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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
著者 | 演題番号 | タイトル | 予稿集本文 |
FACCENDA, Manuele | SIT12-04 | Visco-elasto-plastic deformation and hydration of oceanic plates at trench-rise sytems | 日本語 English |
★ SSS02-12 | Hydration and dehydration of oceanic plates at subduction zones | 日本語 English |
FACCENNA, Claudio | SIT11-03 | Dynamic of the Japan subduction system | 日本語 English |
SIT11-12 | The dynamics of double slab subduction from numerical and semi-analytic models | 日本語 English |
FAGAN, Timothy | PPS13-13 | 月隕石Northwest Africa 2727中のシリカリッチ岩石片の鉱物学岩石学的研究と月のシリカリッチな火成活動との関連性 | 日本語 English |
PPS13-14 | 月面における水の起源と水源地: 物質科学的見地からの検討 | 日本語 English |
PPS13-P06 | 月隕石に記録された水に富む月の上部マントル | 日本語 English |
PPS13-P10 | 将来の月着陸探査機搭載能動型蛍光X線分光計の概要とその開発状況 | 日本語 English |
FALLEN, Christopher T | PEM16-13 | サブストーム回復相におけるオーロラパッチと下部熱圏風速変動 | 日本語 English |
FAN, Rong | ACG24-P12 | 北極圏北東シベリアのインディギルカ川低地におけるヤナギの分布様式 | 日本語 English |
FANG, Tzu-Wei | PEM07-17 | Plasmaspheric modeling using the new Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) model | 日本語 English |
FANG, Xiaohua | PCG21-18 | 火星磁気圏周辺における酸素イオン反射 | 日本語 English |
FANTONG, Wilson Yetoh | AHW18-09 | Spatial and temporal variations of stable isotopes in precipitation across Cameroon: The first Cameroon Meteoric Water Line | 日本語 English |
AHW19-02 | Hydrochemical and isotopic composition of groundwater in Douala, Cameroon: Effect of recharge and waste water on water contamination | 日本語 English |
FARRELL, William M. | PPS13-10 | Excitation of selenogenic ion cyclotron waves: Implications from ARTEMIS observations and dispersion analysis | 日本語 English |
FASOLA, Shannon | ★ SCG21-16 | Earthquake swarms along the Oaxaca segment of the Mexico subduction zone and relationships to slow slip phenomena | 日本語 English |
FASSBENDER, Andrea | ★ AOS03-01 | Mixed Layer Controls on Ocean Carbon Cycling and Ocean Acidification | 日本語 English |
FAURE WALKER, Joanna | STT18-05 | How variable normal fault geometry affects fault interaction and stress transfer: Examples from central Apennines, Italy | 日本語 English |
FAZAKERLEY, Andrew | PEM07-P02 | Stagnant Transpolar Arc and Its Intensification during Dual Cusp and Magnetotail Magnetic Reconnections | 日本語 English |
FAZLE, Kabir Md | SMP43-P14 | 島根県西部江津地域に分布する周防変成帯青色片岩の変成作用 | 日本語 English |
FEAR, Robert C. | PEM07-P02 | Stagnant Transpolar Arc and Its Intensification during Dual Cusp and Magnetotail Magnetic Reconnections | 日本語 English |
FEDRIZZI, Mariangel | PEM07-17 | Plasmaspheric modeling using the new Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) model | 日本語 English |
FEI, Yingwei | SIT06-17 | Electrical resistivity of substitutionally disordered hcp Fe-Si and Fe-Ni alloys: Chemically-induced resistivity saturation in the Earth’s core | 日本語 English |
FEI, Yingwei | SGC16-11 | Redistribution of noble gases during magma ocean crystallization | 日本語 English |
SIT07-P04 | The effects of ferromagnetism and interstitial hydrogen on the equation of states of hcp FeHx | 日本語 English |
FENG, Qinglai | MIS13-03 | 中国南西部昌寧―孟連帯三畳系牡音河層の堆積場の再検討 | 日本語 English |
FENG, Zheng-yi | ★ HDS05-07 | An investigation on self-potential variation and seismic signals caused by sliding of laboratory scale model slopes | 日本語 English |
HDS05-P11 | A test on infiltration induced sliding failure of a model slope | 日本語 English |
FENNELL, J. F. | ★ PEM08-07 | Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by Van Allen Probes and MMS | 日本語 English |
FERRAND, Thoams | SCG20-09 | Laboratory earthquakes triggered by metamorphic reactions during the eclogitization of blueschist | 日本語 English |
FERRAND, Thomas | SCG20-P09 | The mechanics of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes: experimental evidences | 日本語 English |
FERRARO, Ralph | ★ U02-08 | GCOM-W1/AMSR-2 Status and Utilization at NOAA | 日本語 English |
FERREIRA, Teresa JL. | SSS32-04 | GPS連続観測および繰り返し観測によって捉えられたアゾレス諸島プレート三重点のテクトニクスと火山性地殻変動 | 日本語 English |
FERRERA, Charissa M | ACG15-06 | リン酸の酸素安定同位体比を含む生物地球化学的指標を用いたフィリピン・ボリナオおよびアンダ沿岸の養殖海域における継続的な富栄養化状態の原因解明 | 日本語 English |
FERRERA, Charissa M. | ACG15-P03 | 沿岸域における陸源物質動態:水、DIC、POM安定同位体比による評価 | 日本語 English |
FIALKO, Yuri | SSS02-16 | Residual topography and gravity anomalies reveal structural controls on co-seismic slip in the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake | 日本語 English |
FIECHTER, Jerome | AOS03-10 | Simulated influence of the 1976?77 regime shift on anchovy and sardine in the California Current System | 日本語 English |
FIECHTER, Jerome | ★ AOS03-09 | A new perspective on the foraging ecology of apex predators in the California Current: results from a fully coupled ecosystem model. | 日本語 English |
FILIPSSON, Helena L. | BPT03-P01 | Culture experiments to better understand biomineralization under varying geochemical conditions --Zombie factory in Japan: the first trial on Scandinavian foraminifera-- |
日本語 English |
FILIZZOLA, Carolina | ★ MIS03-05 | Thermal InfraRed satellite surveys over Japanese seismic area applying Robust Satellite Techniques on MTSAT observations | 日本語 English |
FILS NGUEMHE, Salomon Cesar | SRD41-04 | Geochemical mapping using surface water and stream sediments of the mineralized Lom Basin, East Cameroon. | 日本語 English |
FISCHER, G?nther | HSC02-06 | Development of future water use scenarios: Water Futures and Solutions (WFaS) initiative’s approaches | 日本語 English |
FISCHER, Ria | ★ SIT08-10 | Generation and recycling of proto-oceanic lithosphere in Archean plume-lid tectonics | 日本語 English |
FITZGERALD, Rebecca | HTT08-P06 | Machine Learning Algorithm for impact crater extraction from high resolution DEM derived from SfM data in Vanuatu | 日本語 English |
FITZSIMONS, Sean | ★ SEM05-02 | New Palaeosecular Variation Master Records for New Zealand ? Applications for Dating and Field Modelling | 日本語 English |
FLETCHER, C.D. | ACG22-02 | 土壌呼吸チャンバーネットワークを用いたアジア陸域生態系におけるCH4フラックス測定の展開 | 日本語 English |
FLOERKE, Martina | HSC02-06 | Development of future water use scenarios: Water Futures and Solutions (WFaS) initiative’s approaches | 日本語 English |
FOFONOV, Alexandrov | AAS12-P05 | Continuous measurement of CO2 and CH4 concentration from a tower network (JR-STATION) over Siberia | 日本語 English |
FOK, Mei-Ching | PEM08-P15 | A pilot study for reconstruction of the inner-magnetosphere by data assimilation of global ENA and EUV measurements | 日本語 English |
FOMENKO, Elena | STT52-P04 | Three-dimensional Inversion of Grounded Electrical-source Airborne Transient Electromagnetic (GREATEM) Survey Data | 日本語 English |
FOMIN, Boris | ACG24-08 | ロシア水文気象環境監視局の航空機による北極・西シベリア域における大気環境観測 | 日本語 English |
FONTANIER, Christophe | BPT03-03 | Living (stained) benthic foraminifera from the Mozambique Channel (eastern Africa): Exploring deep-sea biodiversity and biogeochemistry of unicellular fossilizing meiofauna | 日本語 English |
FOR CHILDREN'S SUMMER SCHOOL ON EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES | O04-P36 | 第16回地震火山こどもサマースクール報告 | 日本語 English |
FORBES, Jeffrey | ★ PEM03-07 | Ionospheric Effects of Strong El Ni?o Southern Oscillation Conditions | 日本語 English |
FORTES, Miguel D. | ★ ACG15-P01 | フィリピン、ボリナオにおける海草群集の多様性が魚類の群集構造に与える影響 | 日本語 English |
FOSTER, John C. | PEM07-01 | Observations of a viable process for the loss to space of terrestrial atmospheric matter | 日本語 English |
FOUFOULA-GEORGIOU, Efi | HCG11-09 | Delta channel network complexity for quantitative delta classification and vulnerability assessment | 日本語 English |
FOULGER, Gillian R | SIT10-01 | Fundamentals of the Plates vs. Plumes Debate | 日本語 English |
FOX-KEMPER, Baylor | AOS04-P06 | Impacts of wave spreading and multidirectional waves on estimating Stokes drift | 日本語 English |
FRANCISCO, Paul Clarence | HCG25-14 | Behavior of co-precipitated Se (IV) during the transformation of Fe-oxides at alkaline conditions | 日本語 English |
FREED, Andrew M. | SSS33-12 | 粘弾性と余効すべりを考慮した2011年東北沖地震による関東地方の応力変化モデル | 日本語 English |
FREILICH, Michael | ★ U02-02 | NASA’s Earth Science Program and Cooperation With Japan | 日本語 English |
FREY, Harald | ★ PEM09-02 | NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer, Validation of Scientific Performance | 日本語 English |
FREYSSENGE, Julie | ★ HTT09-07 | The use of GIS and spatial statistics to study the spatial distribution of strokes in Rhone-Alpes (France) to target health care location priorities | 日本語 English |
FRINI, Gisca Gia | HSC02-P07 | Geometry Of Aquifer Based On Geophysics and Hydrogeology Data in Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java | 日本語 English |
FRITTS, David | PEM03-26 | Gravity Wave Instability Dynamics in Mesospheric Stratification and Shear Environments | 日本語 English |
FR?LICHER, Thomas | ACG09-02 | Emergence of multiple ocean ecosystem drivers in a large ensemble suite with an Earth system model | 日本語 English |
FRUEHAUFF, Dennis | PEM18-03 | Statistical Analysis of Severe Magnetic Fluctuations in the near-Earth Magnetotail Observed by THEMIS-E | 日本語 English |
FR?H-GREEN, Gretchen | MIS16-02 | IODP Expedition 357: 北大西洋アトランティス岩体掘削による蛇紋岩化作用と海底下微生物活動との関連性の解明 | 日本語 English |
FRY, Bill | SSS03-02 | Hybrid Models and Time-dependent Hazard in New Zealand | 日本語 English |
FU, Ching Chou | ★ MIS03-04 | Precursory gas geochemical and gamma rays anomalies prior to the 2016 M6.4 Meinong earthquake, southern Taiwan | 日本語 English |
FU, Ching-Chou | SGC16-01 | Research of Helium Isotopes in Taiwan: The Legacy of Dr. Tsanyao Frank Yang | 日本語 English |
FU, Huishan | ★ PEM06-07 | How to find magnetic nulls and reconstruct field topology with MMS data? | 日本語 English |
PEM06-P01 | Identifying magnetic reconnection events using the FOTE method | 日本語 English |
FU, Sui-Yan | PEM06-10 | Locations of Magnetopause Magnetic Reconnection: The Role of Magnetosheath Plasma Pressure | 日本語 English |
PEM07-P02 | Stagnant Transpolar Arc and Its Intensification during Dual Cusp and Magnetotail Magnetic Reconnections | 日本語 English |
FU, Weiwei | ACG09-04 | Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes from 1850 to 2300 | 日本語 English |
FUCHI, Masaki | AHW16-17 | 大阪湾における河川プリュームの動態解析:海色衛星観測データを用いた海表面塩分の新推定法 | 日本語 English |
FUCHIDA, Shigeshi | AOS03-P07 | Risk of heavy metal and arsenic contaminations and its effect on marine phytoplankton during seafloor mining | 日本語 English |
BCG09-09 | 熊野灘南海トラフにおける海底堆積物中のヒ素の化学形態と間隙水への溶出過程 | 日本語 English |
FUCHIGAMI, Hiromitsu | AAS02-P05 | Simulated Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Structure using high-resolution nonhydrostatic global model | 日本語 English |
AAS02-P08 | Impact of ocean coupling on typhoon prediction in high-resolution nonhydrostatic global model | 日本語 English |
FUDAMOTO, Konomi | HTT21-P11 | ストロンチウム安定同位体比と元素濃度を用いた水の動態と魚の過去の移動追跡 | 日本語 English |
FUETA, Ninshi | SSS31-13 | 糸魚川?静岡構造線北部セグメントの神城断層における古地震研究 | 日本語 English |
FUJIBAYASHI, Megumu | BPT07-06 | グローバルすすエアロゾルによる低緯度干ばつと寒冷化が起こした白亜紀?古第三紀境界大量絶滅 | 日本語 English |
FUJIE, Gou | SCG59-11 | オントンジャワ海台の厚い地殻の広がり推定 | 日本語 English |
SIT08-05 | Azimuthal anisotropy and seismic discontinuity in the oceanic lithosphere revealed by active source surveys | 日本語 English |
★ SIT12-02 | Seismicity and its relation to the bending-related faults in the incoming Pacific Plate along the Japan Trench | 日本語 English |
SIT12-06 | An outline of Bend-Fault Hydrology in the Old Incoming Plate (H-ODIN) project and its perspective | 日本語 English |
SIT12-07 | Regional variations in the nature of the incoming oceanic plate in the NW Pacific margin | 日本語 English |
SIT12-P02 | 地震波干渉法を適用したエアガン?海底地震計探査記録に基づく日本海溝北西太平洋の海洋プレート反射構造 | 日本語 English |
SIT12-P09 | Structural variation of the incoming Philippine Sea plate along the Nankai Trough off Shikoku | 日本語 English |
SSS02-13 | Seismological constraint on fault processes from trench axis to outer-rise in Japan Trench | 日本語 English |
SSS02-14 | Seismicity observations in the source region of the 1896 Meiji-Sanriku and 1933 Showa-Sanriku Earthquakes | 日本語 English |
SSS02-P02 | Along strike structural variation in the central to northern part of the Japan Trench axis region | 日本語 English |
FUJIE, Koichi | MIS06-P08 | 不耕起栽培が熱帯サトウキビ畑の物理性の保全に及ぼす効果 ―疑似団粒を用いた耕起・不耕起栽培における雨水浸透特性の検討― |
日本語 English |
FUJIE, Manabu | BPT03-08 | Proteomic analysis of shell matrix proteins in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis: identification of potentially functional proteins | 日本語 English |
FUJIEDA, Miho | PEM16-P03 | 地上デジタル放送波を用いた水蒸気推定手法の開発−反射波を用いた実験結果− | 日本語 English |
FUJIHARA, Satoru | HDS19-P09 | 海溝型巨大地震を対象とした津波浸水域データベースの構築:石巻市の例 | 日本語 English |
SSS28-P15 | 茨城県及び福島県の県境付近で発生した内陸地殻内地震による茨城県沿岸域における長周期地震動に関する評価・分析(その2 | 日本語 English |