Outline of Session


Space and Planetary Sciences(P) / Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment(EM)
P-EM29 Physics and chemistry in the atmosphere and the ionosphere

Short title Phys. and chem. in the atmos/ionosphere
Oral presentation
May 22 PM1 (14:15 - 16:00) 304 Hiroyuki Nakata  / Takuya Tsugawa 
May 22 PM2 (16:15 - 18:00) 304 Hiroyuki Nakata  / Takuya Tsugawa 
May 23 AM1 (09:00 - 10:45) 304 Hidehiko Suzuki 
Poster presentation
May 22 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Kazuyo Sakanoi
Email ksakanoi@komazawa-u.ac.jp
Convener Kazuyo Sakanoi  / Yuichi Otsuka  / Takuya Tsugawa 
Scope This session covers a broad scope of studies of physics and chemistry in the atmosphere and the ionosphere. Coupling processes between plasma and neutral species, and in the ionosphere/mesosphere/thermosphere region with the upper/lower atmosphere or with the magnetosphere are very important. We solicit papers based on experiments with ground-based and/or space-borne instruments, theoretical studies, and numerical simulations.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 22 PM1 (14:15-16:00) 304                              to the top
14:15 - 14:30 PEM29-01 HF propagation model reflected by frontal Es Ichiro Tomizawa
Kotaro Fujii
Ichiro Tomizawa
14:30 - 14:45 PEM29-02 Study of quantitative characteristics of ionospheric disturbances during solar flare with the SuperDARN Hokkaido radar Daiki Watanabe
Nozomu Nishitani
Daiki Watanabe
14:45 - 15:00 PEM29-03 The response of The 20 May 2012 solar ecliption the geomagnetic field Takayoshi Oba
Toshiaki, Mishima
Satoru, Yamaguchi
Takayoshi Oba
15:00 - 15:15 PEM29-04 Cause of long term variation of geomagnetic Sq field Masahiko Takeda Masahiko Takeda
15:15 - 15:30 PEM29-05 Long-term variation in the upper atmosphere as seen in the geomagnetic solar quiet (Sq) daily variation Atsuki Shinbori
Yukinobu Koyama
Masahito Nose
Atsuki Shinbori
15:30 - 15:45 3-min talk in an oral session@(PEM29-P02/PEM29-P04/PEM29-P07/PEM29-P10/PEM29-P12)
15:45 - 16:00 3-min talk in an oral session@(PEM29-P13/PEM29-P14/PEM29-P19/PEM29-P20/PEM29-P22)
Oral Presentation   May 22 PM2 (16:15-18:00) 304                              to the top
16:15 - 16:30 PEM29-06 Plasma wave turbulence induced by the wake of an ionospheric sounding rocket Ken Endo
Atsushi Kumamoto
Hiroshi Oya
Ken Endo
16:30 - 16:45 PEM29-07 Observation of ionospheric disturbance using GPS, and evaluation of their impact on air navigation augmentation system Naoki Omatsu
Yuichi Otsuka
Susumu Saito
Naoki Omatsu
16:45 - 17:00 PEM29-08 Effect of IMF-By on variations of ionospheric total electron content at mid-latitudes Takashi Maruyama
Hidekatsu Jin
Takashi Maruyama
17:00 - 17:15 PEM29-09 Study of gravity waves generated from strong tropospheric convection over Brazil by using multi-point GPS-TEC data Daisuke Fukushima
Kazuo Shiokawa
Yuichi Otsuka
Daisuke Fukushima
17:15 - 17:30 PEM29-10 Observational results with the Tromsoe sodium LIDAR from October 2012 to March 2013 Satonori Nozawa
Taku D Kawahara
Norihito Saito
Satonori Nozawa
17:30 - 17:45 3-min talk in an oral session@(PEM29-P24/PEM29-P25/PEM29-P26/PEM29-P27/PEM29-P28)
17:45 - 18:00 3-min talk in an oral session@(PEM29-P30/PEM29-P32)
Oral Presentation   May 23 AM1 (09:00-10:45) 304                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 PEM29-11 Progress of the middle and upper atmosphere observations over Syowa station in the Antarctic Takuji Nakamura
Kaoru Sato
Masaki Tsutsumi
Takuji Nakamura
09:15 - 09:30 PEM29-12 Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar (PANSY) -- after one year continuous operation since 2012 -- Kaoru Sato
Masaki Tsutsumi
Toru Sato
Kaoru Sato
09:30 - 09:45 PEM29-13 Study on thermospheric sodium layer using Na lidar data from Syowa Station in Antarctica Takuo Tsuda
Xinzhao Chu
Takuji Nakamura
Takuo Tsuda
09:45 - 10:00 PEM29-14 Variation of Nitric Oxide in MLT region associated with energetic particle precipitation Yasuko ISONO
Akira Mizuno
Tomoo Nagahama
Yasuko ISONO
10:00 - 10:15 PEM29-15 Concentric rings of gravity waves in the mesosphere observed by the OMTI network in Japan Shin Suzuki
Kazuo Shiokawa
Yuichi Otsuka
Shin Suzuki
10:15 - 10:30 PEM29-16 A study of the tidal periodicity of gravity wave energy in the mesosphere observed with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska Takenari Kinoshita
Yasuhiro Murayama
Seiji Kawamura
Takenari Kinoshita
10:30 - 10:45 PEM29-17 A study on a humidity estimation method using the side-lobe emission from a wind profiling radar Shigeru Inaka
Jun-ichi Furumoto
Hiromu Seko
Shigeru Inaka

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 22  Core Time (18:15-19:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
PEM29-P01 Variations of scale height at F-region peak based on ionosonde measurements during solar maximum over the EIA region Yu-Jung Chuo Yu-Jung Chuo
PEM29-P02 Sporadic E detection with GPS TEC and estimation of its horizontal and vertical structure Jun MAEDA
Kosuke Heki
PEM29-P03 Estimation of spatial structure of sporadic E layer with 2-dimensional FDTD simulation Taketoshi Miyake
Takahiro Kurokawa
Keigo Ishisaka
Taketoshi Miyake
PEM29-P04 Observation of the wave-front structure of Es March 10, 2012 by VHF long-distance propagation Takuya Yamahata
Ichiro Tomizawa
Takuya Yamahata
PEM29-P05 Accuracy improvement of reflection height and moving characteristics of frontal Es by oblique ionosonde and HF Doppler Atsushi Ohtani
Ichiro Tomizawa
Atsushi Ohtani
PEM29-P06 Total electron content of plasmasphere and ionosphere before and after geomagnetic storm by using Quazi-Zenith satellite Natsuki Kinugasa
Fujinobu Takahashi
Natsuki Kinugasa
PEM29-P07 Development of TEC observation method using small differences of arrival angles of geostationary-satellites Takafumi Yokoyama
Ichiro Tomizawa
Michi Nishioka
Takafumi Yokoyama
PEM29-P08 Frequency characteristics of the variations of ionospheric total electron content after earthquakes using 1-second TEC Yuki Shimizu
Hiroyuki Nakata
Keigo Abe
Yuki Shimizu
PEM29-P09 Causal link of the seismic surface waves in the lithosphere and TEC perturbation in the ionosphere during the 2011 Tohok Chia-Hung Chen
Charles Lin
Ruey-Juin Rau
Chia-Hung Chen
PEM29-P10 Frequency dependence of the variations of total electron content associated with earthquakes Keigo Abe
Hiroyuki Nakata
Toshiaki Takano
Hiroyuki Nakata
PEM29-P11 Effects of heavy weather conditions on the total electron content in the ionosphere: the case of typhoons Hiroyuki Nakata
Keigo Abe
Toshiaki Takano
Hiroyuki Nakata
PEM29-P12 The Altitudinal Structure of Storm Enhanced Density observed by Space-borne and Ground-based GPS Receivers Yukari Goi
Akinori Saito
Takuya Tsugawa
Yukari Goi
PEM29-P13 A model of small scale field aligned currents in the middle and low latitudes as observed by the CHAMP satellite Kunihito Nakanishi
Toshihiko Iyemori
Hermann Luhr
Kunihito Nakanishi
PEM29-P14 Low energy electron observation -over cusp region by LEP-ESA on Norwegian sounding rocket ICI-3 junpei takeshima
Yoshifumi Saito
Shoichiro Yokota
junpei takeshima
PEM29-P15 Electron density perturbation near the Sq focus observed by S-310-37 sounding rocket Manabu Shimoyama
Takumi Abe
Manabu Shimoyama
PEM29-P16 Changes of the electron temperature in the region of high electron with Fixed Bias Probe on the S-310-40 Sounding Rocket Yusuke Yatsukawa
Yusuke Yatsukawa
PEM29-P17 Electric filed measurements in ionosphere by S-520-26 sounding rokcet Keigo Ishisaka
Kousuke Suda
Mamoru Yamamoto
Keigo Ishisaka
PEM29-P18 Measurement of propagation characteristics of MF band radio waves in lower ionosphere by S-310-40 sounding rocket Keigo Ishisaka
Tatsuya Fukazawa
Takumi Abe
Keigo Ishisaka
PEM29-P19 Observation of the 2012 Geminids shower, and trial of meteor detection Masayuki Toda
Masa-yuki Yamamoto
Yoshihiro Higa
Masayuki Toda
PEM29-P20 Development of notification system for bright meteor signals by using wide angle and time series images atsushi iyono
Naoki Wada
atsushi iyono
PEM29-P21 Optimization for airglow imaging in an urban area Hidehiko Suzuki
Shuka Sakurai
Makoto Taguchi
Hidehiko Suzuki
PEM29-P22 Analysis of gravity waves observed by airglow imaging at Syowa Station (69S,39E), Antarctica Takashi Matsuda
Takuji Nakamura
Mitsumu Ejiri
Takashi Matsuda
PEM29-P23 Statistical characteristics of MSTIDs using a 630-nm airglow imager at Magadan Ryota Kumeno
Kazuo Shiokawa
Yuichi Otsuka
Ryota Kumeno
PEM29-P24 Thermospheric vertical wind and temperature observed by a Fabry-Perot imager Kousuke Nakazaki
Makoto Taguchi
Yasunobu Ogawa
Kousuke Nakazaki
PEM29-P25 Optimization of an etalon system for Rayleigh lidar daylight observations with an 82-cm telescope Akihiro Yamamoto
Taku D Kawahara
Hidehiko Suzuki
Akihiro Yamamoto
PEM29-P26 Observations of three-dimensional structures of MLT wind fields based on meteor echo measurements using the PANSY radar Masaki Tsutsumi
Kaoru Sato
Toru Sato
Masaki Tsutsumi
PEM29-P27 A study on development of statistical analysis system for variations of atmospheric environment Ryota Hamaguchi
Atsuki Shinbori
Toshitaka Tsuda
Atsuki Shinbori
PEM29-P28 Climatology of the middle atmosphere over Alaska in winter season: quantitative comparison with other indexes Kazuyo Sakanoi
Yasuhiro Murayama
Richard L. Collins
Kazuyo Sakanoi
PEM29-P29 Improvement of Radio Acoustic Sounding System aiming to the operational meteorological instruments Jun-ichi Furumoto
Hiroyuki Hashiguchi
Mamoru Yamamoto
Jun-ichi Furumoto
PEM29-P30 Primary observation results of potassium layer by a tunable resonance scattering lidar Mitsumu Ejiri
Takuo Tsuda
Makoto Abo
Mitsumu Ejiri
PEM29-P31 Optical axis alignment between laser light and a receiver for a resonant scattering lidar observation Taku D Kawahara Taku D Kawahara
PEM29-P32 Preliminary results of multi-direction lidar system experiments Wataru Muranaka
Taku D Kawahara
Satonori Nozawa
Wataru Muranaka