Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Earth's Electromagnetism(EM)
S-EM37 Electrical conductivity, Tectono-electromagnetism

Short title Solid Earth Geoelectromagnetism
Oral presentation
May 22 PM1 (14:15 - 16:00) 201B Noriko Tada  / Kiyoshi Baba 
May 22 PM2 (16:15 - 18:00) 201B Ken'ichi Yamazaki 
Poster presentation
May 22 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Noriko Tada
Email norikot@jamstec.go.jp
Convener Noriko Tada  / Ken'ichi Yamazaki 
Scope This session is for wide variety of studies on electromagnetism of solid Earth. The topics include electromagnetic phenomena associated with earthquakes and volcanism, structures of electrical conductivity, laboratory experiments, results of simulations, new equipments for observation, and methods of data analysis.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 22 PM1 (14:15-16:00) 201B                              to the top
14:15 - 14:45 Invited
Contribution of magnetotellurics to the study of the Continental Lithospheric Break-up in East Africa Pascal Tarits
Sophie Hautot
Remigius Gama
Pascal Tarits
14:45 - 15:00 SEM37-02 First report on electrical conductivity imaging of "Normal Oceanic Mantle" Kiyoshi Baba
Hisashi Utada
Noriko Tada
Kiyoshi Baba
15:00 - 15:15 SEM37-03 Electrical conductivity structure beneath the Yasutomi and Kuresaka-touge faults and its relation to fault activity Takahiro Kubota
Satoru Yamaguchi
Hideki Murakami
Satoru Yamaguchi
15:15 - 15:30 SEM37-04 Three-dimensional resistivity imaging beneath the fold-and-thrust belt, Ishikari-teichi-toen fault zone, Hokkaido Yusuke Yamaya
Toru Mogi
Ryo Honda
Yusuke Yamaya
15:30 - 15:45 SEM37-05 Effect of induced elctric current in the Earth ongeomagnetic Sq field in the Z component Masahiko Takeda Masahiko Takeda
15:45 - 16:00 SEM37-06 Magnetic survey for archaeological old kilns at Sayama area of Bizen city, Okayama Tadahiro Hatakeyama
Yu Kitahara
Nobutatsu Mochizuki
Tadahiro Hatakeyama
Oral Presentation   May 22 PM2 (16:15-18:00) 201B                              to the top
16:15 - 16:30 SEM37-07 Piezomagnetic signals just after the occurrence of seismic events: some examples of 2-D calculation Ken'ichi Yamazaki Ken'ichi Yamazaki
16:30 - 16:45 SEM37-08 Detections of electromagnetic pulses excited by earthquakes Minoru Tsutsui Minoru Tsutsui
16:45 - 17:00 SEM37-09 2-D tsunami dynamo simulations in the northwest Pacific using the finite element method Takuto Minami
Hiroaki TOH
Yozo Hamano
Takuto Minami
17:00 - 17:15 SEM37-10 First seafloor observation of Vector Tsunameter Yozo Hamano
Hiroko Sugioka
Noriko Tada
Noriko Tada
17:15 - 17:30 3-min talk in an oral session@(SEM37-P02/SEM37-P03/SEM37-P06/SEM37-P07)

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 22  Core Time (18:15-19:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
SEM37-P01 Grain-scale simulations of the formation factors of sandy sediments containing conductive iron oxides Yoshito Nakashima Yoshito Nakashima
SEM37-P02 Rectifying sulfide minerals and application of geoelectric phenomena Mitsuyuki Ozawa
Jun Muto
Hiroyuki Nagahama
Mitsuyuki Ozawa
SEM37-P03 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation through Layered Gouges of Nojima Fault, Japan Shiori Mikuniya
Norihiro Nakamura
Hiroyuki Nagahama
Shiori Mikuniya
SEM37-P04 Preprocessing of Network-MT data contaminated by leak currents to obtain the accurate MT response functions (4) Hideki Murakami Hideki Murakami
SEM37-P05 Investigations on crustal resistivity structures in the middle-western part of Tottori and the eatern part of Hiroshima Ichiro Shiozaki
Naoto Koide
Yojiro Yasuda
Ichiro Shiozaki
SEM37-P06 Electrical conductivity structure beneath the eastern end of the Ohara and Hijima faults, Yusuke Oda
Satoru Yamaguchi
Takahiro Kubota
Yusuke Oda
SEM37-P07 Two-dimensional Inversion Analysis of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data in Pelabuhan Ratu, West Java, Indonesia Febty Febriani
Peng Han
Katsumi Hattori
Febty Febriani
SEM37-P08 3D resistivity structure around a high strain rate zone of the Tohoku back-arc Hideaki Hase
Koki Aizawa
Takayuki Sugano
Hideaki Hase