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著者 | 演題番号 | タイトル | 予稿集本文 |
JACKSON, Bernard | PEM19-08 | 磁気雲通過開始時刻付近における惑星間空間磁場の計算と観測との比較 | 日本語 English |
PEM19-09 | 太陽圏磁場の動径成分と南北成分の統計解析 | 日本語 English |
JACKSON, Colin | SGC16-11 | Redistribution of noble gases during magma ocean crystallization | 日本語 English |
JACKSON, David D | ★ SSS03-01 | The Global Earthquake Activity Rate (GEAR) forecast test | 日本語 English |
★ SSS04-02 | Do geology and seismology tell consistent stories about earthquake rates? | 日本語 English |
JACOBSEN, Knut Stanley | PEM04-24 | GPS phase scintillation during the geomagnetic storm of March 17, 2015: The relation to auroral electrojet currents | 日本語 English |
JAENCHEN, Judit | PPS11-26 | JUICE/GALA-J (1) : JUICE 搭載ガニメデレーザー高度計 (GALA) - 概要および日本チームの役割 | 日本語 English |
JAFFE, Bruce | ★ MIS11-13 | 数値解析を用いた津波堆積物研究の現状と今後 | 日本語 English |
JAHN, Bor-Ming | ★ SIT11-06 | Crustal and tectonic evolution of accretionary orogens in NE Asia and comparison with the Central Asian Orogenic Belt | 日本語 English |
JAIN, Sonal | ★ PPS02-01 | Comparison of the Martian thermospheric density and temperature from IUVS/MAVEN data and general circulation modeling | 日本語 English |
JAKOSKY, Bruce M. | PCG21-17 | 火星探査機MAVENの観測データを使用したMagnetic Pileup BoundaryとIon Composition Boundaryの比較 | 日本語 English |
PCG21-18 | 火星磁気圏周辺における酸素イオン反射 | 日本語 English |
JALOBEANU, A | SIT07-03 | Seafloor subsidence and mantle dynamics | 日本語 English |
JALOWITZKI, Tiago | SGC16-P05 | MORB-like and radiogenic/nucleogenic noble gas components in southern Patagonian subcontinental lithospheric mantle | 日本語 English |
JAMALI HONDORI, Ehsan | STT17-P05 | Developing Initial Model for Seismic Full Waveform Inversion Using Conventional Data Processing Tools | 日本語 English |
JAMBOR, Kinuko | HDS06-P03 | The Great East Japan Earthquake's Impact to Human Society as Described in Haiku | 日本語 English |
JANG, JaeJin | PEM08-P19 | Effects of conductivity asymmetry between the northern and southern latitudes on quarter waves | 日本語 English |
JANG, Younsun | HCG10-05 | A Study on Landscape Assessment with Photo Classification Method: Focusing on Bukhansan National Park | 日本語 English |
JANSSEN, Christoph | MIS16-09 | 大深度南アフリカ金鉱山からのM2.0-M5.5の地震発生場の科学掘削計画(DSeis) | 日本語 English |
JARGALAN, Sereenen | SMP14-P01 | Contrasting pressure?temperature records from the Altai Range, Mongolia; constraints from multiple growth of garnet, aluminosilicates and monazite | 日本語 English |
JATININGRUM, Resti Samyati | MIS16-P04 | Preliminary report of International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 356 ? What can we learn from the (sub) tropical carbonates off northwest Australia? ? | 日本語 English |
JAVKHLAN, Otgonkhuu | SMP43-13 | Metamorphic evolution of eclogites in the Alag Khadny metamorphic complex, Lake Zone, SW Mongolia | 日本語 English |
JAVZAN, Choijil | HGG13-P03 | モンゴルの鉱山開発に由来する河川の金属汚染 | 日本語 English |
JAYA, Kandasamy | HSC02-11 | Finding a Sustainable Balance in the Water-Food-Environment Nexus: Socio-economic Transformation of an Agricultural Basin | 日本語 English |
JAYACHANDRAN, P. Thayyil | PEM04-24 | GPS phase scintillation during the geomagnetic storm of March 17, 2015: The relation to auroral electrojet currents | 日本語 English |
JAYNES, A. | ★ PEM08-07 | Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by Van Allen Probes and MMS | 日本語 English |
JEFFREY, Kuhn | BAO01-01 | Methane and HDO/H2O in the Martian atmosphere studied by ultra-high spectral resolution | 日本語 English |
JEGEN, Marion | SCG59-12 | 南大西洋トリスタン・ダ・クーニャホットスポットの下にはプルームがない:電気伝導度構造からの示唆 | 日本語 English |
JELENAK, Zorana | ★ U02-08 | GCOM-W1/AMSR-2 Status and Utilization at NOAA | 日本語 English |
JENKINS, Robert | BPT07-11 | 個別アミノ酸窒素同位体比を用いた栄養段階推定法は化石に応用できるのか?〜初期続成が及ぼす殻体内アミノ酸の変質に着目して〜 | 日本語 English |
BPT08-02 | 後期白亜紀の海洋における植物の分解 ー北海道中川町に分布する上部白亜系蝦夷層群を対象にー |
日本語 English |
BPT08-P03 | 浅海鯨骨生態系の変遷:九十九湾における水槽および天然環境における鯨骨群集形成実験 | 日本語 English |
JEPHCOAT, Andrew P | ★ SGC16-06 | Noble gas incorporation into the deep Earth | 日本語 English |
JEPSON, Lisa | SGC16-03 | Noble gas and halogen subduction processes constrained by the analysis of olivines from Izu-Mariana arc lavas | 日本語 English |
JEROME, Riedi | ACG10-16 | Retrieval of the ice cloud properties from MODIS and HIMAWARI-8 satellite measurements by Voronoi ice particle scattering model | 日本語 English |
JI, Yingfeng | SCG57-08 | Three-dimensional numerical modeling for subduction thermal regime, slab dehydration, and mantle flow beneath Kanto to Tohoku, Japan | 日本語 English |
JIA, Yue | PEM03-11 | Quasi Two Day Wave Response in the Ionosphere Using TIME-GCM Nudged with NOGAPS-ALPHA | 日本語 English |
PEM03-P17 | Coherent seasonal, annual, and quasi-biennial variations in ionospheric tidal/SPW amplitudes | 日本語 English |
JIANG, Guoming | SCG20-01 | Metastable olivine wedge in the Pacific slab and deep earthquakes beneath the NE Asia margin | 日本語 English |
JIANG, Kai | AOS03-P05 | Diffusive benthic nutrient flux in the central of East China Sea | 日本語 English |
JIANG, LANLAN | HRE20-12 | An Experiment study on dynamic displacement and non-equilibrium dissolution for CO2 in porous media | 日本語 English |
JIANG, Lanlan | HRE20-P06 | 不均質堆積岩におけるCO2流動の可視化と定量評価 | 日本語 English |
JIANG, Yao | HDS05-11 | Experimental investigation on the frictional behavior of granular materials: Implications for better understanding landslide mobility | 日本語 English |
JIANSHE, Lei | SIT07-05 | Seismic structure and dynamics beneath eastern Tibet: Insight into large earthquakes and Tengchong volcano | 日本語 English |
JIGE, Mayumi | AHW16-15 | Distribution of phosphorus carbon nitrogen and biogenic silica in sediment from Kojima Bay, Seto Inland Sea. | 日本語 English |
JIMENEZ-ESPEJO, Francis J. | MIS06-03 | 塩田バイオマット内の炭素・硫黄循環が高塩海水の化学組成に与える影響 | 日本語 English |
JIN, Dachao | ACG06-05 | The role of tropical Atlantic SST anomalies in modulating western North Pacific tropical cyclone genesis | 日本語 English |
JIN, Fei-Fei | ACG06-02 | ENSO diversity caused by mean state-dependent ENSO modes resulting from an intermediate coupled model | 日本語 English |
JIN, Guangzhe | AHW16-14 | 児島湖の物質循環−底泥中の酸化還元から魚まで | 日本語 English |
JIN, Guangzhe | AHW16-07 | 大都市沿岸部における下水道由来の窒素動態 | 日本語 English |
AHW16-12 | 琵琶湖における地下水湧出の分布と栄養塩流出に及ぼす影響 −現状と課題− | 日本語 English |
AHW16-15 | Distribution of phosphorus carbon nitrogen and biogenic silica in sediment from Kojima Bay, Seto Inland Sea. | 日本語 English |
AHW16-P07 | 渇水リスク地域における水の再利用と栄養塩濃度空間分布 | 日本語 English |
AHW16-P16 | 土壌水分中のNO3-の移動速度推測と地下水への影響ーー生口島を例として | 日本語 English |
★ AHW16-P17 | Assessment of the spatial distribution of submarine groundwater and associated nutrients discharge along the Ikuchi Island coastline, Seto Inland Sea, Japan | 日本語 English |
AHW16-P19 | 西日本の閉鎖性湾における過去1万年間の生物地球化学過程の変動 | 日本語 English |
JIN, Hidekatsu | MGI21-09 | 多点地上GNSS受信機による電離圏監視システム | 日本語 English |
PEM03-10 | Tidal variabilities and their effects on the upper atmosphere during stratospheric sudden warmings studied with a long-term whole atmosphere-ionosphere simulation | 日本語 English |
★ PEM03-14 | Behavior of Gravity waves in the thermosphere simulated by high resolution GAIA | 日本語 English |
PEM04-23 | Total electron content forecast model over Japan using a machine learning technique |
日本語 English |
PEM04-26 | Development of a whole atmosphere-ionosphere model GAIA for higher accuracy and its application toward data assimilation modeling | 日本語 English |
PEM04-P15 | Studies of the thermosphere and ionosphere with the EISCAT radar and whole atmosphere/ionosphere model: GAIA | 日本語 English |
PEM04-P16 | Occurrence probability of plasma bubbles deduced from GAIA simulation data | 日本語 English |
PEM09-P09 | Ionospheric weather in the dayside polar cap region | 日本語 English |
PEM16-P19 | 全球大気モデルGAIAによる中低緯度熱圏・電離圏ダイナミクスの主磁場依存性 | 日本語 English |
JIN, Kaoru | SSS25-12 | 強震動評価のための関東地域における浅部・深部統合地盤モデルの構築 | 日本語 English |
SSS25-P29 | 微動アレイ観測による関東地域全域の3次元S波速度構造モデルの構築 | 日本語 English |
SSS25-P30 | 関東地域における極小・不規則アレイ微動観測に基づく浅部地盤モデルの高度化 | 日本語 English |
JIN, Wei | BPT05-09 | 中国東北部鞍山地域における東山片麻岩の産状とそのU-Pbジルコン年代 | 日本語 English |
JIN, Yi | HGG13-P02 | 内モンゴルにおける地下水の水質分布とその環境リスク評価 | 日本語 English |
JIN, Young Keun | MIS09-02 | 熱分解起源メタンを包接する結晶構造I型の天然ガスハイドレートの特徴 | 日本語 English |
MIS09-P20 | サハリン沖ガスハイドレートサイトの微生物組成解析 | 日本語 English |
JINBO, Utsugi | MGI04-07 | Current status and challenges of open data in biodiveristy field | 日本語 English |
JIN-PING, Chen | MIS17-P12 | 石筍の流体包有物の同位体比解析による最終退氷期における南大東島の気候変動復元 | 日本語 English |
JITSUFUCHI, Tetsuya | STT52-P01 | 単発エンジン航空機搭載型放射伝達スペクトルスキャナ(ARTS-SE)の試験観測飛行 | 日本語 English |
Jiyo | PEM09-P04 | Solar-Terrestrial Interaction as Studied from Total Solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016 | 日本語 English |
JOHN, Jasmin G | ★ AOS03-07 | Trophic amplification of ocean productivity trends under climate change | 日本語 English |
JOHN, Timm | SCG20-09 | Laboratory earthquakes triggered by metamorphic reactions during the eclogitization of blueschist | 日本語 English |
JOHNSON, H. Paul | ★ SSS02-04 | Heat flow at the Cascadia, USA, and the Hikurangi, New Zealand, margins | 日本語 English |
JOHNSTON, Malcolm | SEM35-09 | フィリピン・タール火山における最近の静穏状態と電磁気観測から推測される新たな活動? | 日本語 English |
JOHROKU, Keisuke | SVC46-01 | 湖水の音速と濁度測定による火口湖モニタリング | 日本語 English |
JOKAT, Wilfried | SCG59-P01 | ナタルバレー及びモザンビークリッジ周辺海域でのゴンドワナ初期分裂過程 | 日本語 English |
JOLLANDS, Michael C. | ★ SCG19-07 | “Hydroxylation spectroscopy” of olivine tested on synthetic forsterite | 日本語 English |
JONES, Chris | ★ ACG09-11 | C4MIP simulations, plans and evaluation requirements | 日本語 English |
JONES, THOMAS | HCG10-04 | Motives for climbing Mount Fuji: A Comparative Study of Domestic and International Climbers | 日本語 English |
JOSEPH, Ritter | BAO01-01 | Methane and HDO/H2O in the Martian atmosphere studied by ultra-high spectral resolution | 日本語 English |
JULAITI, WUMITI | SSS32-P08 | Investigating the crustal deformation on the Hazar-Palu segment of the East Anatolian Fault (EAF), Turkey | 日本語 English |
JUN, Chae-Woo | PEM08-P04 | Statistical characteristics of quasi-periodic Pc1/EMIC waves in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere | 日本語 English |
JUN, Fujimatsu | SVC47-P43 | 火山性微動とそれに同期した地殻変動について | 日本語 English |
JUNG, Haemyeong | SMP15-02 | Archean to Paleoproterozoic polymetamorphic history of the Salma eclogite in the Kola Peninsula, Russia | 日本語 English |
JUNGJOON, Seough | PEM17-17 | Expanding box model of quasilinear theory including the anisotropy-driven instabilities and collisional dissipation | 日本語 English |
JUNICHI, Suzaki | ACG10-20 | Application of Bio-Optical Model and Satellite Image in Identification and Mapping of Submerged Macrophytes in South-Basin of Lake Biwa, Japan | 日本語 English |
JUNKO, Akai | HTT21-P14 | 炭素、酸素及びストロンチウム安定同位体比分析の戦没者遺骨鑑定への応用パプアニューギニア人、日本人及び米国人遺骨の分別の試行的検討 | 日本語 English |
JUNKO, Habu | HQR15-07 | 北日本における過去6,700年間の温度変化と人類活動 | 日本語 English |
JURAGO, Ania | O04-P26 | 糸魚川世界ジオパークにおける地域コミュニティーのコアとなる市民カレッジの役割 | 日本語 English |
JURAKU, Kohta | ★ O05-04 | 原子力利用と(地球)科学者の関係をめぐって:科学技術社会論分野からの問題提起 | 日本語 English |