: preliminary result Noriko Tada
Kiyoshi Baba
Hisashi Utada
Noriko Tada
09:45 - 10:00 SEM22-04 3D Magnetotelluric imaging of the Marmara Sea and westward extension of the North Anatolian Fault Tulay Kaya
Yasuo Ogawa
Bulent Tank
Tulay Kaya
10:00 - 10:15 SEM22-05 Thick sedimentary layers above the seismic basement in the Chuetsu area, Central Japan, inferred from MT and AMT surveys Shinichi Takakura
Masayuki Yoshimi
Haruo Horikawa
Shinichi Takakura
10:15 - 10:30 SEM22-06 A proposal and a feasibility study of highly sensitive geo-electromagnetic field measurements using SQUID magnetometers Jun Kawai
OYAMA Daisuke
Jun Kawai
Oral Presentation   May 25 AM2 (10:45-12:15) 301A                              to the top
10:45 - 11:00 SEM22-07 Geomagnetic variation associated with seismogenic ionospheric disturbance Kaori Mochizuki
Masashi Kamogawa
Yoshihiro Kakinami
Kaori Mochizuki
11:00 - 11:15 SEM22-08 Characteristics of vertical electric fields derived from borehole measurements in association with an earthquake Yoshimori Honkura
Takumi Matsumoto
Masaki Matsushima
Yoshimori Honkura
11:15 - 11:30 SEM22-09 Effects of permeability on Self Potential: numerical experiment and application to a real data Yusuke Ozaki
Hitoshi Mikada
Tada-nori Goto
Yusuke Ozaki
11:30 - 11:45 SEM22-10 On temporal variation of SP spatial distribution on Miyakejima Island before and after the 2000 summit eruption Makoto Uyeshima
Hideaki Hase
Koki Aizawa
Makoto Uyeshima
11:45 - 12:00 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SEM22-P02 Resistivity structure around the focal area of M6.4 earthquake beneath Mt. Fuji volcano Koki Aizawa
Yusuke Yamaya
Makoto Uyeshima
Koki Aizawa
SEM22-P04 Audio-frequency magnetotelluric surveys across the Yasutomi and Kuresaka-touge faults (2) Takahiro Kubota
Satoru Yamaguchi
Satoshi Ueda
Takahiro Kubota
SEM22-P06 Upwelling Fluids and Island-Arc Volcano in Subduction Zone: 3D Electrical Resistivity Structure of Lithosphere in Kyushu Maki Hata
Naoto Oshiman
Ryokei Yoshimura
Maki Hata
SEM22-P09 Influence of statics shift in 3D magnetotelluric inversion Masanori Tani
Hitoshi Mikada
Tada-nori Goto
Masanori Tani
SEM22-P10 Remote monitoring using mobile network for magnetotelluric observation Toshiki Kaida
Masahiro Ichiki
Tomotsugu Demachi
Toshiki Kaida
12:00 - 12:15 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SEM22-P11 Preprocessing of Network MT electric field data contaminated by leak currents to obtain the accuracy MT response (2) Hideki Murakami Hideki Murakami
SEM22-P12 Reanalysis of the MT response in the Shikoku district Kentarou Yamamoto Kentarou Yamamoto
SEM22-P13 Variations in the magnetic field arising from the motional induction that accompanies seismic waves in far-field regions Ken'ichi Yamazaki Ken'ichi Yamazaki
SEM22-P14 Characteristics of ULF emission for determination of earthquake precursors for strong earthquakes near Sumatra suaidi ahadi
gunawan ibrahim
sarmoko saroso
suaidi ahadi
SEM22-P15 Characteristics of electromagnetic data at Marumori in Miyagi prefecture before and after Tohoku M9.0 earthquake (2) Hideaki Hase
Makoto Uyeshima
Yusuke Yamaya
Hideaki Hase

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 25  Core Time (15:30-16:45)                     to the top
SEM22-P01 Statistics of the Local Electric Currents in Porous Geo-Materials Obtained by Pore-Scale Computer Simulations Yoshito Nakashima
Tsukasa Nakano
Yoshito Nakashima
SEM22-P02 Resistivity structure around the focal area of M6.4 earthquake beneath Mt. Fuji volcano Koki Aizawa
Yusuke Yamaya
Makoto Uyeshima
Koki Aizawa
SEM22-P03 Resistivity imaging by magnetotelluric method on Taal volcano, Philippines -Evaluation of the sea effect- Yusuke Yamaya
Yoichi Sasai
Akihiro Takeuchi
Yusuke Yamaya
SEM22-P04 Audio-frequency magnetotelluric surveys across the Yasutomi and Kuresaka-touge faults (2) Takahiro Kubota
Satoru Yamaguchi
Satoshi Ueda
Takahiro Kubota
SEM22-P05 A preliminary report on resistivity structure survey in southern Tokai region Futoshi Yamashita
Hiroyuki Kumagai
Futoshi Yamashita
SEM22-P06 Upwelling Fluids and Island-Arc Volcano in Subduction Zone: 3D Electrical Resistivity Structure of Lithosphere in Kyushu Maki Hata
Naoto Oshiman
Ryokei Yoshimura
Maki Hata
SEM22-P07 Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure around the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake Ryokei Yoshimura
Naoto Oshiman
Hiroshi Ichihara
Ryokei Yoshimura
SEM22-P08 3-D magnetotelluric inversion with minimum gradient support Luolei Zhang
Takao Koyama
Hisashi Utada
Luolei Zhang
SEM22-P09 Influence of statics shift in 3D magnetotelluric inversion Masanori Tani
Hitoshi Mikada
Tada-nori Goto
Masanori Tani
SEM22-P10 Remote monitoring using mobile network for magnetotelluric observation Toshiki Kaida
Masahiro Ichiki
Tomotsugu Demachi
Toshiki Kaida
SEM22-P11 Preprocessing of Network MT electric field data contaminated by leak currents to obtain the accuracy MT response (2) Hideki Murakami Hideki Murakami
SEM22-P12 Reanalysis of the MT response in the Shikoku district Kentarou Yamamoto Kentarou Yamamoto
SEM22-P13 Variations in the magnetic field arising from the motional induction that accompanies seismic waves in far-field regions Ken'ichi Yamazaki Ken'ichi Yamazaki
SEM22-P14 Characteristics of ULF emission for determination of earthquake precursors for strong earthquakes near Sumatra suaidi ahadi
gunawan ibrahim
sarmoko saroso
suaidi ahadi
SEM22-P15 Characteristics of electromagnetic data at Marumori in Miyagi prefecture before and after Tohoku M9.0 earthquake (2) Hideaki Hase
Makoto Uyeshima
Yusuke Yamaya
Hideaki Hase