Deep Carbon Cycle
Carbon is a vital element in the earth and the other planets. This session covers deep carbon reservoir and flaxes, Nature of deep life, energy, environment, and climate. We encourage contributions from broad fields of earth and planetary science including biology at extreme conditions.
Eiji Ohtani
Hiroyuki Kagi, Yoshiyuki Tatsumi, Fumio Inagaki, Konstantin Litasov
Abstract Download
Session Informations
Cancellation and time schedule change are shown here.

May 27th MIS002 Room: Convention Hall
Core Time: AM2
The colored are the invited.
Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
MIS002-P01 Melting phase relations in the peridotite and eclogite systems coexisting with reduced C-O-H fluid at 3-16 GPa Anton Shatskiy Konstantin Litasov,
Anton Shatskiy,
Eiji Ohtani
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