The Exhibition of Earth Environmental Datasets
The use of various datasets for the earth environment has a great possibility to enhance cross-cutting researches. However, possible use for many of them have not understood. This session provides discussions on their specific contents and usability.
Qoosaku Moteki
Atsushi Higuchi, Kei Yoshimura
Abstract Download
Session Informations
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May 27th ACG032 Room: Convention Hall
Core Time: PM2
The colored are the invited.
Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
ACG032-P01 JAMSTEC Climate Observation and Synthesis Shuhei Masuda Shuhei Masuda
ACG032-P02 A 140-year historical global reanalysis for water isotopes Kei Yoshimura Kei Yoshimura
ACG032-P03 Ocean reanalysis dataset produced with the ocean data assimilation system of the Meteorological Research Institute Yosuke Fujii Yosuke Fujii,
Norihisa Usui,
Takahiro Toyoda et al.
ACG032-P04 Re-calibrated NOAA/AVHRR Daily-PAL Dataset Atsushi Higuchi Atsushi Higuchi,
Yasunori Kurosaki,
Kenji Tanaka
ACG032-P05 JAXA's sea-ice dataset derived from passive microwave sensors Kazuhiro Naoki Kazuhiro Naoki,
Masahiro Hori,
Keiji Imaoka et al.
ACG032-P06 GeoScience Data Release in DIAS Hiroko Kinutani Hiroko Kinutani,
Toshiyuki SHIMIZU,
Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA et al.
ACG032-P07 Data archive to the GEOSS/Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) Katsunori Tamagawa Katsunori Tamagawa,
Eiji Ikoma,
Hiroko Kinutani et al.
ACG032-P08 Comparison of Microbaroms at SYOWA Station, Antarctica and Woomera Prohibited Area, Australia Yoshiaki Ishihara Yoshiaki Ishihara,
Masa-yuki Yamamoto,
Masaki Kanao et al.
ACG032-P09 Development of the dataset of bias-corrected GCM outputs for water resources management Satoshi Watanabe Satoshi Watanabe,
Taikan Oki,
Shinjiro Kanae
ACG032-P10 Operational air quality monitoring data in Japan Masamitsu Hayasaki Masamitsu Hayasaki,
Atsushi Higuchi,
Hiroaki Kuze et al.
ACG032-P11 Overview of geostationary satellites dataset by the VL project and characteristics of global cloud activities Munehisa Yamamoto Munehisa Yamamoto,
Atsushi Higuchi,
Hideaki Takenaka et al.
ACG032-P12 Security assessment of Food, Energy and Water resources Sayaka YOSHIKAWA Sayaka YOSHIKAWA,
Kensuke Hagiwara,
Hiroyuki Ishida et al.
ACG032-P13 Erroneous variations of cloud cover obtained from the ISCCP data caused by satellites replacement Hitoshi Hirose Hitoshi Hirose,
Noriyuki Nishi,
Atsushi Hamada et al.
ACG032-P14 Validation of the MRI/NPD-NHM over the tropical western Pacific Qoosaku Moteki Qoosaku Moteki
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