JPGU Meeting 2009
  Session Table
  Session list
  A(Public presentation)
  F(Atmospheric and Oceanic Science)
  H(Hydrology・Limnology・Groundwater Hydrology)
  I(Physics of the Earth's Interior)
  L(Global environment Climate Change)
  M(Earth, Planetary and Space Science)
  O(Measurement and exploration technology)
  O(Measurement and exploration technology)
  P(Planetary Sciences)
  R(Resource Geology)
  T(Earth and Planetary
  W(Snow and Ice)
  Y(Disaster prevention ・Application earth science)

Japanese top


Session List

*no oral

T158-P001 Seismic anisotropy indicators in Pan-African orogenic belt: Shear wave splitting and receiver function analysis
*Yusuke Usui, Tomofumi Inoue, Akira Yamada, other
T158-P002 Is the Moho in southern Tibet a Phase Change Boundary or a Material Boundary? Evidence from Receiver Function Observations
*Ge Jin
T158-P003 Structural heterogeneities beneath Taiwan
*zhi wang, Yoshio Fukao
T158-P004 Modeling the relations of the Philippine Sea plate-slab segmentation-steepening and the space-time changes of volcanism in Kyushu
*Hiroshi Shigeno
T158-P005 Paleostress transition estimated by microcracks in the Neogene Granitoids in the South Fossa Magna region
*Takashi Harada, Hideo Takagi

T223: (Subduction zone and serpentineites)           top of this page  
5/18 PM2 301B 15:30 - 15:45 *T223-001 Serpentinized mantle and formation of plate boundaries
*Tetsuzo Seno
5/18 PM2 301B 15:45 - 16:00 *T223-002 Importance of serpentine as a lubricant in subduction dynamics
*Hikaru Iwamori
5/18 PM2 301B 16:00 - 16:15 T223-003 Review of the high-pressure stability of serpentine
*Tetsuya Komabayashi
5/18 PM2 301B 16:15 - 16:30 *T223-004 Serpentinaized wedge mantle derived from seismic tomography
*Makoto MATSUBARA, Kazushige Obara
5/18 PM2 301B 16:30 - 16:45 T223-005 Seismological mapping of serpentinites in forearc mantle
*Tohru Watanabe
5/18 PM2 301B 16:45 - 17:00 T223-006 Seismic detection of serpentine and water mass transfer in subduction zone
*Bruno Reynard
5/19 AM1 301B 09:15 - 09:30 T223-007 Serpentinized peridotite revealed by Seismic Tomography within forearc mantle wedge regions
*Shin'ichiro Kamiya, Youji Kobayashi
5/19 AM1 301B 09:30 - 09:45 T223-008 Serpentinized mantle in the Philippine Sea slab beneath Kanto, Japan: Ongoing deformation and fracture along its western boundary
*Junichi Nakajima, Akira Hasegawa
5/19 AM1 301B 09:45 - 10:00 T223-009 Vp/Vs structure of the subducting Pacific plate near the Japan Trench by wide-angle seismic experiments
*Ryosuke Azuma, Ryota Hino, Yoshihiro Ito, other
5/19 AM1 301B 10:00 - 10:15 *T223-010 Frictional properties of serpentinites: Implications for earthquake faulting
*Takehiro Hirose, Kazuo Mizoguchi, Miki Takahashi, other
5/19 AM1 301B 10:15 - 10:30 T223-011 Frictional properties of serpentinites in low slip velocity regime: review and recent results from laboratory experiments
*Miki Takahashi, Kazuo Mizoguchi, Shin-ichi Uehara
5/19 AM2 301B 10:45 - 11:00 T223-012 Brittle-ductile transition of serpentinites
*Ichiko Shimizu, Yuta Watanabe, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, other
5/19 AM2 301B 11:00 - 11:15 T223-013 Plasticity of antigorite serpentinite
*Jun-ichi Ando, Yukiko Tarada, Hiroaki Ohfuji, other
5/19 AM2 301B 11:15 - 11:30 T223-014 Is the downdip limit of the seismogenic zone governed by the presence of low-temperature serpentine minerals?
*Ken-ichi Hirauchi, Ikuo Katayama
5/19 AM2 301B 11:30 - 11:45 T223-015 Serpentinite body in the Ohmachi Seamount, Izu-Bonin arc.
*Hayato Ueda, Ken-ichi Hirauchi, Kiyoaki Niida, other
5/19 AM2 301B 11:45 - 12:00 T223-016 Is the strong seismic anisotropy at subduction zones caused by serpentine?
*Ikuo Katayama, Ken-ichi Hirauchi, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, other
5/19 AM2 301B 12:00 - 12:15 T223-017 Wedge mantle anisotropy and geometry of serpentine sealed cracks
*mitsuhiro toriumi

T223: (Subduction zone and serpentineites)         top of this page
*poster  5/18
T223-P001 Philippine Sea Plate and Serpentinized Mantle Wedge beneath Kii Peninsula 2
Yuta Kitawaki, *Takuo Shibutani, Kazuhiro Nishimura, other
T223-P002 Compressional and Shear Wave Velocities of an Antigorite Rock at 1 GPa up to 550C
Hideaki Yano, *Tohru Watanabe, Akira Yoneda
T223-P003 Thermal expansion of antigorite
*Tohru Watanabe, Satoru Urakawa, Yosuke Nakano, other
T223-P004 Infrared spectroscopic study of antigorite under high pressure and temperature
*Naoki Noguchi, Taro Moriwaki, Yuka Ikemoto
T223-P005 In-situ observation of dehydration reaction of Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH)  zoisite under atmospheric pressure
*Ken'iti Kuroiwa, Tatsuhiko Kawamoto
T223-P006 Shear deformation experiments of serpentines at mantle wedge conditions
*Ikuo Katayama, Ken-ichi Hirauchi, Jun-ichi Ando
T223-P007 Microstructural development of Machinoyama peridotites in the Yakuno ophiolite
*Makoto Suzuki, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi
T223-P008 Structural analyses of serpentinized peridotites derived from serpentinite seamounts in the Mariana arc
*Ayano Fujii, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Teruaki Ishii
T223-P009 Large ultramafic body regionally serpentinized in the forearc mantle; an example from the Ust'-Belaya ophiolite, Far East Russia
*Sumiaki Machi, Akira Ishiwatari, Yasutaka Hayasaka, other
T223-P010 Textural analysis of serpentinite collected from the Ohmachi Seamount, Izu-Bonin arc: Preliminary results of YK08-05 cruise
*Ken-ichi Hirauchi, Hayato Ueda, Tadashi Usuki, other

T224: (Stress inversion)        top of this page
5/18 PM1 301B 13:45 - 14:00 T224-001 Improved resolution of the multiple inverse method by eliminating erroneous solutions generated by the borehole logging
*Makoto Otsubo, Yasuhiro Yamada, Atsushi Yamaji
5/18 PM1 301B 14:00 - 14:15 T224-002 Reconstruction of stress fields before earthquake using aftershock focal mechanisms together with the mainshock fault model
*Kazutoshi Imanishi, Yasuto Kuwahara
5/18 PM1 301B 14:15 - 14:30 T224-003 Stress tensor inversion in the Atotsugawa fault area, Central Honshu, Japan
*Kei Katsumata, Masahiro Kosuga, Hiroshi Katao
5/18 PM1 301B 14:30 - 14:45 T224-004 Stress field in the source area of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture (Niigata-Chuetsu) earthquake
*Masahiro Kosuga
5/18 PM1 301B 14:45 - 15:00 T224-005 Stress field determined from moment tensor solutions of shallow VLF earthquakes within the Nankai Trough accretionary prism
*Yoshihiro Ito, Youichi Asano, Kazushige Obara
5/18 PM1 301B 15:00 - 15:15 T224-006 Stress field from the bottom of the source region of the Tokai Earthquake to the deep slow-slip regions
*Aitaro Kato, Takashi Iidaka, Ryoya Ikuta, other

T224: (Stress inversion)        top of this page
*poster   5/17
T224-P001 The multiple inverse method software including clustering functions
*Atsushi Yamaji, Makoto Otsubo, Katsushi Sato
T224-P002 Improved resolution of the multiple inverse method by the regularity/singularity test of the subsets from the fault-slip data
*Makoto Otsubo, Atsushi Yamaji, Yasuhiro Yamada
*T224-P003 Determination of optimal stress tensors without exhaustive grid search and fast multiple inversion
*Katsushi Sato
T224-P004 Focal mechanisms and regional stress field around the Biwako-Seigan fault system
Hirooki Fujino, *Hiroshi Katao
*T224-P005 Characteristics of stress fields around the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line active fault system by temporary seismic observations
*Kazutoshi Imanishi, Yasuto Kuwahara, Ikuo Cho, other

T225: (Multi-segmented great earthquakes)      top of this page
5/21 AM1 IC 09:00 - 09:15 T225-001 Real time monitoring system for mega-thrust earthquake seismogenic zon -Development of DONE-
*Yoshiyuki Kaneda, Takane Hori, Katsuyoshi Kawaguchi, other
5/21 AM1 IC 09:15 - 09:30 *T225-002 New research project for the next Nankai trough mega-thrust earthquakes, southwest Japan -Earthquake cycle simulation- (1)
*Kazuro Hirahara
5/21 AM1 IC 09:30 - 09:45 *T225-003 Spatio-temporal variation in crustal deformation associated with the earthquake cycle at the Nankai Trough
*Takeshi Sagiya
5/21 AM1 IC 09:45 - 10:00 *T225-004 Accurate evaluation of ground motion and tsunami due to the synchronization occurrence of the Nankai-Trough earthquake
*Takashi Furumura, Kentaro Imai, Tatsuhiko Saito
5/21 AM1 IC 10:00 - 10:15 T225-005 Large-scale high-resolution seismic studies in the Nankai seismogenic zone
*Shuichi Kodaira, Ayako Nakanishi, Koichiro Obana, other
5/21 AM1 IC 10:15 - 10:30 T225-006 Spatially varying seismicity distribution in the Tonankai-Nankai regions revealed by repeating long-term ocean bottom observations
*Kimihiro Mochizuki, Kazuo Nakahigashi, Asako Kuwano, other
5/21 AM2 IC 10:45 - 11:00 T225-007 The cause of long time tsunami on south coast of Shikoku due to Nankai trough earthquake
*Kentaro Imai, Kenji Satake, Takashi Furumura
5/21 AM2 IC 11:00 - 11:15 T225-008 Great interplate earthquakes along the central Kurile subduction zone
*Yuichiro Tanioka, Kei Ioki
5/21 AM2 IC 11:15 - 11:30 T225-009 Geomorphic evidence for large subduction zone earthquakes along the Manila and Philippine trenches
*Hiroyuki Tsutsumi, Noelynna Ramos, Jeffrey Perez
5/21 AM2 IC 11:30 - 11:45 T225-010 Postseismic deformations following the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in SE Asia during three and half years
*Manabu Hashimoto, Yo Fukushima, Takeshi Katagi, other
5/21 AM2 IC 11:45 - 12:00 T225-011 Principal Component Analyses of Seismic Activity in the Plate Boundary Zone of Northeastern Japan Arc.
*mitsuhiro toriumi
5/21 AM2 IC 12:00 - 12:15 T225-012 Gutenberg-Richter law in sliding friction of a sticky gel
*Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Masatoshi Morishita, Masao Doi, other

T225: (Multi-segmented great earthquakes)      top of this page
*poster   5/20
T225-P001 Investigation of Asperity and Rupture Nucleation for Earthquake Scenarios along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line
*Motoko Ishise, Hiroe Miyake, Kazuki Koketsu, other
T225-P002 Lateral structural variation within the overlying plate and its correlation to the Tonankai earthquake
*Gou Fujie, Ayako Nakanishi, Jin-Oh Park, other
T225-P003 Deep crustal structure across source region of the Tonankai earthquake southeast off Shima Peninsula
*Ayako Nakanishi, Gou Fujie, Koichiro Obana, other
T225-P004 Two-types seismic events recorded in Lake Hamana, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
*Makoto Okamura, Hiromi Matsuoka, Hokuto Furuno
T225-P005 Fault models of the 1854 and 1707 great earthquakes in the Tokai area, Japan, based on historic, geologic, and geodetic data
*Hiroyuki Kumagai, Osamu Fujiwara, Kenji Satake, other
T225-P006 Estimating amount of uplift during the AD1707 Hoei earthquake from historical and geological evidences in eastern Enshu-nada coast
*Osamu Fujiwara, Eisuke Ono, Toshifumi Yata, other
T225-P007 Modeling of Nankai great earthquakes with scale-dependent frictional property
*Takane Hori, Mamoru Hyodo, Shin'ichi Miyazaki, other
T225-P008 Significance of ocean bottom pressure measurement for detecting interplate slow slip events in the Miyagi-Oki region
*Shiori Ii, Takeshi Iinuma, Daisuke Inazu, other
T225-P009 On long-term drift of pressure sensors used for vertical seafloor crustal movement
*Hiromi Fujimoto, Tadahiro Sato, Shiori Ii, other
T225-P010 Numerical study of afterslip following the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake
*Shin'ichi Miyazaki, Takane Hori, Noa Mitsui
T225-P011 Source mechanisms of the 2009 seismic sequence in the northwest of New Guinea Island, Indonesia
*Masaru Nakano, Hiroyuki Kumagai, Tadashi Yamashina, other
T225-P012 Tidal triggering of earthquakes preceding the Sumatra megathrust earthquakes
*Sachiko Tanaka
*T225-P013 Geological evidence of paleotsunami in southern Thailand
*Yuki Sawai, Kruawun  Jankaew, Montri Choowong, other

T226: (Crustal deformation in convergence zones)    top of this page
5/16 AM2 201A 10:45 - 11:00 T226-001 Foreslip, coseismic slip and afterslip accompanied with 2008 Off-Tokachi earthquake
*Makoto MATSUBARA, Yuji Yagi
5/16 AM2 201A 11:00 - 11:15 T226-002 Interaction between Normal Faulting Earthquakes and Large Inter-plate Earthquakes in Subduction Zones
Takanori Wada, *Yuji Yagi
5/16 AM2 201A 11:15 - 11:30 T226-003 The mechanics of splay faulting
Christopher H. Scholz, *Ryosuke Ando, Bruce E. Shaw
5/16 AM2 201A 11:30 - 11:45 T226-004 Present day Evidences of Extensional Tectonics in SW Turkey Resulting from the Subduction Along the Hellenic and Cyprus Arcs
*Ali Pinar
5/16 AM2 201A 11:45 - 12:00 T226-005 Crustal velocity field and estimation of deformation pattern in and around Izu Peninsula
*Kumiko Ishikawa, Takao Tabei
5/16 AM2 201A 12:00 - 12:15 T226-006 Geodetic constraints for back-arc spreading across the Mariana Trough based on GPS observations
*Takao Tabei, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Takeshi Matsushima, other
5/16 PM1 201A 13:45 - 14:00 T226-007 Vertical-axis block rotation by reactivation of pre-existing faults in the Koshikijima Islands, the northern Ryukyu Arc
*Satoshi Tonai, Yusuke Suganuma, Juichiro Ashi
5/16 PM1 201A 14:00 - 14:15 T226-008 GPS Data Inversion to Estimate 3-D Elastic/Inelastic Strain Fields in Island-Arc Crust: The Niigata-Kobe Transformation Zone
*Akemi Noda, Mitsuhiro Matsu'ura
5/16 PM1 201A 14:15 - 14:30 T226-009 Elastic Deformation due to Interplate Coupling and Internal Inelastic Deformation in the Hokkaido-Tohoku Region, Japan
*Chihiro Hashimoto, akemi noda, Takeshi Sagiya, other
5/16 PM1 201A 14:30 - 14:45 T226-010 Insights into earthquake generation and topographic evolution in and around the Kurikoma geothermal area
*Youichiro Takada, Masato Furuya
5/16 PM1 201A 14:45 - 15:00 T226-011 Thin-skinned tectonic evolution in the back-arc region of Northeast Japan
*Shinsuke Okada, Yasutaka Ikeda
5/16 PM1 201A 15:00 - 15:15 T226-012 Cooling and denudation history of the Kiso Range, central Japan, based on thermochronometric methods
*Shigeru Sueoka, Hiroyuki Tsutsumi, Takahiro Tagami, other
5/16 PM2 201A 15:30 - 15:46 T226-013 Seismic reflection profiling across the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line: Overall results from a MEXT project in the last 4 years
*Yasutaka Ikeda, Takaya Iwasaki, Ken-ichi Kano, other
5/16 PM2 201A 15:46 - 16:02 T226-014 Seismic expeditions of the deep crustal structures in Chubu, Japan, and new research scope of the crustal movements
*Tanio Ito
5/16 PM2 201A 16:02 - 16:20 T226-015 Why giant earthquakes occur at subduction zones with well-developed accretionary prism?
*Hide Sakaguchi, Takane Hori
5/16 PM2 201A 16:20 - 16:36 T226-016 Effect on Plate Motions caused by Meteorite Collision at K-T boundary
*Nobuaki Niitsuma
5/16 PM2 201A 16:36 - 17:00 *T226-017 Precise determination of the past (3-15Ma) motion of the Philippine Sea Plate on the basis of submarine topography
*Masaki Takahashi

T226: (Crustal deformation in convergence zones)    top of this page
*poster   5/16
T226-P001 Inversion analysis of slip distribution of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake: Possibility of a conjugate fault slip
*Yukitoshi Fukahata, Yo Fukushima
T226-P002 Interplate coupling and slow slip events in the North Island, New Zealand
*Hirokazu Okazaki, Takeshi Sagiya, Hironori Kawakata, other
T226-P003 Present-day movement of the forearc sliver along the southern Kuril arc
Ayaka Ono, *Tamao Sato, Shinya Hiratsuka
T226-P004 Holocene uplifted coral reef in Lanyu and Lutao Islands, off the southeast of Taiwan
*Shihori Inoue, Hajime Kayanne, Nobuhisa Matsuta, other
T226-P005 Anomalous uplift in the inland area of the Kinki district
*Kazuhiro Ozawa, Takeshi Sagiya
T226-P006 Distribution and evolution of thin-skinned and thick-skinned domains in the back-arc region of Northeast Japan
*Shinsuke Okada, Yasutaka Ikeda
T226-P007 Quaternary crustal movement and multi-segment earthquakes caused by oblique subduction of undulated Philippine Sea Plate
*Yukinobu Okamura, Masanobu Shishikura, Yuichi Namegaya
T226-P008 Friction increase along plate boundary fault and structure features in accretionary wedge off Muroto in numerical simulations
*Ayumu Miyakawa, Takeshi Tsuji, Yasuhiro Yamada, other
T226-P009 Decollement formation mechanism depending on the evolution conditions of accretionary prism
*Takane Hori, Hide Sakaguchi
T226-P010 Numerical simulations of temperature distributions associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate in southwest Japan
*Yoichiro Suminokura, Shoichi Yoshioka, Takumi Matsumoto, other