Outline of Session


Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary(M) / Others(ZZ)
M-ZZ42 Frontier of paleo-studies and its future development

Short title Frontier of Study on Paleo
Oral presentation
May 24 AM2 (11:00 - 12:45) 104 Hodaka Kawahata  / Hideki Miura  / Ayako Abe-Ouchi 
May 24 PM1 (14:15 - 16:00) 104 Reishi Takashima  / Masanobu Yamamoto  / Yusuke Okazaki 
Poster presentation
May 24 (Core Time 16:15 - 17:30) Convention Hall
Contact Hodaka Kawahata
Email kawahata@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Convener Hodaka Kawahata  / Ryuji Tada  / Hiroshi Nishi  / Toshitsugu Yamazaki  / Hitoshi Yonenobu 
Scope The Aims and Scope of the society is quantitative reconstruction of paleo-environments with high-time and special resolution, the multilateral analysis and comprehensive understanding natural environmental processes for environmental forecasting. In this session, the frontier of paleo-studies will be presented and its future development will be discussed.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 24 AM2 (11:00-12:45) 104                              to the top
11:00 - 11:15 MZZ42-01 The role of tectonics and climate linkage in the Earth System history - An example of the mountain uplift and strengthen Ryuji Tada Ryuji Tada English
11:15 - 11:30 MZZ42-02 Quantitative reconstruction of river discharge due to East Asian summer monsoon since the last glacial period in the nor Yoshimi Kubota
Katsunori Kimoto
Ryuji Tada
Yoshimi Kubota English
11:30 - 11:45 MZZ42-03 Ice sheet mass balance and the timing of 100,000-year glacial cycles Ayako Abe-Ouchi
Fuyuki SAITO
Kenji Kawamura
Ayako Abe-Ouchi English
11:45 - 12:00 MZZ42-04 Paleoclimatic studies using polar ice cores Kenji Kawamura Kenji Kawamura English
12:00 - 12:15 MZZ42-05 The Role of the North Pacific in the world ocean circulation Yusuke Okazaki Yusuke Okazaki English
12:15 - 12:30 MZZ42-06 Significance of the geomorphological approach for the reconstruction of paleo ice-sheets Hideki Miura
OKUNO, Jun'ichi
Hideki Miura English
12:30 - 12:45 MZZ42-07 Recent enrichment of nutrient and heavy metal deposition in Japanese mountain lakes due to anthropogenic dust Narumi Tsugeki
Fujio Hyodo
Michinobu Kuwae
Narumi Tsugeki English
Oral Presentation   May 24 PM1 (14:15-16:00) 104                              to the top
14:15 - 14:30 MZZ42-08 High-precision temperature change at the western Japan during the past 3,000 years and its effect on the human activity Hodaka Kawahata
Megumi Matsuoka
Ami Togami
Hodaka Kawahata English
14:30 - 14:45 MZZ42-09 The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and North Pacific regime shifts during the last 2900 years Masanobu Yamamoto
Michinobu Kuwae
Masanobu Yamamoto English
14:45 - 15:00 MZZ42-10 On the possibility of constraining the climate sensitivity: A view from LGM multimodel simulations Masakazu Yoshimori
Ayako Abe-Ouchi
Masakazu Yoshimori English
15:00 - 15:15 MZZ42-11 Recent progress in researches on biogenic magnetite and applications to paleoceanography Toshitsugu Yamazaki Toshitsugu Yamazaki English
15:15 - 15:30 MZZ42-12 Preliminary study of the Cretaceous tephrochronology in Japan and its application to biostratigraphic study Reishi Takashima
Yuji Orihashi
Toshiro Nagase
Reishi Takashima English
15:30 - 15:45 MZZ42-13 Bio- and chemo-stratigraphy and U-Pb ages of the Cretaceous sequence in Japan Hiroshi Nishi
Reishi Takashima
Yuji Orihashi
Hiroshi Nishi English
15:45 - 16:00 3-min talk in an oral session@(MZZ42-P01/MZZ42-P02/MZZ42-P03/MZZ42-P04/MZZ42-P05)

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 24  Core Time (16:15-17:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
MZZ42-P01 Biogenic magnetite prevails in oxic pelagic red clay core in the South Pacific Gyre Takaya Shimono
Toshitsugu Yamazaki
Takaya Shimono English
MZZ42-P02 Reconstructing the paleoenvironment of the Gulf of Aden and its surroundings lands using biomarkers Yuta Isaji
Hodaka Kawahata
Naohiko Ohkouchi
Yuta Isaji English
MZZ42-P03 Evaluation of the desertification in Tarim Basin based on provenance study of size-separated fluvial sediment since 8Ma Akinori Karasuda
Ryuji Tada
Zheng Hongbo
Akinori Karasuda English
MZZ42-P04 Estimation of the growth-rate influences on the oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca ratios in the Porites at high latitudes Shoko Hirabayashi
Yusuke Yokoyama
Atsushi Suzuki
Shoko Hirabayashi English
MZZ42-P05 Provenance and mixing ratio of the sediments discharged from Yangtze River based on ESR signal intensity and Crystallini Keita Saito
Ryuji Tada
Tomohisa Irino
Keita Saito English