Outline of Session


Solid Earth Sciences(S) / Volcanology(VC)
S-VC53 Volcanic and igneous activities, and these long-term forecast

Short title Volcano, magma, and forecasting
Oral presentation
May 21 AM1 (09:30 - 10:45) 201A Morihisa Hamada  / Kenichiro Tani 
May 21 AM2 (11:00 - 12:45) 201A Kyohei Sano  / Masashi Ushioda 
Poster presentation
May 21 (Core Time 18:15 - 19:30) Convention Hall
Contact Teruki Oikawa
Email teruki-oikawa@aist.go.jp
Convener Teruki Oikawa  / Takeshi Hasegawa  / Daisuke MIURA  / Yoshihiro Ishizuka  / Nobuo Geshi 
Scope This session focuses on generation and accumulation processes of magmas, magma-crust interaction and degassing, and modes of eruption, long-term forecast of eruption, dispersal and emplacement of the volcanic products. The discussion spans petrological, geochemical, geophysical, and geological processes related with volcanic activity and products in the past, the present and the future.

Time Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation   May 21 AM1 (09:30-10:45) 201A                              to the top
09:30 - 09:45 SVC53-01 Magma ascent process inferred from textural analysis in Tokachi-Ishizawa obsidian lava, northern Hokkaido, Japan Kyohei Sano
Atsushi Toramaru
Keiji Wada
Kyohei Sano
09:45 - 10:00 SVC53-02 Simultaneous generation of multiple silicic magmas and their zoned magma chamber related to a caldera-forming eruption: Mitsuhiro Nakagawa
Jun-ichi Kitagawa
Hiroko Wakasa
Mitsuhiro Nakagawa
10:00 - 10:15 SVC53-03 Analysis of fractionation process of the volcanic rocks based on principal component analysis with trace element Kenta Ueki
Hikaru Iwamori
Kenta Ueki
10:15 - 10:30 3-min talk in an oral session@(SVC53-P02/SVC53-P03/SVC53-P05/SVC53-P07/SVC53-P10)
10:30 - 10:45 3-min talk in an oral session@(SVC53-P11/SVC53-P12/SVC53-P13/SVC53-P14/SVC53-P15)
Oral Presentation   May 21 AM2 (11:00-12:45) 201A                              to the top
11:00 - 11:15 SVC53-04 Volcanic history of the Oomurodashi, northern Izu-Bonin Arc Kenichiro Tani
Hiroshi Shukuno
Yuka Hirahara
Kenichiro Tani
11:15 - 11:30 SVC53-05 Eruption history of Miyakejima Volcano, in the 9-20th century Teruki Oikawa
Nobuo Geshi
Teruki Oikawa
11:30 - 11:45 SVC53-06 Estimating accurate chemical composition of primitive magma by using mantle derived Opx: Targeting at the HMA in Kiyama Fumitoshi Morisato
Tsuyoshi Iizuka
Hiroko Nagahara
Fumitoshi Morisato
11:45 - 12:00 SVC53-07 Petrological comparison between products of large caldera-forming eruptions and their precursory events Toshiaki Hasenaka
Kiyoshi Kurokawa
Hideto Yamasaki
Toshiaki Hasenaka
12:00 - 12:15 SVC53-08 Determination of hydrogen diffusivity in Ca-rich plagioclase Morihisa Hamada Morihisa Hamada
12:15 - 12:30 SVC53-09 Is magma modeled as a hard-sphere suspension or soft-sphere suspension? Aika Kurokawa
Kei Kurita
Aika Kurokawa
12:30 - 12:45 3-min talk in an oral session@(SVC53-P16/SVC53-P17/SVC53-P18/SVC53-P19)

Presentation No Title Author Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation   May 21  Core Time (18:15-19:30) Convention Hall                    to the top
SVC53-P01 Volcanoes of Japan (Third edition) published in 2013 Shun Nakano
Kuniaki Nishiki
Shinji Takarada
Shun Nakano
SVC53-P02 Geology and petrology of Taisetsu volcanic field ; Formation history and Transition of magma Kosuke Ishige
Mitsuhiro Nakagawa
Kosuke Ishige
SVC53-P03 Magma mixing indicated by heterogeneous texture in the Mikurasawa lava, the Taisetsu volcano, central Hokkaido, Japan Hikaru Baba
Keiji Wada
Eiichi Sato
Hikaru Baba
SVC53-P04 The Oropirika pyroclastic flow deposit: Large-scale pyroclastic flow deposit from the Shirataki basin, Hokkaido Masashi NAGAI
Masashi NAGAI
SVC53-P05 The transition of Magma Activity between 1962 and 1988-89 eruptions in Tokachidake Volcano, Central Hokkaido Hironobu Hinata
Keiji Wada
Yu Nakatsuka
Hironobu Hinata
SVC53-P06 Characteristic Eruption Sequence and its Magma Plumbing System at the Nakamachineshiri Stage-I in the Me-Akan Volcano Keisuke Anzai
Keiji Wada
Keisuke Anzai
SVC53-P07 Volcanic stratigraphy and magmatic differentiation in the northern Kita-Hakkoda volcanic group Sho Komatsu
Tsukasa Ohba
Sho Komatsu
SVC53-P08 Evolutionary Processes of the Coexisted Tholeiitic and Calc-alkaline Magma Series, Marumori volcano, Iwate Prefecture. Saabu Tsuchiya
Akihiko Fujinawa
Saabu Tsuchiya
SVC53-P09 Radiocarbon age of the phreatic-eruption deposits from the eastern-craters at the northern flank of Kurikoma Volcano Nobuo Doi Nobuo Doi
SVC53-P10 Time scale from mixing to eruption for historical lavas of Chokai volcano: Estimation by olivine residence times Takanori Sato
Masao Ban
Tsukasa Ohba
Takanori Sato
SVC53-P11 Generation processes of mafic inclusions of Fujiyama volcano in northern part of Takahara volcano, northeast Japan Yoshiyuki Tajima
Yoshiyuki Tajima
SVC53-P12 Geology and Petrology of the Post-caldera Stage Lava flows originated from Azuma-Kofuji cone, East Azuma volcano Mamoru Ozaki
Akihiko Fujinawa
Mamoru Ozaki
SVC53-P13 Crystal size distribution of plagioclase phenocryst of the Sessho lava of the Kusatsu Shirane volcano Kazuki Oshio
Kenta Ueki
Mutsuko Inui
Kazuki Oshio
SVC53-P14 The source and age of the Awakawa Pumice Bed in Urizura Hills, Ibaraki Prefecture Akihiko Kikuchi
Takeshi Hasegawa
Akihiko Kikuchi
SVC53-P15 Reexamination of the volcanic sequence based on the borehole core excavated in Manazuru-cho, SE Japan Toshifumi TAKASUKA
MANNEN, Kazutaka
Toshifumi TAKASUKA
SVC53-P16 Magma plumbing system Ofunato and Tsubota stage in Miyakejima volcano based on high-pressure experiments and melt inclus Masashi Ushioda
Eiichi Takahashi
Toshihiro Suzuki
Masashi Ushioda
SVC53-P17 K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks from Nekodake volcano in Aso, Kyushu, Japan -different magma systems within a caldera- Taro Shinmura
Hirochika Sumino
Yasuhiro Ueda
Taro Shinmura
SVC53-P18 Evaluation of Holocene eruptive activity in South Kurile, inferred from Age, Source, and Distribution of tephra Akiko Matsumoto
Mitsuhiro Nakagawa
Akiko Matsumoto
SVC53-P19 Amount, composition, and generation timescale of magma produced by melting of lower crust Katsuya Kaneko Katsuya Kaneko