Crustal Structure
The aim of this session is to cover seismological and geophysical studies on the Earth's crust. Contribution on seismological and geophysical structure of the crust, processes that develop in the crust which include earthquakes, volcanoes and geological descriptions of the crust are welcomed. We also welcome theoretical and methodological studies that will serve as basics in such explorations.
Eiji Kurashimo
Abstract Downloads
Session Informations
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May 23rd Room:105 Time:AM1
SessionID:SSS034 Chairman:Toshihiro Igarashi, Katsuhiko Shiomi
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
08:30 SSS034-01 Detailed structure of the locked-sliding transition on the plate boundary beneath the southern part of Kii Peninsula Eiji Kurashimo Eiji Kurashimo,
Takashi Iidaka,
Takaya Iwasaki et al.
08:45 SSS034-02 Converted Ps amplitude variations on the dipping slab Moho beneath the Kii Peninsula: 2. Ray parameter dependence Katsuhiko Shiomi Katsuhiko Shiomi
09:00 SSS034-03 Distinct trapped waves of oceanic mantle earthquakes and their relationships to the interplate structure Takayuki Miyoshi Takayuki Miyoshi,
Tatsuhiko Saito,
Katsuhiko Shiomi
09:15 SSS034-04 Multiple collision and subduction structure of the Izu-Bonin arc revealed by active source seismic data Ryuta Arai Ryuta Arai,
Takaya Iwasaki,
Hiroshi Sato et al.
09:30 SSS034-05 Shear-wave splitting in the Tokai region Takashi Iidaka Takashi Iidaka,
Aitaro Kato,
Ryoya Ikuta et al.
09:45 SSS034-06 Crustal structure in Japan inferred from receiver functions and comparison with those of travel time tomography Toshihiro Igarashi Toshihiro Igarashi,
Takashi Iidaka,
10:00 SSS034-07 Crustal Vp, Vs, and thickness estimations via vertical and radial receiver functions Takashi Tonegawa Takashi Tonegawa,
Ryohei Iritani,
Hitoshi Kawakatsu
10:15 SSS034-08 Crustal structure of the central part of East Antarctica from broadband seismic deployments and gravity surveys Masaki Kanao Masaki Kanao,
Atsushi Watanabe,
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