Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Volcanology(VC)
S-VC49 Hydrothermal systems beneath volcanoes

Short title Hydrothermal systems beneath volcanoes
Oral presentation
May 24 PM2 (15:30 - 17:15) 104 Yasuhiro Fujimitsu  / Tsuneomi Kagiyama  / Hiroshi Shinohara 
Poster presentation
May 24 (Core Time 17:15 - 18:30)  
Contact Yasuhiro Fujimitsu
Email fujimitsu@mine.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Convener Yasuhiro Fujimitsu  / Tsuneomi Kagiyama  / Hiroshi Shinohara 
Scope Hydrothermal systems occur beneath volcanoes depending on different environments. Uderstanding of hydrothermal systems contributes not only to the study of the earth system but also to utilization of geothermal energy and prediction of volcanic eruptions. In this session, the structure and the flow of heat and mass beneath volcanoes are discussed from earth sciences and reservoir engineering.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 24 PM2 (15:30-17:15) 104                              to the top
15:30 - 15:45 SVC49-01 Geotherml system of Maruo Hot Spring in Kirishima Volcano, Kyushu , Japan Sachihiro Taguchi
MInori Matsukawa
Sachihiro Taguchi
15:45 - 16:00 SVC49-02 Conductivity distribution of the surface layer around Kirishima Volcanic Group - on the aspect of failed eruptions Tsuneomi Kagiyama
Shin Yoshikawa
Mitsuru Utsugi
Tsuneomi Kagiyama
16:00 - 16:15 SVC49-03 Evaluation of Geothermal Reservoir from the Gravity Changes at the Takigami Geothermal Field, Oita Prefecture, Japan Daisuke Oka
Yasuhiro Fujimitsu
Jun Nishijima
Daisuke Oka
16:15 - 16:30 SVC49-04 Gravity-gradients measurements of Mt Aso using a laser-interferometric gravity-gradiometer Sachie Shiomi
Kazuaki Kuroda
Tsuneomi Kagiyama
Sachie Shiomi
16:30 - 16:45 SVC49-05 Investigations for the hydrothermal system of the Yumugi area in the Kuchinoerabujima volcano Yasuhiro Fujimitsu
Sachio Ehara
Jun Nishijima
Yasuhiro Fujimitsu
16:45 - 17:00 SVC49-06 Water-rock Interaction of Enhanced Geothermal System Norio Yanagisawa Norio Yanagisawa
17:00 - 17:15 3-min talk in an oral session
Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
SVC49-P01 Porosity and permeability changes during fracture experiments of Inada granite as a pilot study of Hot Dry Rock geotherm Ikuo Katayama
Kaori Yamaguchi
Ikuo Katayama
SVC49-P02 Distribution of minor elements within the unconsolidated sediments covered active shallow-seafloor hydrothermal system Yoshiko Furuzawa
Toshiro Yamanaka
Jun-ichiro Ishibashi
Toshiro Yamanaka
SVC49-P03 Water chemistry of lakes Nyos and Monoun, Cameroon in 2011 Yuka Sasaki
Takeshi Ohba
Minoru Kusakabe
Yuka Sasaki
SVC49-P04 Audio frequency Magneto-Telluric Survey on Tatun Volcanic Group, Taiwan. Mitsuru Utsugi
Tsuneomi Kagiyama
China Chen
Mitsuru Utsugi
SVC49-P05 Hydrothermal system at Kuchi-erabu-jima volcano, inferred from surface temperature and self-potential distribution Nobuo Matsushima Nobuo Matsushima

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 24  Core Time (17:15-18:30)                     to the top
SVC49-P01 Porosity and permeability changes during fracture experiments of Inada granite as a pilot study of Hot Dry Rock geotherm Ikuo Katayama
Kaori Yamaguchi
Ikuo Katayama
SVC49-P02 Distribution of minor elements within the unconsolidated sediments covered active shallow-seafloor hydrothermal system Yoshiko Furuzawa
Toshiro Yamanaka
Jun-ichiro Ishibashi
Toshiro Yamanaka
SVC49-P03 Water chemistry of lakes Nyos and Monoun, Cameroon in 2011 Yuka Sasaki
Takeshi Ohba
Minoru Kusakabe
Yuka Sasaki
SVC49-P04 Audio frequency Magneto-Telluric Survey on Tatun Volcanic Group, Taiwan. Mitsuru Utsugi
Tsuneomi Kagiyama
China Chen
Mitsuru Utsugi
SVC49-P05 Hydrothermal system at Kuchi-erabu-jima volcano, inferred from surface temperature and self-potential distribution Nobuo Matsushima Nobuo Matsushima
SVC49-P06 Evaluation of the mass flux of volcanic fluids using the electrical condutivity structure Shogo Komori
Tsuneomi Kagiyama
Jerry Fairley
Shogo Komori