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  More than 3 years have passed since Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) was established in May 2005. Since then, the JpGU's intensive activities in a number of areas have made its presence more widely known. As one of its core activities, JpGU held the 3rd general assembly meeting of the society called "Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008" for 6 days from May 25 to 30 at the international conference hall of Makuhari Messe. About 4,800 scientists and students participated in the meeting that consisted of 135 sessions covering various fields in the Earth and planetary sciences such as the Earth's core and the interplanetary space. A total of 3,200 oral and poster presentations were also given. Although the union was initiated with 24 scientific associations, it has greatly expanded and now has 48 scientific associations with about 50,000 members.

   The next general assembly meeting will be held at the same place from May 16 to 21, 2009. Of course, international participants are welcome. You may not only participate in the meeting but also propose a session on our website for free. What attract the participants to our meeting are its wide coverage over the Earth and planetary sciences and a reasonable registration fee of \13,000 (or about US$120, member early bird) for full participation.

See you at the 2009 meeting.
Thank you.

Iwagami N
General Chairman of JpGU meeting 2009