Outline of Session


Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary(M) / Applied Geosciences(AG)
M-AG35 Dynamics of radionuclides emitted from Fukuchima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant in the environment

Short title Radionuclides in the earth environment
Oral presentation
May 21 AM1 (09:00 - 10:45) IC Motoyoshi Ikeda 
May 21 AM2 (11:00 - 12:45) IC Seiya Nagao 
May 21 PM1 (14:15 - 16:00) IC Yuichi Onda 
Poster presentation
May 21 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Kazuyuki Kita
Email kita@mx.ibaraki.ac.jp
Convener Kazuyuki Kita  / Yuichi Onda  / Teruyuki Nakajima  / Yasuhito Igarashi  / Jun Matsumoto  / Masatoshi Yamada  / Jota Kanda  / Chisato Takenaka  / Masayoshi Yamamoto  / Atsushi Shinohara 
Scope The Great East Japan Earthquake caused the severe accident in TEPCO Fukushima dai-ichi nuclear power plant (FDNPP), leading to emission of huge amount of radionuclides to the environment. They have been transported and diffused by atmospheric motion, depositing them to soil and vegetation. Deposited radionuclides are dynamically shifted in the earth environment; atmosphere, soil, inland water, ocean, and ecosystem. To understand this dynamic shift in the environment and for the long-term prediction of the disaster by the radionuclides, investigation and discussion based on not only the earth sciences including ecology but also on the radiochemistry and other related sciences. In this session, various efforts to understand the dynamic behavior of radionuclides emitted from FDNPP accident in the earth system as well as to predict their influences on the environment. It is expected that this session will offer a good opportunity to discuss radionuclides in the earth environment from wide aspect and to exchange information in various research fields.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 21 AM1 (09:00-10:45) IC                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 MAG35-01 One-year, regional-scale simulation of radiocaesium-137 radioactivity in the ocean following the Fukushima Daiichi Nucle Daisuke Tsumune
Takaki Tsubono
Michio Aoyama
Daisuke Tsumune
09:15 - 09:30 MAG35-02 Horizontal distribution of radiocaesium in the northwestern North Pacific after the accident of TEPCO's Fukushima NPS Tatsuo Aono
Makio Honda
Hajime Kawakami
Tatsuo Aono
09:30 - 09:45 Invited
Surface pathway and subduction of Fukushima radioactivity in the North Pacific Ocean in March 2011 - June 2012 Michio Aoyama
Mitsuo Uematsu
Yasunori Hamajima
Michio Aoyama
09:45 - 10:00 MAG35-04 Possible southward transport of the directly-discharged Fukushima-derived radiocesium across the Kuroshio Extension Yuichiro Kumamoto
MURATA, Akihiko
KAWANO, Takeshi
Yuichiro Kumamoto
10:00 - 10:15 MAG35-05 Transport of Fukushima-derived radiocaesium to the ocean interior by sinking particle Makio Honda
Kawakami, Hajime
Nagao, Seiya
Makio Honda
10:15 - 10:30 MAG35-06 Horizontal distribution of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in zooplankton in the northwestern Pacific Ocean Minoru Kitamura
Yuichiro Kumamoto
Hajime Kawakami
Minoru Kitamura
10:30 - 10:45 MAG35-07 Radiocesium stored in bottom sediments after the nuclear power plant accident due to the M9 earthquake Motoyoshi Ikeda
Motoyoshi Ikeda
Oral Presentation   May 21 AM2 (11:00-12:45) IC                              to the top
11:00 - 11:25 Invited
Regional-scale transfer of fallout radiocaesium in river networks impacted by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Hugh Smith
Will Blake
Yuichi Onda
Hugh Smith
11:25 - 11:40 MAG35-09 Observation of flux and outflow-property of radioactive cesium in paddy field; A case study in Kawamata city, Fukushima. Kazuya Yoshimura
Yuichi Onda
Kazuya Yoshimura
11:40 - 11:55 MAG35-10 Characteristics of radioactive Cs in the sediment from the storange reservoir in Iitate village, Fukushima prefecture Yusuke Aoi
Keisuke Fukushi
Norio Kitadai
Yusuke Aoi
11:55 - 12:10 MAG35-11 Effects of rain events on transport of radiocesium in the Abukuma River during 2011-2012 Seiya Nagao
OCHIAI, Shinya
Seiya Nagao
12:10 - 12:25 MAG35-12 The behaviour of radio-Cs in the Abukuma riverine system emitted from the FDNPP Aya Sakaguchi
Hokuto Iwatani
Kazuya Tanaka
Aya Sakaguchi
12:25 - 12:40 3-min talk in an oral session@(MAG35-P02/MAG35-P04/MAG35-P05/MAG35-P09/MAG35-P10/MAG35-P11)
Oral Presentation   May 21 PM1 (14:15-16:00) IC                              to the top
14:15 - 14:30 MAG35-13 Transfer of fallout radiocesium in various terrestrial environment in Yamakiya district, Kawamata Town Yuichi Onda
Hiroaki Kato
Kazuya Yoshimura
Yuichi Onda
14:30 - 14:45 MAG35-14 Transfer of the Fukushima reactor accident-derived radionuclides in forest environments Hiroaki Kato
Yuichi Onda
Ayumi Kawamori
Hiroaki Kato
14:45 - 15:00 MAG35-15 Investigation of an environmental fate of radiocaesium in the Fukushima forests Tadafumi Niizato
Hironobu Abe
Takayoshi Watanabe
Tadafumi Niizato
15:00 - 15:15 MAG35-16 Dynamic of radiocesium from conifer needles to male flowers of sugi Tsutomu Kanasashi
Sugiura Yuki
Takenaka Chisato
Tsutomu Kanasashi
15:15 - 15:30 MAG35-17 Migration dynamics of 137Cs deposited on the forested ecosystem in Fukushima after the nuclear power plant accident Nobuhito Ohte
Masashi Murakami
Kouhei Iseda
Nobuhito Ohte
15:30 - 15:45 MAG35-18 Atmospheric radioactive cesium in the broad-leaf and Japanese cedar forest and canopy Kazuyuki Kita
Misako Tanaka
Hiroyuki Demizu
Kazuyuki Kita
15:45 - 16:00 MAG35-19 Predicted spatio-temporal dynamics of radiocesium deposited onto forests following the Fukushima nuclear accident Shoji Hashimoto
NANKO, Kazuki
Shoji Hashimoto

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 21  Core Time (18:15-19:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
MAG35-P01 Grasping changes in the sea bottom induced by the Tohoku earthquake using radionuclides Shota Kambayashi
Jing Zhang
Akira Takeuchi
Shota Kambayashi
MAG35-P02 The distribution of radioactive strontium in coastal area of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan Zin'ichi Karube
Atsushi Tanaka
Katsuaki Kurishima
Zin'ichi Karube
MAG35-P03 Transfer of fallout radiocaesium from catchment to coast in the region impacted by the Fukushima nuclear accident Will Blake
Hugh Smith
Yuichi Onda
Will Blake
MAG35-P04 About the configurationality of catchment area unit and ChIbarakiTo Plume Kazuya Kimura
hisashi nirei
Kazuya Kimura
MAG35-P05 Change of the Radioactive Material Pollution in the Kanto District Hirofumi Hashimoto Hirofumi Hashimoto
MAG35-P06 Detailed monitoring of transfer of 137Cs at the hillslope scale by in situ HPGe spectrometry and landsurvey Jeremy Patin
Yuichi Onda
Hiroki Yoda
Jeremy Patin
MAG35-P07 Deposition of radioactive materials in Iwate Prefecture, due to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident Hideyuki Itoh Hideyuki Itoh
MAG35-P08 Dynamics of radiocesium in terrestrial water at headwaters Maki Tsujimura
Yuichi Onda
Yutaka Abe
Maki Tsujimura
MAG35-P09 Release of Radionuclides from Natural River, Abukuma as Suspended Particulate Matter into Pacific Ocean Yosuke Yamashiki
Yuichi Onda
Yasuhito Igarashi
Yosuke Yamashiki
MAG35-P10 Mat-forming cyanobacteria effectively decontaminate radioactive cesium Atsushi Yamamoto
YOSHIDA, Shigeru
Atsushi Yamamoto
MAG35-P11 Radio-cesium accumulation during decomposition of leaf litter accelerated by fungal grazers Nobuhiro Kaneko
Taizo Nakamori
Huang Yao
Nobuhiro Kaneko