Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Seismology(SS)
S-SS28 Earthquake Source Processes and Physics of Earthquakes

Short title Source Processes and Earthquake Physics
Oral presentation
May 24 PM1 (13:45 - 15:15) 201A Yumi Urata  / yoshihisa HIYOSHI 
May 24 PM2 (15:30 - 17:00) 201A Nana Yoshimitsu  / Hiroshi Takenaka 
Poster presentation
May 24 (Core Time 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Yasuhiro Yoshida
Email yyoshida@mri-jma.go.jp
Convener Yasuhiro Yoshida 
Scope The goal of this session is to integrate theoretical, experimental, and observational perspectives to define what is known about earthquake source processes. We solicit submissions that address such issues as pre-, co-, and post-seismic processes, earthquake cycles, laboratory experiments on elementary processes, numerical models based on frictional laws, estimates of in situ stress field.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 24 PM1 (13:45-15:15) 201A                              to the top
13:45 - 14:00 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SSS28-P01 Secondary faulting behavior characterized by nondimensional parameters associated with damage evolution Takehito Suzuki Takehito Suzuki
SSS28-P02 BIEM simulation for dynamic earthquake rupture that intersects with a bimaterial interface Shiro Hirano
Teruo Yamashita
Shiro Hirano
SSS28-P04 Estimation of fracture energies at the rupture nucleation points of large interplate earthquakes Naoyuki Kato Naoyuki Kato
SSS28-P05 A scaling approach and a phase map of the large deviation function for frequency in a simple model of earthquakes Tetsuya Mitsudo
Naoyuki Kato
Tetsuya Mitsudo
SSS28-P06 Rotational asymmetry of shear zone in brittle/ductile regime Yuya Shiomi
Hidemi Tanaka
Yuya Shiomi
14:00 - 14:15 SSS28-01 Simultaneous estimation of frictional parameters on earthquake and afterslip rapture areas using an adjoint method(II) yoshihisa HIYOSHI
Nozomi Sugiura
Youichi Ishikawa
yoshihisa HIYOSHI
14:15 - 14:30 SSS28-02 Mathematical analysis of the non-singular solution for steady state dynamic slip pulse problem on a bimaterial interface Shiro Hirano
Teruo Yamashita
Shiro Hirano
14:30 - 14:45 SSS28-03 3D dynamic rupture process on a shallow-dipping reverse fault Shintaro Tamura
Satoshi Ide
Shintaro Tamura
14:45 - 15:00 SSS28-04 Dynamic ruptures with thermal pressurization: Effect of changes in physical properties due to phase transition of water Yumi Urata
Keiko Kuge
Yuko Kase
Yumi Urata
15:00 - 15:15 SSS28-05 Imaging rupture transfer to another fault plane: the 2000 Western Tottori and the 2009 Sagami-bay earthquakes Kosuke Ono
Fuminori Goto
Hiroshi Takenaka
Fuminori Goto
Oral Presentation   May 24 PM2 (15:30-17:00) 201A                              to the top
15:30 - 15:45 SSS28-06 Relationship between corner frequency and seismic moment for AE from continuous and broadband records (2) Nana Yoshimitsu
Hironori Kawakata
Naoki Takahashi
Nana Yoshimitsu
15:45 - 16:00 SSS28-07 AE measurements at 1 km depth in a deep South African gold mine and their activities related to two M0 earthquakes Makoto Naoi
Masao Nakatani
Joachim Philipp
Makoto Naoi
16:00 - 16:15 SSS28-08 Rupture processes of the tsunami earthquakes and seismic activity of the normal-faulting earthquake Hayaki Ezaki
Yuji Yagi
Hayaki Ezaki
16:15 - 16:30 SSS28-09 Tsunami Earthquakes and Their Unusual Source Character Dun Wang
James Mori
Dun Wang
16:30 - 16:45 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SSS28-P08 The rupture process of M5-6 earthquakes after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in the focal area of the off-Kamaishi repeaters Kouhei Shimamura
Toru Matsuzawa
Tomomi Okada
Kouhei Shimamura
SSS28-P09 Seismic activity of medium-scale characteristic earthquakes after the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake Noriko Kamaya
Akio Katsumata
Noriko Kamaya
SSS28-P10 Characteristic Earthquake Sequences off Taneichi after the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake Yuuki Morita
Noriko Kamaya
Akio Katsumata
Yuuki Morita
SSS28-P12 Estimation of areas with a large slip of the next a large earthquake from the stress drop of small earthquakes Yu Saito
Takuji Yamada
Yu Saito
SSS28-P14 Comparison of the ratio of maximum displacement amplitude to HFER duration to the slowness parameter Tatsuhiko Hara
Naoki Nishimura
Tatsuhiko Hara
16:45 - 17:00 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SSS28-P15 Rupture propagations inferred from HFER durations for the 1994 far east off Sanriku and 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquakes Tatsuhiko Hara Tatsuhiko Hara
SSS28-P16 Initial rupture of the 2011 Suruga-bay, Japan, earthquake (M6.2) Fuminori Goto
Hiroshi Takenaka
Takeshi Nakamura
Hiroshi Takenaka
SSS28-P18 New back-projection method to use depth phases' information Atsushi Nakao
Yuji Yagi
Atsushi Nakao
SSS28-P19 Basic study on downscaling of a slip distribution by using multifractal tomoe yoshida
Yasuhisa Kuzuha
tomoe yoshida

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 24  Core Time (17:15-18:30)                     to the top
SSS28-P01 Secondary faulting behavior characterized by nondimensional parameters associated with damage evolution Takehito Suzuki Takehito Suzuki
SSS28-P02 BIEM simulation for dynamic earthquake rupture that intersects with a bimaterial interface Shiro Hirano
Teruo Yamashita
Shiro Hirano
SSS28-P03 Stress triggering with modified rate- and state-dependent friction law Satoshi Fujita
Nobuki Kame
Masao Nakatani
Satoshi Fujita
SSS28-P04 Estimation of fracture energies at the rupture nucleation points of large interplate earthquakes Naoyuki Kato Naoyuki Kato
SSS28-P05 A scaling approach and a phase map of the large deviation function for frequency in a simple model of earthquakes Tetsuya Mitsudo
Naoyuki Kato
Tetsuya Mitsudo
SSS28-P06 Rotational asymmetry of shear zone in brittle/ductile regime Yuya Shiomi
Hidemi Tanaka
Yuya Shiomi
SSS28-P07 Interpretation of the G-R law using an arithmetic dynamical system Hiroyuki Fujiwara Hiroyuki Fujiwara
SSS28-P08 The rupture process of M5-6 earthquakes after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in the focal area of the off-Kamaishi repeaters Kouhei Shimamura
Toru Matsuzawa
Tomomi Okada
Kouhei Shimamura
SSS28-P09 Seismic activity of medium-scale characteristic earthquakes after the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake Noriko Kamaya
Akio Katsumata
Noriko Kamaya
SSS28-P10 Characteristic Earthquake Sequences off Taneichi after the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake Yuuki Morita
Noriko Kamaya
Akio Katsumata
Yuuki Morita
SSS28-P11 Investigation of repeating and recurrent earthquakes in the Kinki, Chugoku and Shikoku districts Yoshiomi Hasegawa Yoshiomi Hasegawa
SSS28-P12 Estimation of areas with a large slip of the next a large earthquake from the stress drop of small earthquakes Yu Saito
Takuji Yamada
Yu Saito
SSS28-P13 Rupture process of the 1952 and 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquakes (2) Hiroaki Kobayashi
Kazuki Koketsu
Hiroe Miyake
Hiroaki Kobayashi
SSS28-P14 Comparison of the ratio of maximum displacement amplitude to HFER duration to the slowness parameter Tatsuhiko Hara
Naoki Nishimura
Tatsuhiko Hara
SSS28-P15 Rupture propagations inferred from HFER durations for the 1994 far east off Sanriku and 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquakes Tatsuhiko Hara Tatsuhiko Hara
SSS28-P16 Initial rupture of the 2011 Suruga-bay, Japan, earthquake (M6.2) Fuminori Goto
Hiroshi Takenaka
Takeshi Nakamura
Hiroshi Takenaka
SSS28-P17 Rupture Process of Torishima-Kinkai Earthquake(M7.0) on 1 January, 2012 by Back Projection Method Ko Nishizawa
Takumi Murakoshi
Ko Nishizawa
SSS28-P18 New back-projection method to use depth phases' information Atsushi Nakao
Yuji Yagi
Atsushi Nakao
SSS28-P19 Basic study on downscaling of a slip distribution by using multifractal tomoe yoshida
Yasuhisa Kuzuha
tomoe yoshida
SSS28-P20 Coseismic hot spring water temperature changes of the Tohoku earthquake at the observation stations in San-in district takashi shindo
Kuwano Yuiti
Tatsuya Noguchi
takashi shindo