Seismic wave propagation: Theory and Application
For the development of effective methods for imaging the Earth's structure using seismic waves, integrated studies are needed among analytical studies and numerical simulations based on wave theories, miniature physical experiments using rock specimens, and practical analyses of real data. This session widely invites presentations about theories and applications of seismic wave propagation.
Hisashi Nakahara
Jun Matsushima, Toshiki Watanabe, Jun Kawahara, Hitoshi Mikada
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Session Informations
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May 22nd Room:105 Time:AM2
SessionID:SSS027 Chairman:Kazuya Shiraishi, Tatsuhiko Saito
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
10:45 SSS027-01 Retrieval of tsunami Green's function from the cross-correlation of continuous ocean waves Tatsuhiko Saito Tatsuhiko Saito,
Jun Kawahara,
11:00 SSS027-02 Application of auto-correlation analysis to the estimation of the seismic basement structure beneath the Noubi Plain Toshiki Watanabe Toshiki Watanabe,
Hidehiko Shimizu,
Jun Tobita et al.
11:15 SSS027-03 Deep seismic images revealed by autocorrelation analysis of ambient noise beneath the northeastern Japan subduction zone Yoshihiro Ito Yoshihiro Ito,
Katsuhiko Shiomi,
Junichi Nakajima et al.
11:30 SSS027-04 Seismic interferometric imaging from OBS survey data in the plate subduction zone Kazuya Shiraishi Kazuya Shiraishi,
Eiichi Asakawa,
Susumu Abe et al.
11:45 SSS027-05 Seismic wave propagation damage caused by the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake: I. Repeating earthquakes observation Kate Huihsuan Chen Kate Huihsuan Chen,
Takashi Furumura,
Justin Rubinstein et al.
12:00 SSS027-06 Seismic wave propagation damage caused by the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake: II. FDM simulation of the repeating earth Takashi Furumura Takashi Furumura,
Kate Huihsuan Chen,
Yoshiaki Ishihara,
Masa-yuki Yamamoto et al.
12:30 SSS027-08 Seismic structure in the Northwest Pacific basin sortheast of the Ogasawara Plateau Ryosuke Tsujino Ryosuke Tsujino,
Gou Fujie,
Nobukazu Seama et al.
May 22nd Room:105 Time:PM1
SessionID:SSS027 Chairman:Jun Matsushima, Hisashi Nakahara
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
14:15 SSS027-09 Computation of Rayleigh wave dispersion on anisotropic media by compound matrix method Tatsunori Ikeda Tatsunori Ikeda,
Toshifumi Matsuoka,
14:30 SSS027-10 Testing equi-partition in S-wave coda using borehole seismograms Hisashi Nakahara Hisashi Nakahara,
Ludovic Margerin,
14:45 SSS027-11 Time reversal of seismic waves in Izu peninsula Toshiaki Kikuchi Toshiaki Kikuchi,
Koichi Mizutani,
15:00 SSS027-12 Frequency Dependency of Elastic Wave Speed and Attenuation - in seismic wave range - Hironori Kawakata Hironori Kawakata,
Issei Doi,
Nana Yoshimitsu et al.
15:15 SSS027-13 Square waves - application for the rock mechanics Makoto OKUBO Makoto OKUBO
15:30 SSS027-14 Numerical simulation of wave propagation in the media based on MRI measurement of partially frozen brines (Part2) Jun Matsushima Jun Matsushima
15:45 SSS027-15 Effect of seismic wave scattering due to the heterogeneous topography on the high-frequency seismic wavefield Shunsuke Takemura Shunsuke Takemura,
Takashi Furumura,
16:00 SSS027-16 Analyses of transverse component of teleseismic P-waves recorded at Hi-net stations Takeshi Nishimura Takeshi Nishimura
May 22nd Room:105 Time:PM2
SessionID:SSS027 Chairman:Genti Toyokuni, Shinako Noguchi
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
16:30 SSS027-17 Envelope broadening of S-waves from the inter- and intraplate earthquakes in the northeastern Japan forearc Shoko Koga Shoko Koga,
Yoshihiro Ito,
Ryota Hino et al.
16:45 SSS027-18 Random Heterogeneity of the Earth Revealed from the Analysis of Short-Period Seismograms Haruo Sato Haruo Sato
17:15 SSS027-19 The mechanism of anomalous seismic wave propagating along trench revealed by FDM simulation Shinako Noguchi Shinako Noguchi,
Takuto Maeda,
Takashi Furumura
17:30 SSS027-20 Finite-difference calculations of near-field long-period seismograms with 3D lakes at Taal volcano, Philippines Yuta Maeda Yuta Maeda,
Hiroyuki Kumagai,
17:45 SSS027-21 Comparison of global synthetic seismograms calculated by the spherical 2.5-D finite-difference method with observed wave Genti Toyokuni Genti Toyokuni,
Hiroshi Takenaka,
Masaki Kanao
18:00 SSS027-22 Our numerical simulation studies: bridges connecting theory and practice in quake seismology Hiroshi Takenaka Hiroshi Takenaka
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