Outline of Session


Human Geosciences(H) / Disaster geosciences(DS) /  **International Session
H-DS05 Coastal Restoration in Post Tsunami Events; Environmental Effects and Sustainability

Short title Postsunami Restoration Sustainability
Oral presentation
May 23 AM2 (11:00 - 12:45) 203 Jun Matsumoto  / Vicente Santiago-Fandino 
Poster presentation
Contact Vicente Santiago-Fandino
Email v.santiago.f@gmail.com
Convener Vicente Santiago-Fandino  / Jun Matsumoto  / Tomoyuki Takahashi  / Vicente Santiago-Fandino 
Scope An integrative session whereby environmental and managerial components including sustainability are presented and discussed. It will focus on the measures and actions undertaken after March 11 to restore the tsunami and earthquake devastated area along the coastline in Japan considering aspects related to the restoration and rebuilding of cities, coastal areas, estuaries and rias, lower watersheds (which would include rivers and streams), fishing grounds, etc. The topics to be included would consider inland and coastal waters interaction, sediments and pollution aspects in fisheries and seafarming productivity as well as fish migration, sea fences and protecting coastal structures, Satoumi practices and local communities involvement and related environmental sustainability issues.
Notes The presentation time is 23 minutes including questions and comments. Please finish your talk within 18 minutes.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM2 (11:00-12:45) 203                              to the top
11:00 - 11:03 introduction
11:03 - 11:26 Invited
Geological features of the tsunami -lessons learned from the 2011 Tohoku-oki event- Kazuhisa Goto Kazuhisa Goto
11:26 - 11:49 Invited
Effects of the 3/11 Erthquake and Tsunami on the Coastal Marine Ecosystem and Recovery Process in Moune Bay, Kesennuma masaru tanaka masaru tanaka
11:49 - 12:12 Invited
Suggestions for coastal zone reconstruction based on vulnerability data obtained from the 2011 Japan tsunami Anawat Suppasri
Kentaro Imai
Abdul Muhari
Anawat Suppasri
12:12 - 12:27 HDS05-04 Debris Management and Contamination in the aftermath of March 11, 2011; Impacts and Restoration. Miyagi Prefecture. Vicente Santiago-Fandino Vicente Santiago-Fandino
12:27 - 12:45 discussion