Session Table

Display item

・Oral room
・Session ID
・Session short title
・Poster session ID
Oral presentation core time

[ AM1 ] 9:00-10:45
[ AM2 ] 11:00-12:45
[ PM1 ] 14:45-16:00
[ PM2 ] 16:15-18:00

** International Session

19(Sun.) 20(Mon.) 21(Tue.) 22(Wed.) 23(Thu.) 24(Fri.)
会場 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2
国際会議室 O-03 09:45-11:30
Advances in Earth & Planetary Science
O-02 11:30-12:30
Presentations by high school students
101A   B-PT27 11:00-12:45
Phanerozoic biodiversity change
O-04 14:15-18:00
Scientists' WLB and Ikumen Project
101B   M-IS31 11:00-12:45
Interface- and nano-phenomena on crystal
M-IS27 14:15-16:00
Evolution of the Solar Life
H-CG34 16:15-18:00
Biological systems in closed-ecology
102A   M-ZZ41 11:00-16:00
Geoscience Studies
B-PT26 16:15-18:00
102B   S-TT56 11:00-12:45
Seismometry and monitoring system
A-CG40 14:15-18:00
Datasets Exhibition
103 S-SS33 09:00-18:00
Strong Ground Motion and Disaster
104   S-VC48 11:00-18:00
Active volcanism
105 U-07 09:25-18:00
Small Solar System Bodies
106 A-AS21 09:00-18:00
Atmospheric Chemistry
201A S-VC49 09:00-10:45
Volcano Disaster Mitigation
S-CG65 11:00-12:45
Stress and Crustal Dynamics
S-GL40 14:15-18:00
Geochronology & Isotope
201B S-EM36 09:00-12:45
Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism
S-IT04** 14:15-18:00
Mineral physics, dynamics of deep Earth
202 G-02 9:30-10:00
Geoscience education for 10th-12th grade
G-03 10:00-10:45
Geoscience education at bachelor course
G-01 11:00-12:45
Geoscience education for 1st-9th graders
H-GG02** 14:15-18:00
Landscape appreciation
203   M-SD36 11:00-12:45
Space Agliculture
A-OS25 14:15-18:00
Frontline of marine ecosystem modelling
301A   M-GI34 11:00-16:00
Informatics for Earth and Space Science
A-CG39 16:15-18:00
Satellite Earth Environment Observation
301B     H-TT31 14:15-16:00
Environmental Remote Sensing
M-IS02** 16:15-18:00
Global Data Science--Global Data Ssytem
302   S-SS01** 11:00-18:00
Slip to the Trench
303 S-SS26 09:00-12:45
Crustal Structure
O-01 14:15-18:00
Education for disaster prevention
304   A-CG06** 11:00-16:00
Continental-Oceanic Mutual Interaction
M-IS28 16:15-18:00
Evolution of the Pelagic Realm


会場 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2
国際会議室 O-05 09:00-15:40
Geoparks in Japan
P-PS33 16:00-18:00
Russian meteor event
101A   H-CG33 11:00-12:45
Earth's changing surface
S-CG09** 14:15-18:00
101B P-CG32 09:00-12:45
New frontier of chronology of the Solar
P-EM08** 14:15-18:00
Upper atmosphere imaging from space
102A S-MP44 09:00-12:45
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
H-TT09** 14:15-18:00
102B M-IS22 09:00-12:45
Space climatology
A-GE04** 14:15-18:00
Mass Transport and Environ Assessment
103 S-CG62 09:00-12:45
Slow earthquakes
A-PE34 14:15-18:00
Paleoclimatology and paleoceanography
104 S-VC48 09:00-10:45
Active volcanism
  S-TT59 14:15-18:00
Frontier science on solid Earth with HPC
105 P-EM30 09:00-12:45
A-AS24 14:15-18:00
Radioactive Pollution: Atmos./Terres.
106 S-MP45 09:00-10:45
Environmental Nano-mineralogy
S-VC50 11:00-16:00
Dynamics of volcanic eruption
S-SS30 16:15-18:00
Earthquake prediction
201A S-GC54 09:00-16:00
Solid Earth Geochem, Cosmochem
S-VC51 16:15-18:00
volcanic activities and tectonics
201B U-02** 09:00-18:00
Global Data Science--Global Data Ssytem
202 G-04 09:00-12:45
Geoscinece Outreach
P-PS03** 14:15-18:00
Rotation of the Moon and Mars
203 P-PS02** 09:00-16:00
Planetary processes
301A A-CG39 09:00-12:45
Satellite Earth Environment Observation
H-SC25 14:15-18:00
Human environment and disaster risk
301B A-AS22 09:00-12:45
  H-DS26 16:15-18:00
Tsunami and Tsunami Early Warning
302 U-03 10:00-18:00
303 S-SS24 09:00-12:45
Seismic wave propagation
P-EM05** 14:15-18:00
Space Weather
304 P-PS21 09:00-18:00
Planetary Sciences


会場 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2
国際会議室 M-AG35 09:00-16:00
Radionuclides in the earth environment
S-CG60 16:15-18:00
Geological Disposal
101A A-CG38 09:00-16:00
S-VC52 16:15-18:00
Hydrothermal systems beneath volcanoes
101B S-CG64 09:00-10:45
Geochemistry of fault systems
H-GM03** 11:00-12:45
H-GM22 14:15-18:00
102A H-TT30 09:00-10:45
GI Systems
M-TT37 11:00-12:45
Mapping and spatial representation
M-TT39 14:15-16:00
social media
102B A-HW02** 09:00-16:00
Asian monsoon
S-RD42 16:15-18:00
Characterization of ore fluid
103 A-PE34 09:00-18:00
Paleoclimatology and paleoceanography
104 S-IT05** 09:00-18:00
Oceanic plate: origin to destruction
105 B-PO02** 09:00-12:45
Proxies for Biogeosciences
P-PS04** 14:15-18:00
106 S-CG07** 09:00-12:45
Collision, Subduction, and Metamorphism
M-IS32 14:15-18:00
201A S-VC53 09:30-12:45
Volcano, magma, and forecasting
A-CG37 14:15-18:00
Integrated Land-Atompsphere Study
201B S-SS02** 09:00-12:45
Earthquake predictability
P-PS01** 14:15-18:00
Future outer solar system explorations
202 S-IT03** 09:00-16:00
Earth and Planetary Cores
B-PT28 16:15-18:00
Human Evolution and Climate Change
203 A-HW31 09:00-12:45
Career paths in water science
S-TT11** 14:15-18:00
Exploration Geophysics
301A B-AO01** 09:00-18:00
301B H-DS26 09:00-12:45
Tsunami and Tsunami Early Warning
M-IS30 14:15-18:00
Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics
302 S-SS25 09:00-12:45
Intraplate earthquakes
S-SS31 14:15-18:00
Great subduction-zone earthquakes
303 P-EM05** 09:00-18:00
Space Weather
304 P-PS21 09:00-10:45
Planetary Sciences
P-EM06** 11:00-18:00
MTI coupling


会場 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2
国際会議室 U-05 09:00-15:00
Future (5): Big Project
  U-04 15:15-18:00
Future perspective of open access e-jour
101A M-IS29 09:00-12:45
Extremely severe GIC
A-HW28 14:15-18:00
Water/chemical cycles and ecosystems
101B A-CC03** 09:00-12:45
Changes in Northern Eurasia and Arctic
S-CG10** 14:15-18:00
Continental crust and Project IBM
102A A-HW27 09:00-10:45
Groundwater and geology in urban areas
A-CG36 11:00-12:45
Land-sea interactions: catchment effec
S-CG61 14:15-18:00
Petrology, Mineralogy, Resource Geology
102B B-PT25 09:00-10:45
Evolution of Chemosynthetic Community
B-BG21 11:00-12:45
P-PS25 14:15-18:00
Materials in space
103 H-RE29 09:00-12:45
Climate control
P-PS22 14:15-18:00
Next decade for planetary explorations
104 S-IT06** 09:00-16:00
S-CG63 16:15-18:00
Geofluids & dynamics in subduction zone
105 P-EM07** 09:00-18:00
Inner Magnetosphere
106 S-MP46 09:00-12:45
Hydrogen and neutron in earth sciences
S-CG67 14:15-18:00
Ocean Floor Geoscience
201A M-SD03** 09:00-120:45
GEO Carbon
M-TT38 14:15-18:00
Frontiers in Geochemistry
201B S-SS27 09:00-12:45
S-EM37 14:15-18:00
Solid Earth Geoelectromagnetism
202 M-IS26 09:00-12:45
Gas hydrates
A-HW30 14:15-18:00
Hydrogeology and Material Cycle
203 S-TT55 09:00-10:45
Airborne surveys of the Earth
S-MP47 11:00-12:45
Melt-Ductile-Brittle Rock Mass
H-GG21 14:15-18:00
Natural resources and environment
301A A-CG35 09:00-16:00
Environmental changes in Japanese Alps
M-IS21 16:15-18:00
Geophysical fluid dynamics
301B S-TT57 09:00-12:45
S-GD22 14:15-18:00
Gravity and Geoid
302 S-SS31 09:00-18:00
Great subduction-zone earthquakes
303 S-SS32 09:00-16:00
Active faults and paleoseismology
S-SS28 16:15-18:00
Source Processes and Earthquake Physics
304 P-EM06** 09:00-12:45
MTI coupling
P-EM29 14:15-18:00
Phys. and chem. in the atmos/ionosphere


会場 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2
国際会議室 U-01** 09:00-12:45
NASA-JAXA Joint Project
U-01** 14:15-16:45
NASA-JAXA Joint Project
101A A-AS01** 09:00-12:45
TC-ocean interaction
A-AS23 14:15-18:00
Extreme Weather
101B P-EM09** 09:00-12:45
Lightning and TLEs
S-GL41 14:15-16:00
Regional geology and tectonics
H-DS07** 16:15-18:00
102A A-HW29 09:00-12:45
Hydrological Cycle and Water Environment
H-SC04** 14:15-16:00
H-GG01** 16:15-18:00
102B H-DS06** 09:00-16:00
B-BG22 16:15-18:00
Coral Reef Science
103   S-SS35 11:00-18:00
prediction of strong motion and tsunamis
104 S-CG63 09:00-12:45
Geofluids & dynamics in subduction zone
  H-DS28 16:15-18:00
Submarine Landslide
105 A-CC33 09:00-12:45
Ice core studies
S-CG08** 14:15-18:00
Off-arc volcanism
106 S-CG67 09:00-10:45
Ocean Floor Geoscience
P-PS24 11:00-18:00
Meteorite anatomy
201A P-PS23 09:00-18:00
Lunar Science and Exploration
201B H-QR24 09:00-16:00
human-environment interactions
S-SS34 16:15-18:00
Crustal Deformation
202 P-EM26 09:00-12:45
M-IS01** 14:15-18:00
Atmospheric Electricity
203 M-IS33 09:00-10:45
Marine Mn Deposits
H-DS05** 11:00-12:45
Postsunami Restoration Sustainability
A-HW26 14:15-18:00
Isotope Hydrology 2013
301A P-CG31 09:00-18:00
Planetary atmosphere-magnetosphere
301B S-GD21 09:00-12:45
Geodesy General Contributions
H-TT32 14:15-18:00
Creation of Isotope Environmental Study
302 P-EM28 09:00-16:00
M-I coupling
M-IS24 16:15-18:00
303 S-SS28 09:00-12:45
Source Processes and Earthquake Physics
S-CG68 14:15-18:00
Geodynamics of island arcs
304 P-EM29 09:00-10:45
Phys. and chem. in the atmos/ionosphere
S-IT38 11:00-18:00
Rheology and Transport Phenomena


会場 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2
国際会議室 U-06 09:00-18:00
Social Responsibility of Earth Science.
101A M-SD04** 09:00-16:00
New science opened by EISCAT_3D radar
101B A-CC32 09:00-16:00
102A P-CG10** 09:00-12:45
Instrumentation for space science
102B H-DS27 09:00-16:00
Geohazards and precursors
103 M-IS23 09:00-16:00
Drilling Earth Science
104   M-ZZ42 11:00-16:00
Frontier of Study on Paleo
105 S-IT39 09:00-16:00
Deep Earth science
106 M-IS25 09:00-16:00
tsunami deposit
201A S-CG66 09:00-12:45
Crustal deformation in convergence zones
S-SS23 14:15-16:00
Earthquake Early Warning
201B A-CG05** 09:00-16:00
Tropical ocean-atmosphere interaction
202 H-QR23 09:00-12:45
Geology around the alluvial plain.
203 M-TT40 09:00-12:45
Coupling geophysics by infrasonic waves
301A P-EM27 09:00-16:00
Space Plasma Physics
301B B-PT24 09:00-10:45
Biotic history
B-PT23 11:00-16:00
Decoding the history of Earth
302 M-IS24 09:00-16:00
303 S-MP43 09:00-16:00
Deformed rocks and metamorphic rocks
304 S-SS29 09:00-16:00
Fault Rheology and Earthquake
