Astrobiology: Origins, Evolution, Distribution of Life
Astrobiology is a new interdisciplinary science field that intends to address the origins, evolution, distribution and destiny of life on Earth and elsewhere in the universe. In this session, every topic of Astrobiology will be discussed, including cosmic evolution, primitive Earth environments and origins of life, coevolution of life and Earth, life in extreme environments, etc.
Kensei Kobayashi
Akihiko Yamagishi, Masatoshi Ohishi, Eiichi Tajika, Takeshi Kakegawa
Abstract Downloads
Session Informations
Cancellation and time schedule change are shown here.

May 23rd Room:301B Time:AM1
SessionID:BAO001 Chairman:Takeshi Kakegawa, Akihiko Yamagishi
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
08:30 BAO001-01 Alteration of interstellar complex organics in Solar system environments and its relevance to origins of life Kensei Kobayashi Kensei Kobayashi
08:55 BAO001-02 Valine peptide formation under high temperature and high pressure conditions Yoshihiro Furukawa Yoshihiro Furukawa,
Takato Ishiguro,
Tsubasa Otake et al.
09:10 BAO001-03 Experimental and geological link for prebiotic peptide and ribose formation Takeshi Kakegawa Takeshi Kakegawa
09:35 BAO001-04 On the formation environment of the nano-bacteria fossil-like texture Yasunori Miura Yasunori Miura
09:50 BAO001-05 Life detection in Archean rocks: are stable isotopes reliable? Daniele Pinti Daniele Pinti,
Ko Hashizume,
May 23rd Room:301B Time:AM2
SessionID:BAO001 Chairman:Kensei Kobayashi, Eiichi Tajika
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
10:45 BAO001-06 Geochemical constraints on the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the Archaean atmosphere from Banded Iron Formations Minik T. Rosing Minik T. Rosing,
Dennis K. Bird,
Norman H. Sleep et al.
11:20 BAO001-07 Microbe space exposure experiments at International Space Station (ISS) in the mission "Tanpopo" Shin-ichi Yokobori Shin-ichi Yokobori,
Yinjie Yang,
Tomohiro Sugino et al.
11:45 BAO001-08 Prolonged survival of multilayer bacteria under UV radiation and vacuum Yinjie Yang Yinjie Yang,
Kazumichi Nakagawa,
Tanabe Maiko et al.
12:00 BAO001-09 Japan Astrobiology Mars Project (JAMP) Akihiko Yamagishi Akihiko Yamagishi,
Yoshitaka Yoshimura,
Atsuo Miyakawa et al.
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