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著者 | 演題番号 | タイトル | 予稿集本文 |
CHEN, Chien-Chih | AGE05-P12 | An Investigation of Remediation Reagents Injection at a Groundwater Contamination Site by Using ERT and SP Method | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Chi-Wen | HDS05-P08 | Effects of active fault types on earthquake-induced deep-seated landslides | 日本語 English |
HTT09-P03 | Estimation of the antecedent rainfall period for mass movements in Taiwan | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Chong | BCG04-10 | Stable isotote signature of Fe to understand the Fe-biocycle in the hydrothermal-vent | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Chun-Rong | ★ MIS03-02 | Seismo-conductivity Anomalies: A case study of the M6.4 Meinong earthquake on Feb. 6, 2016 in Taiwan | 日本語 English |
MTT31-02 | 台湾での土砂災害および地震から発生するインフラサウンド観測 -初期結果- | 日本語 English |
SEM34-P13 | Constraint of magnetic models using seismic tomography in Taiwan | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Chun-Te | SSS25-P10 | High Frequency Ground Motion Simulation of an Un-happened ShanChiao Fault in Northern Taiwan from an ETF-Based Site Correction Method for Stochastic Simulation | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Guixing | ★ AAS02-07 | Achievements and future subjects of the ‘Ultra-high Precision Mesoscale Weather Prediction’ in SPIRE Field 3 | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Horng-Yue | SIT11-P04 | Multi-disciplinary approaches toward understanding the fault slip behaviors from surface to depth: a case study of the Chihshang Fault in eastern Taiwan | 日本語 English |
CHEN, How-Wei | MIS11-P17 | 台湾南東部における地中レーダを用いた津波堆積物層検出 | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Hsiao-Chi | SGC16-01 | Research of Helium Isotopes in Taiwan: The Legacy of Dr. Tsanyao Frank Yang | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Hsuan-Wen | SGC16-01 | Research of Helium Isotopes in Taiwan: The Legacy of Dr. Tsanyao Frank Yang | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Jian | ★ STT55-02 | 高性能計算を使った地震災害・被害シミュレーション | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Jin | SCG59-12 | 南大西洋トリスタン・ダ・クーニャホットスポットの下にはプルームがない:電気伝導度構造からの示唆 | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Jiquan | MIS01-08 | Agricultural and Pastoral Systems as Nexus of Food and Water in Dryland Asia | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Ji-qun | HGG13-P02 | 内モンゴルにおける地下水の水質分布とその環境リスク評価 | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Jiuhua | SCG19-P01 | Effect of pressure on water solubility in aluminous bridgmanite | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Kate Huihsuan | SIT11-P05 | Tomography of the source zone of the 2016 South Taiwan earthquake | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Liangfu | ACG10-16 | Retrieval of the ice cloud properties from MODIS and HIMAWARI-8 satellite measurements by Voronoi ice particle scattering model | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Li-Jen | ★ PEM06-06 | The Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection with Guide Fields | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Li-Jen | ★ PEM06-01 | First Electron-Scale Measurements of Magnetic Reconnection in Space | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Min Ching | HSC02-P02 | Investigation of geotechnical properties and erosion characteristic of reservoir bed sediments | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Ming-Quey | PEM03-P09 | The Occultation TEC Assimilated to NCAR/TIE-GCM to Simulate the Ionosphere During the Storm Time |
日本語 English |
CHEN, Nan | ACC20-P05 | MODISデータを用いたグリーンランド北西部における積雪アルベドと氷表面温度のモニタリング | 日本語 English |
CHEN, TA-YI | SSS01-05 | The Performance of Earthworm Based Earthquake Alarm Reporting system in Taiwan | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Tzu-Min | G01-P01 | Application of Ubiquitous Problem-based Cooperative Inquiry-learning Model on Ocean Education in Taiwan | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Wei | MIS11-P14 | Sedimentary reconstructions of coastal flooding in the Bungo Channel by the 1707 CE Hoei tsunami | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Wei-han | PEM04-25 | Ionospheric data assimilation with TIE-GCM and GPS-TEC during geomagnetic storm period | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Wei-Jun | SGD22-10 | A mathematical simulation of the dynamics of local Earth gravity direction referring to the Earth surface normal | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Xiaofei | ★ MIS03-10 | Co-rupture, quasi-coseismic, and post-seismic EM fields generated by the rupture process of a finite fault embedd in a porous medium | 日本語 English |
★ MIS03-P01 | Earthquake-induced electromagnetic field due to electrokinetic effect | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yao-Tsung | AGE05-P12 | An Investigation of Remediation Reagents Injection at a Groundwater Contamination Site by Using ERT and SP Method | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yenshin | ★ SSS04-04 | Insights into data-driven tectonic regionalisation in seismic hazard analysis | 日本語 English |
CHEN, YICHIEH | AHW19-P06 | Evaluation of Different Groundwater Sampling Methods in the Investigation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in heterogeneous aquifers | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yi-Chieh | AGE05-P12 | An Investigation of Remediation Reagents Injection at a Groundwater Contamination Site by Using ERT and SP Method | 日本語 English |
AGE05-P21 | A Case Study of Combining Geophysical Prospecting Techniques at a Dump slag Contaminated Site | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yiding | ★ PEM03-19 | Local time evolution and longitudinal difference of equatorial ionization anomaly in the low-latitude topside ionosphere | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yiding | PEM06-10 | Locations of Magnetopause Magnetic Reconnection: The Role of Magnetosheath Plasma Pressure | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yi-Hsin | AGE05-P12 | An Investigation of Remediation Reagents Injection at a Groundwater Contamination Site by Using ERT and SP Method | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Ying-Wen | AAS02-06 | High Cloud Responses to Global Warming Simulated by Two Different Cloud Microphysics Schemes Implemented in the Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yi-Ping | SIT11-P06 | Tectonic Features and Megathrust System Offshore South Taiwan | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yu Hsin | ACG10-P15 | Applying Big Data Analysis Method to Improvement Sea Surface Temperature of Geostationary Satellite. | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Yuh-Ing | MIS03-12 | A Summary of iSTEP (integrated Study and Test of Earthquake Precursor) projects | 日本語 English |
CHEN, Zhong-Qiang | BPT06-04 | ペルム紀末大量絶滅時の表層水溶存酸素と生物必須元素の枯渇と大量土壌流入 | 日本語 English |
CHENG, Chih-Hung | AGE05-P12 | An Investigation of Remediation Reagents Injection at a Groundwater Contamination Site by Using ERT and SP Method | 日本語 English |
CHENG, Chun-Yuan | SGC16-01 | Research of Helium Isotopes in Taiwan: The Legacy of Dr. Tsanyao Frank Yang | 日本語 English |
CHENG, Hao | MIS03-P14 | MT survey and its preliminary result at Boso Peninsula, Japan (2) | 日本語 English |
CHENG, Hao | ★ SMP13-03 | The promise and pitfalls of microsampling Lu?Hf garnet geochronology | 日本語 English |
CHENG, HuiYun | HDS05-03 | Revisit the classical Newmark displacement method for earthquake-induced wedge slide | 日本語 English |
CHENG, I-Wen | STT18-P03 | Evolutionary model of oblique-rifting basin : Insights from discrete element method | 日本語 English |
CHENG, Shih-Nan | AGE05-P12 | An Investigation of Remediation Reagents Injection at a Groundwater Contamination Site by Using ERT and SP Method | 日本語 English |
CHENG, Yu-Chen | SGC16-01 | Research of Helium Isotopes in Taiwan: The Legacy of Dr. Tsanyao Frank Yang | 日本語 English |
CHERCHI, Annalisa | ACG08-P09 | The Unusual wet summer of 2014 in Southern Europe | 日本語 English |
CHI, Peter | PEM08-08 | Two types of global poloidal waves in the inner magnetosphere: Satellite observations and implications on wave-particle interaction | 日本語 English |
PPS13-10 | Excitation of selenogenic ion cyclotron waves: Implications from ARTEMIS observations and dispersion analysis | 日本語 English |
CHIANG, Hung-Wei | SSS01-P05 | Reduce False Alarm Due to Non-Earthquake Events for On-Site Earthquake Early Warning System in Schools | 日本語 English |
CHIANG, PoNeng | AAS01-P14 | Annual variaiton of soil respiriration in subtropical afforetation forest in Taiwan | 日本語 English |
CHIBA, Akihiko | STT52-04 | 飛行対地高度が空中重力偏差法探査結果に与える影響 | 日本語 English |
CHIBA, Hitoshi | ★ HTT21-P01 | 高解像度水質マップによる岡山県一級水系の水質解析 | 日本語 English |
HTT21-P05 | 中国地方における降水の硫黄・水素・酸素・ストロンチウム同位体比の季節・経年変動 | 日本語 English |
★ MTT28-08 | 大気中水銀同位体分析:手法開発および実大気への適応 | 日本語 English |
SCG56-P07 | 沖縄トラフ伊是名海穴海底熱水系における硫黄システマティクス:安定同位体,鉱物学,酸化還元平衡論的アプローチ | 日本語 English |
SVC47-P41 | 薩摩硫黄島硫黄岳の硫黄チムニー形成機構 | 日本語 English |
CHIBA, Jun'ichi | MZZ32-04 | 地質学、(固体)地球物理学・地震学の研究手法と用語法の比較;プレートテクトニクス理論受容過程の違いをどう考えるか? | 日本語 English |
CHIBA, Keita | SVC47-P38 | V-net観測網で記録された2014年、2015年口永良部島噴火における地震活動 | 日本語 English |
CHIBA, Kotona | AHW18-P06 | Systematic estimation and correction of Ba induced interference in ICP-MS for direct and quick analysis of REEs in geothermal waters | 日本語 English |
SCG63-07 | 有馬型温泉水を含めた温泉水の起源と地殻内上昇過程の制約 | 日本語 English |
CHIBA, Sanae | AOS03-05 | Biogeochemical classification of the global ocean based on phytoplankton growth limitation | 日本語 English |
AOS03-08 | Expanding our Knowledge on Copepod Community Structure in Subarctic and Subtropical Communities as Revealed by the Species Functional Traits |
日本語 English |
CHIBA, Takashi | G03-01 | 日本地質学会関東支部主催サイエンスカフェの実施報告 | 日本語 English |
MIS11-07 | 陸上堆積物コアを用いた別府湾海底活断層型地震発生年代の高精度復元 | 日本語 English |
CHIBA, Tatsuro | SCG59-13 | 赤色立体地図による日本海の海底地形のイメージング | 日本語 English |
SVC46-P04 | 超小型衛星を用いた火山活動モニタリングの可能性 −「ほどよし1号機」を事例として− | 日本語 English |
SVC46-P10 | 2016年2月14日に発生した富士山のスラッシュなだれ | 日本語 English |
SVC47-P21 | 西之島における流動中の溶岩流の精密測量 −無人機による超低空撮影から何がわかったのか− |
日本語 English |
CHIBANA, Hideki | SGL40-P03 | 海水中のメタン濃度分布を利用した東シナ海における泥火山の分布調査 | 日本語 English |
CHIDA, Kohsuke | SSS28-11 | F-net石垣点で観測される単色振動とその周波数(7-11mHz)の時間変化について | 日本語 English |
CHIEN, Shih-Han | PEM03-P17 | Coherent seasonal, annual, and quasi-biennial variations in ionospheric tidal/SPW amplitudes | 日本語 English |
CHIERICI, Melissa | BPT03-P01 | Culture experiments to better understand biomineralization under varying geochemical conditions --Zombie factory in Japan: the first trial on Scandinavian foraminifera-- |
日本語 English |
CHIGIRA, Masahiro | HDS05-01 | 降下火砕物の地震時地すべりのハザードマッピング | 日本語 English |
CHIGIRA, Masahiro | HDS17-06 | 2015年ネパール・ゴルカ地震にともなうボテコシ川流域の斜面災害 | 日本語 English |
CHIGIRA, Masahiro | HDS05-02 | Post shear behavior of pyroclastic fall deposits and landsliding phenomena during the 1949 Imaichi earthquake | 日本語 English |
HDS05-P05 | Landslide mapping in Nepal: the impacts of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake and the subsequent monsoon | 日本語 English |
HDS05-P04 | Detection of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake-induced landslide surface deformation in Sunkoshi River watershed, Nepal using InSAR images | 日本語 English |
HDS05-P10 | Gravitational Slope Deformation in the Hiyoso District in the Central Kii Mountains | 日本語 English |
HDS17-04 | 震生湖をつくった地すべりは神奈川から東京に広く分布する東京軽石層内にすべり面をもっていた | 日本語 English |
HDS17-10 | 降雨浸透?斜面安定カップリングモデルによる表層崩壊発生過程の復元:2014年広島豪雨災害を例に | 日本語 English |
SVC45-06 | 柱状節理に囲まれた花崗斑岩の物性構造 | 日本語 English |
CHIKADA, Minori | AOS03-P04 | Measurement and mapping of dissolved methane distribution in the Sea of Japan: Influence of shallow gas hydrate deposits. | 日本語 English |
MIS09-P13 | 日本海の表層型メタンハイドレート胚胎域における海水の溶存メタン濃度分布 | 日本語 English |
CHIKARAISHI, Yoshito | BPT07-11 | 個別アミノ酸窒素同位体比を用いた栄養段階推定法は化石に応用できるのか?〜初期続成が及ぼす殻体内アミノ酸の変質に着目して〜 | 日本語 English |
MIS06-01 | 沈降粒子のアミノ酸の窒素同位体比から北西部北太平洋の表層窒素循環の季節変化を明らかにする | 日本語 English |
PPS14-P07 | アンモニアのモンモリロナイト及びサポナイトへの吸着・脱着に伴う窒素同位体分別 | 日本語 English |
CHIKAZAWA, Sin | SSS32-12 | 地殻変動即時把握について | 日本語 English |
CHIKITA, Kazuhisa | AHW16-01 | 森林流域の流出・浸食機構 | 日本語 English |
AHW16-P20 | 地熱水域の熱収支と周辺湖沼への影響評価:倶多楽火山・北海道 | 日本語 English |
CHILDS, Dean | MTT05-P06 | Seismic observations in Greenland by a joint USA and Japanese GLISN team (2011-2015) | 日本語 English |
CHIMOTO, Kosuke | MTT30-P04 | 堤防の地表面不整形性が波動伝播に与える影響 | 日本語 English |
CHIMOTO, Kosuke | SSS25-P34 | 微動アレー観測に基づいたボゴタ(コロンビア)盆地における速度構造モデルの構築 | 日本語 English |
SSS25-P01 | 東京都本郷での長周期地震動記録を用いた1931年西埼玉地震の震源モデルの推定 | 日本語 English |
SSS25-P20 | 関東平野における長周期地震動の震源方位特性とその時系列変動 | 日本語 English |