Outline of Session


Space and Planetary Sciences(P) / Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment(EM) /  **International Session
P-EM07 Earth's Dynamical Inner Magnetosphere

Short title Inner Magnetosphere
Oral presentation
May 22 AM1 (09:00 - 10:45) 105 Danny Summers 
May 22 AM2 (11:00 - 12:45) 105 Danny Summers 
May 22 PM1 (14:15 - 16:00) 105 Yusuke Ebihara 
May 22 PM2 (16:15 - 18:00) 105 Yoshizumi Miyoshi 
Poster presentation
May 22 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Danny Summers
Email dsummers@mun.ca
Convener Danny Summers  / Yoshizumi Miyoshi  / Yusuke Ebihara 
Scope The Earth's dynamical inner magnetosphere comprises several different plasma populations including the radiation belts, ring current, plasmasphere and ionosphere. Partly as a result of the rapid development of space weather science, there has been a resurgence of interest in radiation belt dynamics in the last decade culminating with the launch in August,2012 of the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RPSP) mission. As well,the Japanese ERG satellite program, designed to explore the radiation belts,has recently been approved by JAXA with a planned launch date of December,2015. This session invites submissions on the radiation belts and how they relate to the other plasma populations in the inner magnetosphere. More generally,this session also welcomes observational, theoretical,and simulation studies on any aspect of inner magnetosphere physics.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 22 AM1 (09:00-10:45) 105                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 PEM07-01 Geospace Exploration Project ERG Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Takayuki Ono
Takeshi Takashima
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
09:15 - 09:30 PEM07-02 Space plasma/particle experimental suite for the Japanese Geospace exploration mission "ERG" Masafumi Hirahara
Takeshi Takashima
haruhisa matsumoto
Masafumi Hirahara
09:30 - 09:45 PEM07-03 ERG/PWE: Plasma Wave Experiment - from Mercury (BepiColombo/MMO-PWI) to Earth's Radiation Belt Yasumasa Kasaba
Hirotsugu Kojima
Satoshi Yagitani
Yasumasa Kasaba
09:45 - 10:00 PEM07-04 Magnetic Field Experiment in the Inner Magnetosphere by ERG Ayako Matsuoka
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Tsutomu Nagatsuma
Ayako Matsuoka
10:00 - 10:15 PEM07-05 ERG Modeling/Theory Team and ERG Science Center: A basis to investigate the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere Kanako Seki
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Takanobu Amano
Kanako Seki
10:15 - 10:30 PEM07-06 Long-term variation of relativistic electrons at geostationary orbit Takahiro Obara
Takahiro Obara
10:30 - 10:45 PEM07-07 Statistical analysis of lightning whistlers observed by VLF/WBA onboard AKEBONO Yuta Oike
Yoshiya Kasahara
Yoshitaka Goto
Yuta Oike
Oral Presentation   May 22 AM2 (11:00-12:45) 105                              to the top
11:00 - 11:20 Invited
New Insights on the Inner Magnetosphere from the Van Allen Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission Geoffrey Reeves
Harlan E Spence
The Energetic Particle Composition and Thermal Plasma (RBSP-ECT) Team
Geoffrey Reeves
11:20 - 11:40 Invited
Initial Results From The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science on the Van AllenProbes Craig Kletzing
William Kurth
Robert MacDowall
Craig Kletzing
11:40 - 12:00 Invited
ULF wave environment of the inner magnetosphere Kazue Takahashi Kazue Takahashi
12:00 - 12:15 PEM07-11 Characteristics of mid-latitude Pc5 pulsations observed on the nightside with the SuperDARN Hokkaido radar during a sudd Mariko Teramoto
Nozomu Nishitani
Kazuo Shiokawa
Mariko Teramoto
12:15 - 12:30 PEM07-12 Study of SAPS dynamics observed by the midlatitude SuperDARN radars Nozomu Nishitani
Mariko Teramoto
Tomoaki Hori
Nozomu Nishitani
12:30 - 12:45 PEM07-13 Pc5 Observations using ST-APOG mode of King Salmon HF radar Tsutomu Nagatsuma
Kaori Sakaguchi
Manabu Kunitake
Tsutomu Nagatsuma
Oral Presentation   May 22 PM1 (14:15-16:00) 105                              to the top
14:15 - 14:35 Invited
Modulation of EMIC Waves by Plasma Plumes and Pc5 ULF Waves Brian Fraser Brian Fraser
14:35 - 14:50 PEM07-15 Low-latitude Pi2 pulsations during the intervals of quiet geomagnetic conditions (Kp < 1) Khan-Hyuk Kim
Chae-Woo Jun
Hyeuk-Jin Kwon
Khan-Hyuk Kim
14:50 - 15:05 PEM07-16 Magnetic fluctuations embedded in dipolarization inside geosynchronous orbit and their possible role in selective accele Masahito Nose
Kazue Takahashi
Kunihiro Keika
Masahito Nose
15:05 - 15:20 PEM07-17 Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves related to minor ion composition in the inner magnetosphere observed by Akebono Shoya Matsuda
Yoshiya Kasahara
Yoshitaka Goto
Shoya Matsuda
15:20 - 15:35 PEM07-18 Modeling the Plasmasphere Shigeto Watanabe Shigeto Watanabe
15:35 - 15:50 PEM07-19 Energization of oxygen ions in the inner magnetosphere Yohei Nakayama
Yusuke Ebihara
Takashi Tanaka
Yohei Nakayama
Oral Presentation   May 22 PM2 (16:15-18:00) 105                              to the top
16:15 - 16:30 PEM07-20 Relativistic electron microbursts induced by EMIC triggered emissions in the Earth's radiation belts Yoshiharu Omura
Qinghua Zhao
Yoshiharu Omura
16:30 - 16:45 PEM07-21 Triggering Process of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Rising Tone Emissions in the Inner Magnetosphere Masafumi Shoji
Yoshiharu Omura
Masafumi Shoji
16:45 - 17:00 PEM07-22 Electron hybrid simulations of whistler-mode chorus emissions with real parameters in the Earth's inner magnetosphere Yuto Katoh
Yoshiharu Omura
Yuto Katoh
17:00 - 17:15 PEM07-23 Radiation belt electron acceleration by whistler chorus in three-dimensional magnetic field Shinji Saito
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Kanako Seki
Shinji Saito
17:15 - 17:30 PEM07-24 Ground-based VLF wave observations at subauroral latitudes - VLF-CHAIN Campaign Kazuo Shiokawa
Yu Yokoyama
Akimasa Ieda
Kazuo Shiokawa
17:30 - 17:45 PEM07-25 Comparison of energetic electron fluxes at Earth and Saturn Danny Summers
Rongxin Tang
Danny Summers
17:45 - 18:00 3-min talk in an oral session@(PEM07-P02/PEM07-P03/PEM07-P04/PEM07-P05)

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 22  Core Time (18:15-19:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
PEM07-P01 Statistical analysis of EMIC waves in the inner magnetophere from the Akebono observations Yuichi Kato
Miyoshi, Yoshizumi
Sakaguchi, Kaori
Yuichi Kato
PEM07-P02 Statistical analysis of chorus emissions in the dayside outer magnetosphere Toshihiro Habagishi
Natsuki Yamada
Satoshi Yagitani
Toshihiro Habagishi
PEM07-P03 Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer onboard ERG satellite Hirotsugu Kojima
Yuto Katoh
Mitsuru Hikishima
Hirotsugu Kojima
PEM07-P04 Longitudinal phase structures of Pc5 observed during the Relativistic Electron Enhancement (REE) at the outer radiation Kentarou Kitamura
Satoko Saita
Yoshimasa Tanaka
Kentarou Kitamura
PEM07-P05 Evaluation of WPIA by PIC simulations for direct measurement of wave-particle interactions of whistler-mode chorus Mitsuru Hikishima
Yuto Katoh
Hirotsugu Kojima
Mitsuru Hikishima
PEM07-P06 Long-term variation of plasmasphere observed from the Akebono PWS data Shuhei Hasegawa
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Naritoshi Kitamura
Shuhei Hasegawa
PEM07-P07 Nonlinear evolution of electrostatic solitary waves in the Earth's boundary layers: two-fluid warm plasma simulations Amar Kakad
Yoshiharu Omura
Amar Kakad