Outline of Session


Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences(A) / Cryospheric Sciences & Cold District Environment(CC)
A-CC33 Past environmental changes by ice core studies

Short title Ice core studies
Oral presentation
May 23 AM1 (09:00 - 10:45) 105 Kenji Kawamura  / Minoru Ikehara 
May 23 AM2 (11:00 - 12:45) 105 Nozomu Takeuchi  / Kenji Kawamura 
Poster presentation
May 23 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Kenji Kawamura
Email kawamura@nipr.ac.jp
Convener Kenji Kawamura  / Minoru Ikehara  / Nozomu Takeuchi 
Scope Analyses of ice cores from polar and mountain regions have contributed for advancing reconstruction of the past environmental changes on timescales from years to several hundred thousand years, and understanding of the mechanisms behind them. In this session, we discuss environmental changes in the past on the basis of ice core studies. Studies on recording processes of paleoenvironmental signals and methods to extract them are also welcomed. Studies using deep-sea cores, terrestrial sediment cores, tree-rings and numerical modelings on similar time and spatial scales are welcomed to discuss past environmental changes from multidisciplinary viewpoints.
Notes (for Japanese authors) Please prepare slides in English language if possible.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM1 (09:00-10:45) 105                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 ACC33-01 Reconstruction of snow algal variations from an ice core drilled on an ice cap in Kyrgyz Tien Shan Nozomu Takeuchi
Megumi Honda
Koji Fujita
Nozomu Takeuchi
09:15 - 09:30 ACC33-02 Reconstructions of past flora using DNA analysis from ice core samples on Gregoriev Glacier, Kyrgyz Tienshan Takahiro Segawa
Shinji Kondo
Nozomu Takeuchi
Takahiro Segawa
09:30 - 09:45 ACC33-03 Variations in pollens, dissolved ions,Oxygen isotopes, and Snow algaes in a shallow ice core of No.31 Glacier, Suntar-Kh Masaya miyairi
Nozomu Takeuchi
Sota Tanaka
Masaya miyairi
09:45 - 10:00 ACC33-04 Causes of Greenland temperature variability over the past 4000 years: Implications for Northern Hemispheric temperature Takuro Kobashi
Kenji Kawamura
Kumiko Azuma
Takuro Kobashi
10:00 - 10:15 ACC33-05 Climate and environment in north Greenland during the last interglacial reconstructed from the NEEM ice core Kumiko Goto-Azuma
Nobuhiko Azuma
Motohiro Hirabayashi
Kumiko Goto-Azuma
10:15 - 10:30 ACC33-06 Non-destructive magnetic detection of thin ash layers in ice cores Hirokuni Oda
Jun Kawai
Hirokuni Oda
10:30 - 10:45 ACC33-07 SO2 photoexcitation mechanism links sulfur MIF in polar sulfate to climate-impacting volcanism Shohei Hattori
Johan A. Schmidt
Matthew S. Johnson
Shohei Hattori
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM2 (11:00-12:45) 105                              to the top
11:00 - 11:15 ACC33-08 Sulfate-climate coupling over the past 300,000 years in inland Antarctica Yoshinori Iizuka
Ryu Uemura
Yoshinori Iizuka
11:15 - 11:30 ACC33-09 Reconstruction of Blake excursion using the cosmogenic radio nuclide Beryllium-10 in Antarctic Dome Fuji ice core Rindai TSUNEKAWA
11:30 - 11:45 ACC33-10 Measurement of nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of nitrate in a shallow ice core drilled in the vicinity of Dome Fuji Sachiko Okamoto
Kazuya Takahashi
Hedeaki Motoyama
Sachiko Okamoto
11:45 - 12:00 ACC33-11 A new dating method for Dome Fuji ice core using data assimilation] Kazue Suzuki
Kenji Kawamura
Shin'ya Nakano
Kazue Suzuki
12:00 - 12:15 ACC33-12 An updated chronology and inference of climate evolution for the GISP2 ice core from Summit, Greenland Jessica M. D. Lundin
Ralf Greve
Sune O. Rasmussen
Ralf Greve
12:15 - 12:30 ACC33-13 The topographic and albedo effect of ice sheets on surface wind stress with implications for glacial ocean circulation Sam Sherrifftadano
Abe-Ouchi, Ayako
Yoshimori, Masakazu
Sam Sherrifftadano
12:30 - 12:45 3-min talk in an oral session@(ACC33-P01/ACC33-P02/ACC33-P03/ACC33-P04)

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 23  Core Time (18:15-19:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
ACC33-P01 modelled response of the volume and thickness of the Antarctic ice sheets to transient retreat of the grounding lines Takashi Obase
SAITO, Fuyuki
Takashi Obase
ACC33-P02 The relationship between metal composition and climate change derived from the Dome Fuji ice core Hironori Sato
Toshitaka Suzuki
Hideaki Motoyama
Hironori Sato
ACC33-P03 SP2 analysis of black carbon in snow at NEEM, Greenland Yoshimi Ogawa
Yoshimi Ogawa
ACC33-P04 Kinetic fractionation of gases by deep air convection in polar firn Kenji Kawamura
Jeffrey P. Severinghaus
Kenji Kawamura
ACC33-P05 Evolution of the anisotropic structure of ice and pore spaces in firn at NEEM Shuji Fujita
Kumiko Goto-Azuma
Motohiro Hirabayashi
Shuji Fujita
ACC33-P06 Limit of the ice-sheet thickness and the subglacial lake Yutaka Narita Yutaka Narita