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著者 | 演題番号 | タイトル | 予稿集本文 |
BHAT, Harsha | ★ SCG58-01 | Weakening mechanism and energy budget of laboratory earthquakes | 日本語 English |
BHATTARAI, Mukunda | SSS25-18 | Detection of nonlinear site response using the main shock and its aftershocks of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake recorded at the DMG site of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal | 日本語 English |
BIAN, Di | SSS31-13 | 糸魚川?静岡構造線北部セグメントの神城断層における古地震研究 | 日本語 English |
BIBRING, Jean-Pierre | PPS01-P11 | Science Experiments with the Trojan Asteroid Lander in the Solar Powered Sail Mission | 日本語 English |
BIELE, Jens | PPS01-P11 | Science Experiments with the Trojan Asteroid Lander in the Solar Powered Sail Mission | 日本語 English |
BIENIEK, Peter A | ACG24-12 | アラスカの大規模森林火災期間中の気象条件 | 日本語 English |
BIGGIN, Andrew | SEM05-P08 | Palaeomagnetic field strength variations suggest a Mesoproterozoic age of inner core nucleation | 日本語 English |
BIJUKCHHEN, Subeg | SSS25-16 | カトマンズ盆地で観測された2015年ネパール・Gorkha地震群における長周期地震動 | 日本語 English |
BINZEL, Richard | ★ PCG10-07 | Asteroids as Records of Solar System History | 日本語 English |
BIRD, Peter | ★ SSS03-01 | The Global Earthquake Activity Rate (GEAR) forecast test | 日本語 English |
BIRN, Joachim | ★ PEM06-06 | The Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection with Guide Fields | 日本語 English |
BISHOYI RATNA, Satyaban | ACG08-P09 | The Unusual wet summer of 2014 in Southern Europe | 日本語 English |
BLACKMAN, Donna K. | SIT09-P02 | Preliminary result of the physical properties and downhole measurements during IODP Exp. 360 Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho | 日本語 English |
BLAHA, Didier | HSC02-P05 | Airborne pathogenic bacteria risk related to a storm water retention basin | 日本語 English |
BLAKE, J. B. | ★ PEM08-07 | Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by Van Allen Probes and MMS | 日本語 English |
BLANC, Michel | PPS01-14 | Jupiter's auroral observations by Hisaki/EXCEED and expectation toward collaborations with Juno | 日本語 English |
BLANCO, Ariel | ★ ACG15-P01 | フィリピン、ボリナオにおける海草群集の多様性が魚類の群集構造に与える影響 | 日本語 English |
BLANCO, Jos? Faustino | SSS30-P01 | コロンビアにおけるSWIFTを用いたCMT解の推定と複雑な沈み込みに伴う地震活動の特徴 | 日本語 English |
BLATTER, Heinz | ACC20-10 | Comparison of thermodynamics solvers in the polythermal ice sheet model SICOPOLIS | 日本語 English |
BLUM, Peter | MIS16-16 | IODP Exp. 360速報:南西インド洋海海嶺、超低速拡大海域の下部地殻?モホ掘削 (SloMo) | 日本語 English |
BLUM, Peter | SIT09-05 | Preliminary reports on the Nature of the Lower Crust and Moho at Slower Spreading Ridges (SloMo) | 日本語 English |
BLUNIER, Thomas | ACC21-06 | グリーンランドNEEM氷床コアと南極Dome Fuji氷床コアから復元された完新世におけるメタン濃度 | 日本語 English |
BOARDSEN, Scott A | PEM08-P06 | Ray tracing of mode conversion process from magnetosonic mode waves to EMIC waves inside plasmasphere | 日本語 English |
BOCK, Yehuda | SSS01-P03 | Rapid Magnitude Estimation in Earthquake Early Warning with Seismogeodesy | 日本語 English |
BODENMANN, Adrian | AOS03-P04 | Measurement and mapping of dissolved methane distribution in the Sea of Japan: Influence of shallow gas hydrate deposits. | 日本語 English |
★ BCG04-01 | Benthic Habitat Mapping in the Iheya North Hydrothermal Field | 日本語 English |
BOES, Evelien | MIS11-P11 | 浜名湖と富士五湖堆積物を用いた津波および古地震研究の展望 | 日本語 English |
BOESE, Carolin | SSS26-P07 | 地震波干渉法によるニュージランド・アルパイン断層近傍における表層付近のS波異方性の推定 | 日本語 English |
BOETTCHER, Margaret | MIS16-09 | 大深度南アフリカ金鉱山からのM2.0-M5.5の地震発生場の科学掘削計画(DSeis) | 日本語 English |
BOFFA BALLARAN, Tiziana | SMP42-09 | タングステンカーバイドアンビルと組み合わせた川井型マルチアンビルプレスによる44 GPa、2000 KにおけるLiNbO3型 Mg3Al2Si3O12の合成 | 日本語 English |
BOGUS, Kara | ★ SIT09-02 | Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc basement from IODP Exp. 351(Amami Sankaku Basin) | 日本語 English |
BOLDBAATAR, Chimedtseie | SMP14-P01 | Contrasting pressure?temperature records from the Altai Range, Mongolia; constraints from multiple growth of garnet, aluminosilicates and monazite | 日本語 English |
BOLDBAATAR, Dolzodmaa | SMP14-P01 | Contrasting pressure?temperature records from the Altai Range, Mongolia; constraints from multiple growth of garnet, aluminosilicates and monazite | 日本語 English |
BOLLINGER, Laurent | SSS25-18 | Detection of nonlinear site response using the main shock and its aftershocks of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake recorded at the DMG site of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal | 日本語 English |
BONAN, Gordon B | ACG09-04 | Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes from 1850 to 2300 | 日本語 English |
BONFORTE, Alessandro | SSS32-04 | GPS連続観測および繰り返し観測によって捉えられたアゾレス諸島プレート三重点のテクトニクスと火山性地殻変動 | 日本語 English |
BOONCHAISUK, Songkhun | SSS26-07 | Crustal structure of Thailand from receiver function and ambient noise tomography studies | 日本語 English |
BOONCHAISUK, Songkhun | SIT06-14 | Thai Seismic Array (TSAR) Project | 日本語 English |
BORGEAUD, Anselme F. E. | SIT06-13 | Full-waveform inversion for localized 3-D S-velocity structure in D” beneath the Caribbean using USArray data | 日本語 English |
BORJIGIN, Habura | AAS01-P11 | Synthesis of top-down and bottom-up estimations of terrestrial CO2 budget in Asia | 日本語 English |
ACG22-P09 | 衛星ライダーによるシベリアの森林資源変化の把握 | 日本語 English |
BOSTOCK, Michael | ★ SCG21-06 | Constraints on source parameters of low-frequency earthquakes in Parkfield, CA | 日本語 English |
BOTCHARNIKOV, Roman | SCG62-P04 | 雲仙火山1991-1995年噴出物中の苦鉄質包有物の鉱物化学組成の多様性の起源とマグマ供給系 | 日本語 English |
BOTHMA, Riaan | SMP14-06 | New data on the structural evolution of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: Focus on the Neoproterozoic ? Cambrian and implications for the amalgamation of Gondwana. | 日本語 English |
BOURGEOIS, Emilie | HSC02-P05 | Airborne pathogenic bacteria risk related to a storm water retention basin | 日本語 English |
BOWERS, Gregory | MIS14-05 | 落雷時に生じる制動X線の直近観測 | 日本語 English |
MIS14-P04 | 能登半島で観測された落雷時の高エネルギー放射線 | 日本語 English |
BRADAK, Balazs | MIS17-08 | Is Central Europe the ‘witch's brew’ of Pleistocene paleoclimate studies? ? The magnetic fabric approach | 日本語 English |
BRAIN, David A. | PCG21-17 | 火星探査機MAVENの観測データを使用したMagnetic Pileup BoundaryとIon Composition Boundaryの比較 | 日本語 English |
PCG21-18 | 火星磁気圏周辺における酸素イオン反射 | 日本語 English |
BRANDL, Philipp A. | MIS16-14 | 伊豆-小笠原-マリアナ弧の前弧玄武岩が背弧側の奄美三角海盆まで広範囲に分布していることを海底掘削により発見―5200万年前に開始したプレートの沈み込みは「自発的沈み込み」だった― | 日本語 English |
BR?NDSTR?M, Urban | PEM07-12 | Preliminary results of auroral tomography analysis of discrete arcs observed on March 14, 2015 | 日本語 English |
PEM18-P08 | 地上多点光学・EISCAT UHFレーダー観測による脈動オーロラの発光高度推定 | 日本語 English |
BRANDT, Pontus | PEM08-P15 | A pilot study for reconstruction of the inner-magnetosphere by data assimilation of global ENA and EUV measurements | 日本語 English |
BRANT, Robert | AOS03-P04 | Measurement and mapping of dissolved methane distribution in the Sea of Japan: Influence of shallow gas hydrate deposits. | 日本語 English |
BRANTUT, Nicolas | ★ SCG58-01 | Weakening mechanism and energy budget of laboratory earthquakes | 日本語 English |
BREKKE, Asgeir | PEM09-15 | Variations of the polar lower thermosphere and mesosphere in February 2016 using EISCAT radar, meteor radar, MF radar, and sodium LIDAR observations | 日本語 English |
BRIAN, Kennett | ★ SIT08-01 | Toward the reconciliation of seismological and petrological perspectives on oceanic lithosphere heterogeneity | 日本語 English |
BRIOIS, Christelle | PPS01-P11 | Science Experiments with the Trojan Asteroid Lander in the Solar Powered Sail Mission | 日本語 English |
BRITTON, Nathan John | MGI21-10 | HAKUTOプロジェクトにおける月面縦孔探査を目指したマイクロローバーの設計と開発状況 | 日本語 English |
BROMIRSKI, Peter | ★ MTT05-01 | Longitudinal Seismic Waves in the Ross Ice Shelf Excited by Whillans Ice Stream Stick-Slip Events | 日本語 English |
BROOK, Edward J | ACC21-06 | グリーンランドNEEM氷床コアと南極Dome Fuji氷床コアから復元された完新世におけるメタン濃度 | 日本語 English |
BR?CKNER, Helmut | MIS11-P11 | 浜名湖と富士五湖堆積物を用いた津波および古地震研究の展望 | 日本語 English |
BRUDZINSKI, Michael R | ★ SCG21-16 | Earthquake swarms along the Oaxaca segment of the Mexico subduction zone and relationships to slow slip phenomena | 日本語 English |
BRUNET, Fabrice | SCG20-P09 | The mechanics of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes: experimental evidences | 日本語 English |
SIT07-06 | Transformational Faulting as a Deep-Focus Earthquake Mechanism: Correlating In-Situ Acoustic Emission Locations at High P-T with Post-Mortem Fault Imaging Using Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography in Controlled Deformation Experiments | 日本語 English |
BRUNIER, Guillaume | HCG11-02 | Late Holocene to Present shoreline change at the mouths of the Mekong River delta | 日本語 English |
BRUNO, Albertazzi | PPS01-02 | Insulator to electronic conductor transition of synthetic planetary ices at interior conditions of icy giants compressed by laser-driven shock wave | 日本語 English |
BRUNO, Sarli | PCG10-13 | DESTINY+: Phaethon fLyby with reUSable probe | 日本語 English |
BRUNTZ, Robert | PEM03-24 | A link between high-speed solar wind streams and extratropical cyclones | 日本語 English |
BRYUKHANOV, Alexander | MIS01-P03 | Assessing pyrogenic impact on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands after surface fires in Central Siberia | 日本語 English |
BRYUKHANOV, Alexander | ★ MIS01-02 | Quantifying wildfires in Central Siberia: linking “top-down” and “bottom-up” observation strategies | 日本語 English |
MIS01-P02 | Soil CO2 efflux rates after wildfires in ecosystems of Central Siberia | 日本語 English |
BRYUKHANOVA, Marina | ★ MIS01-02 | Quantifying wildfires in Central Siberia: linking “top-down” and “bottom-up” observation strategies | 日本語 English |
BUCHERT, Stephan | PEM09-15 | Variations of the polar lower thermosphere and mesosphere in February 2016 using EISCAT radar, meteor radar, MF radar, and sodium LIDAR observations | 日本語 English |
BUDIATI, Masyitha Retno | SIT11-P07 | Interpretation of seismic waveform at regional distance for determining focal depth: a case study in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia | 日本語 English |
BUFFETT, Bruce A. | ★ SEM05-07 | A Power Spectrum for the Geomagnetic Dipole Moment | 日本語 English |
BUHARI, Suhaila M. | PEM09-05 | Coordinated observations of post-midnight irregularities and thermospheric neutral wind and temperature | 日本語 English |
BUHE, BAOYIN | HTT23-06 | 多時期LANDSATデータを用いたホルチン地域の土地利用変遷に関する検討 | 日本語 English |
BULYGINA, Olga | ★ MIS01-P06 | Snow Cover Monitoring in Northern Eurasia | 日本語 English |
BULYGINA, Olga | MIS01-12 | Freezing Precipitation and Freezing Events over Northern Eurasia and North America | 日本語 English |
BUMBY, Adam | SMP14-06 | New data on the structural evolution of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: Focus on the Neoproterozoic ? Cambrian and implications for the amalgamation of Gondwana. | 日本語 English |
BURCH, James L | ★ PEM06-01 | First Electron-Scale Measurements of Magnetic Reconnection in Space | 日本語 English |
BURCH, James L. | ★ PEM06-06 | The Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection with Guide Fields | 日本語 English |
PEM06-09 | Shift of the magnetopause reconnection line to the winter hemisphere under southward IMF conditions: Geotail and MMS observations | 日本語 English |
PEM06-11 | Structure of the magnetopause observed by MMS and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability | 日本語 English |
PEM06-12 | MMS satellites and EISCAT radar observations of dayside flow bursts. | 日本語 English |
PEM06-P02 | Electron acceleration at the Earth's quasi-perpendicular bow shock: MMS observation | 日本語 English |
★ PEM08-07 | Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by Van Allen Probes and MMS | 日本語 English |
BURD, Adrian B | AOS03-03 | Colloidal pumping as a removal process of dissolved iron: a model study | 日本語 English |
BUREK, Peter | HSC02-06 | Development of future water use scenarios: Water Futures and Solutions (WFaS) initiative’s approaches | 日本語 English |
BURGESS, Neil | ★ HCG11-05 | Food and nutrition security trends, determinants and challenges in tropical mega deltas | 日本語 English |
BURGESS, Ray | SGC16-03 | Noble gas and halogen subduction processes constrained by the analysis of olivines from Izu-Mariana arc lavas | 日本語 English |
B?RGMANN, Roland | SCG21-18 | Constraints on friction, dilatancy, hydraulic diffusivity, and effective stress from low-frequency earthquake rates on the deep San Andreas Fault | 日本語 English |
★ SSS27-07 | 東北日本における周期的スロースリップとプレート境界地震 | 日本語 English |
BURKHARDT, Theodore W | MIS10-02 | Dynamics of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and Southern Ocean in an ocean model of intermediate complexity | 日本語 English |
BURT, Brian | ★ PCG10-07 | Asteroids as Records of Solar System History | 日本語 English |
BURYAK, Ludmila | MIS01-01 | Fire-induced forest transformations in the Zabaikalye region, southern Siberia | 日本語 English |
BURYAK, Ludmila | MIS01-06 | Satellite assessment of post-fire forest regeneration in the Zabaikal region | 日本語 English |
MIS01-P01 | Fire impact on forest formation in the light-coniferous forests of the southern Siberia | 日本語 English |