Biotic history and its relation to the Earth history
Life on Earth evolves through 46 Ba Earth history. Organisms evolve in relation to both Earth's interior and exterior activities. Biotic activities also should give strong influences to Earth's environments. We would like to describe biotic history on Earth and discuss how biotic system evolve in relation to Earth's environmental systems and interior activities during the session.
Isao Motoyama
Takao Ubukata
Abstract Download
Session Informations
Cancellation and time schedule change are shown here.

May 22nd BPT024 Room: Convention Hall
Core Time: AM2
The colored are the invited.
Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
BPT024-P01 The age correlation of carbon isotopic ratios from terrestrial woody material in the Late Cretaceous Mifune Group Takuya Goto Takuya Goto,
Toshiro Yamanaka,
Reishi Takashima et al.
BPT024-P02 The age correlation of carbon isotopic ratios from terrestrial woody materials in Lower Cretaceous Sasayama Group Fumitaka Akiyama Fumitaka Akiyama,
Toshiro Yamanaka,
Takuya Goto et al.
BPT024-P03 Which type of morphospace does work well?: dimensional artifacts revisited Takao Ubukata Takao Ubukata
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