Outline of Session


Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences(A) / Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology & Atmospheric Environment(AS)
A-AS24 Frontiers of Atmospheric Science: Transport & Deposition of Radioactivity from Fukushima Accident

Short title Radioactive Pollution: Atmos./Terres.
Oral presentation
May 20 PM1 (14:15 - 16:00) 105 Yasuhito Igarashi  / Kazuyuki Kita 
May 20 PM2 (16:15 - 18:00) 105 Masao Mikami  / Naohiro Yoshida 
Poster presentation
May 20 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Yasuhito Igarashi
Email yigarash@mri-jma.go.jp
Convener Yasuhito Igarashi  / Teruyuki Nakajima  / Kazuyuki Kita  / Masao Mikami  / Naohiro Yoshida  / Yuichi Onda 
Scope Present conveners (members of Japan Meteorological Society) are carrying out elucidation, through observation and modeling endeavors in cooperation with environmental researchers in the company of radiochemists, of transportation and deposition onto terrestrial environment of radionuclides emitted by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in 2011 March as well as the aerosol characteristics which carried the radionuclides. We are aiming at to obtain better understanding and scope for the short- and long-term environmental radioactive pollution. In this connection the Fukushima Nuclear Accident serves radioactive tracers for geoscientists. The improvement of chemical transport models applied to short-range weather forecast and long-term climate change is thus intended in this project, and the comprehensive research development is designed for covering the atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial interactions. Therefore, on the present international symposium occasion, with cooperation of the domestic and foreign atmospheric and terrestrial researchers concerned, pieces of the state-of-the-art knowledge will be assembled on the consequences and temporal changes of atmospheric and terrestrial environmental pollution caused by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. The lively discussion on future challenges and directions of the researches are welcomed. Note that the transparencies should be in English.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 20 PM1 (14:15-16:00) 105                              to the top
14:15 - 14:35 Invited
The Fukushima releases: an inverse modelling approach to assess the source term by using gamma dose rate observations. Olivier Saunier
Anne Mathieu
14:35 - 14:50 AAS24-02 Numerical simulation of I-131 concentration emitted from FDNPP using regional model Masayuki Takigawa
Haruo Tsuruta
Masayuki Takigawa
14:50 - 15:05 AAS24-03 JMA's regional ATM calculations for the WMO Task Team on the meteorological analyses for Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident Kazuo Saito
Toshiki Shimbori
Roland Draxler
Kazuo Saito
15:05 - 15:20 AAS24-04 Diamond-NICAM-SPRINTARS: simulations on the Fukushima radiation transport Uchida Junya Uchida Junya
15:20 - 15:35 AAS24-05 The time series analysis of the radionuclide emissions from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant by inverse model Takashi Maki
Taichu Tanaka
Mizuo Kajino
Takashi Maki
15:35 - 15:55 Invited
Size distributions of airborne radionuclides derived from the Fukushima nuclear accident at several places in Europe Olivier Masson
Wolfgang Ringer
Helena Mala
Olivier Masson
Oral Presentation   May 20 PM2 (16:15-18:00) 105                              to the top
16:15 - 16:30 AAS24-07 The effect of possible time shift of emission from F1NPP on spatial deposition pattern of 137Cs Hiroaki Kondo Hiroaki Kondo
16:30 - 16:45 AAS24-08 Evaluation of radioactivity resuspension by mineral dust particles from ground surface using a 1-D vertical model Masahide Ishizuka
Masao Mikami
Taichu Tanaka
Masahide Ishizuka
16:45 - 17:00 AAS24-09 Hourly atmospheric Cs-134 and Cs-137 at SPM monitoring stations in and south of Fukushima after the FD1NPP accident Haruo Tsuruta
OURA, Yasuji
EBIHARA, Mitsuru
Haruo Tsuruta
17:00 - 17:15 AAS24-10 Re-suspension processes of radioactive cesium emitted by the FNDPP accident Kazuyuki Kita
Misako Tanaka
Takeshi Kinase
Kazuyuki Kita
17:15 - 17:30 AAS24-11 Raidoactive strontium measurement in air dusts using solid-phase extraction zi jian zhang
Kakitani shunsuke
Ninomiya kazuhiko
zi jian zhang
17:30 - 17:45 AAS24-12 Atmospheric-Terrestrial Interactions in Radioactive Pollution by the Fukushima Accident Yasuhito Igarashi
Kazuyuki Kita
Naohiro Yoshida
Yasuhito Igarashi
17:45 - 18:00 3-min talk in an oral session@(AAS24-P01/AAS24-P02/AAS24-P03/AAS24-P04)

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 20  Core Time (18:15-19:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
AAS24-P01 Depositions of radioactive dust in the atmosphere Tomoo Aoyama
Yasutaka Wakazuki
Ryoko Ohmura
Tomoo Aoyama
AAS24-P02 Evaluation of fluctuation in the concentrations of radioactive aerosols as a stochastic process Hiroyuki Ichige Hiroyuki Ichige
AAS24-P03 Long term and wide prediction of radioactive diffusion by means of levy flight model Yuki Shiga Yuki Shiga
AAS24-P04 Radioactivity measurements for air-dust samples around Fukushima prefecture Kazuhiko Ninomiya
KAKITANI, Shunsuke
ZHANG, Zijang
Kazuhiko Ninomiya