Outline of Session


Human Geosciences(H) / Geography(GG) /  **International Session
H-GG01 Global land Project

Short title GLP
Oral presentation
May 23 PM2 (16:15 - 18:00) 102A Shigeko Haruyama 
Poster presentation
Contact Shigeko Haruyama
Email haruyama@bio.mie-u.ac.jp
Convener Shigeko Haruyama  / Yukio Himiyama 
Scope The characteristic of man and the environmental uniting system to interactive, various disturbances and the movements are clarified for the land region and the inland waters ecosystem in a wide meaning including man, and it contributes to the solution of various problems relating. Various problems of GLP and the global environment science are discussed from a wide aspect so that the land region system may be weak and become the center of the research on the recovery power and continuation, and promote establishment and the understanding of the research technique to man and the environmental uniting system.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 23 PM2 (16:15-18:00) 102A                              to the top
16:15 - 16:30 HGG01-01 Land form and 2011 flodd of the Shonai River Basin Shigeko Haruyama Shigeko Haruyama
16:30 - 16:45 HGG01-02 Monitoring snow cover of Northern Himachal Himalaya, India using geoinformatics R.B. Singh
Pankaj Kumar
R.B. Singh
16:45 - 17:00 HGG01-03 Natural Hazards Assessment on the Tropical Cyclones Nargis in Myanmar Hlaing Kay Thwe
Shigeko, Haruyama
Maung Maung Aye
Hlaing Kay Thwe
17:00 - 17:15 HGG01-04 Identification of Paddy Field Distribution and Rice Cropping Pattern for Rice Production Forecasting in West Java Ernan Rustiadi
La Ode Syamsul Iman
Tutuk Lutfiyanti
Ernan Rustiadi
17:15 - 17:30 HGG01-05 The Great East Japan Disaster, Future Earth, and Global Land Project Yukio Himiyama Yukio Himiyama