

ユニオン(U) / ユニオン /  **国際セッション
U-01 International Cooperation in Earth Planetary Science Project - Centering on NASA-JAXA Joint Project-

プログラム掲載短縮名 NASA-JAXA Joint Project
5月23日 AM1 (09:00 - 12:45) 国際会議室  
5月23日 PM1 (14:15 - 16:45) 国際会議室  
連絡先 山本 静夫 Jack A. Kaye
メールアドレス oki.riko@jaxa.jp
コンビーナ 山本 静夫 Jack A. Kaye  Toru Fukuda  中村 健治  中村 正人  高橋 幸弘  沖 理子 
スコープ In such a big project of the earth planetary science, it would be an inevitable process to organize an international cooperation framework. Especially in Japan, we have been working together in various fields with NASA, the pioneer in the field. Initiated by the Halley's Comet exploration program in the Cold War era under the framework called IACG (Inter-Agency Consultative Group for Space Science), international collaboration is crucial for planetary science in Japan. There are several ongoing US-Japan collaborations and this time we would like to focus on two satellites, namely GEOTAIL and HINODE. The former one was the 1st satellite of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics program (ISTP) armada and was launched in 1992. The satellite is still active and all the Japan and US instruments onboard are sending in-situ plasma data in the magnetosphere. HINODE is the space solar observatory and was launched in 2006. Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) and X-ray Telescope (XRT) were made fully/partially in the US. In the earth environmental observation, along with the joint missions where JAXA observation instruments load on the NASA satellites, and visa-versa, most recently, there has been a cooperation where JAXA GCOM-W satellite joined in the NASA A-train. In the next fiscal year, Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM), which is an equal-partner project, will be launched. Regarding the world-leading international project that are using the most of the respective specialities in the field and technology from Japan and America, we aim to deepen our understanding to the meaning of the global cooperation itself and to the future prospect, by gathering in this union conference and holding a session.

時間 講演番号 タイトル 著者 発表者 予稿原稿
口頭発表   5月23日  AM1(09:00-12:45)  国際会議室        このページのtopへ
09:00 - 09:30 U01-01 JAXAの地球観測計画 山本 静雄 山本 静雄
09:30 - 10:00 U01-02 The Role of Space Observations in an Integrated Earth System Science Kaye Jack A. Kaye Jack A.
10:00 - 10:25 U01-03 日本におけるTRMMの成果とGPM計画 中村 健治
中村 健治
10:25 - 10:50 U01-04 Next-Generation Global Satellite Precipitation Data Products: U.S. Status George Huffman
Arthur Hou
George Huffman
10:50 - 11:15 U01-05 GCOM-W1(しずく)による全球水循環観測 沖 大幹
可知 美佐子
今岡 啓治
沖 大幹
11:15 - 11:40 U01-06 The A-Train: A unique view of the Earth System L Stephens Graeme L Stephens Graeme
11:40 - 12:05 U01-07 温室効果ガス観測技術衛星GOSATのセンサ校正・データ処理手法改良・データ検証・炭素収支推定におけるNASA/ACOSチームとの協力 横田 達也
吉田 幸生
森野 勇
横田 達也
12:05 - 12:30 U01-08 Atmospheric CO2 Observations from Space by the GOSAT Mission David Crisp
Annmarie Eldering
Michael Gunson
David Crisp
12:30 - 12:45 総合討論
口頭発表   5月23日  PM1(14:15-16:45)  国際会議室        このページのtopへ
14:15 - 14:45 U01-09 太陽の磁気活動を調べる「ひので」 清水 敏文 清水 敏文
14:45 - 15:15 U01-10 Hinode: A Premiere Solar Physics Observatory Resulting from NASA-JAXA Cooperation Kathy Reeves Kathy Reeves
15:15 - 15:45 U01-11 GEOTAIL計画における日米協力 西田 篤弘 西田 篤弘
15:45 - 16:15 U01-12 Near-future opportunities for international collaborations in magnetospheric research Kazue Takahashi
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Craig Kletzing
Kazue Takahashi
16:15 - 16:30 総合討論