

大気水圏科学(A) / 雪氷学・寒冷環境(CC) /  **国際セッション
A-CC03 Changes in Northern Eurasia and the Arctic: Their feedbacks to the Globe

プログラム掲載短縮名 Changes in Northern Eurasia and Arctic
5月22日 AM1 (09:00 - 10:45) 101B Groisman Pavel  杉本 敦子 
5月22日 AM2 (11:00 - 12:45) 101B Maksyutov Shamil  檜山 哲哉 
5月22日 (コアタイム 18:15 - 19:30) コンベンションホール
連絡先 Groisman Pavel
メールアドレス pasha.groisman@noaa.gov
コンビーナ Groisman Pavel  Maksyutov Shamil  杉本 敦子  檜山 哲哉  Bulygina Olga 
スコープ The Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) was launched as an interdisciplinary program of internationally-supported Earth science research addressing large-scale and long-term manifestations of climate, environmental, and socioeconomic changes (focusing on Northern Eurasia) that affect the rate of global change through atmosphere-biosphere-cryosphere interactions and through strong biogeophysical and biogeochemical couplings. The goal of the proposed Session is to bring together scientists who conduct their studies in the region to share their findings, to discuss the yet unresolved problems, and to establish fruitful collaboration within a broad range of the disciplines and research groups. We invite presentations on the biogeochemical cycles, the surface energy budget and water cycle, climate and terrestrial ecosystems interactions (land cover and land use, atmospheric aerosols, soil, permafrost, and, in particular, changes in the high latitudes of Eurasia (tundra and taiga climatic zones) and weather extreme changes that affect and are being affected by climate and ecosystems changes), human dimension that includes, in addition to regional impact studies of environmental changes, the feedback studies of societal and land use changes on regional and global environment and climate, and tools to address the Northern Eurasia and the Arctic studies (paleoclimatic reconstructions, present and past field campaigns, remote sensing, and modeling). Since the past year, the particular focus of the international NEESPI Sessions has been on the studies of the early career scientists. Participation in one of the 150 NEESPI projects is not a prerequisite and representatives of each research group that studies the North Eurasian Earth System are welcome.
発表者への注意事項 Please, bring you Power Point presentations on the USB pen drives. If your presentation is prepared in the Mac Operation System, you may need to bring your own laptop.

時間 講演番号 タイトル 著者 発表者 予稿原稿
口頭発表   5月22日  AM1(09:00-10:45)  101B        このページのtopへ
09:00 - 09:20 ★招待
Polar amplification: major drivers and implications for global climate Vladimir Alexeev Vladimir Alexeev
09:20 - 09:40 ★招待
Coupled Hydrological and Thermal Modeling of Permafrost Dynamics: Implications to Permafrost Carbon Pool Sergey Marchenko
Vladimir Romanovsky
Dominik Wisser
Sergey Marchenko
09:40 - 09:55 ACC03-03 地球温暖化にともなうシベリアの陸域環境変化 檜山 哲哉
マクシュートフ シャミル
金 憲淑
檜山 哲哉
09:55 - 10:10 ACC03-04 シベリア三大河川における大気・陸域水循環の気候学的な特徴 大島 和裕
立花 義裕
檜山 哲哉
大島 和裕
10:10 - 10:25 ACC03-05 Land Surface Phenologies and Seasonalities Using Earthlight to Monitor Changes in High-Latitude Croplands Geoffrey Henebry
Woubet G. Alemu
Christopher K. Wright
Geoffrey Henebry
10:25 - 10:45 ★招待
Projected impacts of the 21st century climate change on the forests and major conifer species in Russia Nadezhda Chebakova
Elena I. Parfenova
Alan S. Cantin
Nadezhda Chebakova
口頭発表   5月22日  AM2(11:00-12:45)  101B        このページのtopへ
11:00 - 11:30 ★招待
A Modeling Analysis of Carbon and Water Cycles in Northern Eurasia during the Past and This Century Qianlai Zhuang Qianlai Zhuang
11:30 - 11:45 ACC03-08 Changes of snow cover characteristics over Eurasia in the context of the ongoing climate changes Pavel Groisman
Olga Bulygina
Pavel Groisman
11:45 - 12:00 ACC03-09 Analysis of CO_{2} concentrations simulated by NIES transport model and retrieved from GOSAT in the subarctic regions Dmitry Belikov
Andrey Bril
Shamil Maksyutov
Dmitry Belikov
12:00 - 12:15 ポスター講演3分口頭発表枠 (ACC03-P01/ACC03-P02/ACC03-P03/ACC03-P04/ACC03-P05)
12:15 - 12:30 ポスター講演3分口頭発表枠 (ACC03-P07/ACC03-P08/ACC03-P09/ACC03-P10/ACC03-P13)

講演番号 タイトル 著者 発表者 予稿原稿
ポスター発表   5月22日 コア(18:15-19:30) コンベンションホール     このページのtopへ
ACC03-P01 Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative in the past 12 months: An Update Pavel Groisman Pavel Groisman
ACC03-P02 Icing conditions in the northern extratropics in changing climate Olga Bulygina
Nadja Schvets
Pavel Groisman
Pavel Groisman
ACC03-P03 陸面モデルMATSIROによるアンサンブル実験を用いた全球積雪シミュレーションの不確実性評価 新田 友子
芳村 圭
鼎 信次郎
新田 友子
ACC03-P04 Delong諸島Bennett島の過去50年の気象ー雪氷学的変化 紺屋 恵子
門田 勤
紺屋 恵子
ACC03-P05 The heat and gas exchange in the polar tundra Arseniy Artamonov
Irina Repina
Arseniy Artamonov
ACC03-P06 Recent variation of West Siberian wetland CH4 fluxes estimated from atmospheric CH4 金 憲淑
笹川 基樹
町田 敏暢
Maksyutov Shamil
ACC03-P07 植物と土壌の窒素同位体比を用いた窒素動態の比較研究 藤吉 麗
藤吉 麗
ACC03-P08 Nitrogen as a controlling factor of larch growth in taiga-tundra ecotone in arctic region, northeastern Siberia Maochang Liang
Shunsuke Tei
Atsuko Sugimoto
Maochang Liang
ACC03-P09 Seasonal dynamics of nitrogen and source of nitrogen for larch in the taiga forest in northeastern Siberia Alexandra Popova
Nobuhito Ohte
Atsuko Sugimoto
ACC03-P10 Impact of uncertainties in vegetation type on biomass burning emission estimates in Siberia Elena Kukavskaya
Galina Ivanova
Amber J. Soja
Elena Kukavskaya
ACC03-P11 Fire impact on carbon emissions and ecosystems components in conifer forests of Siberia Galina Ivanova
Elena Kukavskaya
Sergey Zhila
Galina Ivanova
ACC03-P12 Energy and mass exchange in a larch forest on permafrost in Central Siberia, Russia Viacheslav Zyryanov
Nakai Yuichiro
Tchebakova Nadezhda
Viacheslav Zyryanov
ACC03-P13 Investigation of Effects of Transported Aerosols over Semi-arid Region in Indian Subcontinent Sanat Kumar Das
J. -P. Chen
Sanat Kumar Das