Kanto Asperity Project: Toward Drilling and Monitoring
To reveal properties and mechanics of asperities and slow slip event regions along the Sagami trough, proposals for drilling and geophysical monitoring (the Kanto Asperity Project) have been submitted to the IODP. We call for papers about geological, geodetic, and seismological studies of the subduction/collision boundary along the Sagami trough, and will discuss prospects and problems of the IODP proposals.
Reiji Kobayashi
Yuzuru Yamamoto, Toshinori Sato
Abstract Download
Session Informations
Cancellation and time schedule change are shown here.

May 23rd SSS033 Room: Convention Hall
Core Time: AM2
The colored are the invited.
Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
SSS033-P01 Geological structures and active fault distributions in the Sagami Trough offshore Boso Peninsula Ayanori Misawa Ayanori Misawa,
Juichiro Ashi
SSS033-P02 Slip distribution of the 1703 Genroku earthquake by using a curved fault model Reiji Kobayashi Reiji Kobayashi
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