Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Complex & General(CG)
S-CG64 Geochemistry of fault systems

Short title Geochemistry of fault systems
Oral presentation
May 21 AM1 (09:00 - 10:45) 101B Fumiaki Tsunomori  / Hidemi Tanaka 
Poster presentation
May 21 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Fumiaki Tsunomori
Email fumi@eqchem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Convener Fumiaki Tsunomori  / Hidemi Tanaka  / Masaki Murakami 
Scope Faulting changes environmental conditions, which lead to destabilize chemical bonds in fault systems. Consequently, traces of chemical reactions are observed on fault rocks. This session focuses on topics related to chemical processes from faulting to observations of rocks in fault systems. We welcome presentations on subjects in Seismology, Hydrology, Geochronology fields as well as Geochemistry.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 21 AM1 (09:00-10:45) 101B                              to the top
09:00 - 09:15 SCG64-01 Preliminary Result of Groundwater Radon Survey around Tachikawa Active Fault Zone Tomoki Ide
Hidemi Tanaka
Fumiaki Tsunomori
Fumiaki Tsunomori
09:15 - 09:30 SCG64-02 Roles of active faults for fluid-flow in the crust, examples from Chubu district, Japan Shuto Sugai
Hidemi Tanaka
Shuto Sugai
09:30 - 09:45 SCG64-03 Examination of noble gas concentration by percolation by using ceramic membrane Shuji Terusawa
Hidemi Tanaka
Fumiaki Tsunomori
Shuji Terusawa
09:45 - 10:00 SCG64-04 Construction of diagnostic research of fault zone by fault- fluid monitoring Hidemi Tanaka
Hidemi Tanaka
10:00 - 10:15 Invited
Approach for short-term forecasting model improvement based on the phenomenon before the 1946 Nankai earthquake Satoshi Itaba
Yasuhiro Umeda
Satoshi Itaba
10:15 - 10:30 3-min talk in an oral session@(SCG64-P01/SCG64-P02)

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 21  Core Time (18:15-19:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
SCG64-P01 Variation of concentration of dissolved gas in groundwater observed at Atotsugawa station Shuji Terusawa
Hidemi Tanaka
Fumiaki Tsunomori
Shuji Terusawa
SCG64-P02 Towards real-time fault monitoring: A real-time gas composition data delivery by GROWDAS Kuniyo Kawabata
Fumiaki Tsunomori
Hidemi Tanaka
Kuniyo Kawabata