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著者 | 演題番号 | タイトル | 予稿集本文 |
GABO, Jillian | SRD41-05 | フィリピン・ディナガット南部地域のニッケルラテライト鉱床におけるレアアース濃集帯の酸化還元状態に関する地化学的な研究 | 日本語 English |
GACAL, Glenn Franco Barroso | AAS11-P01 | Cloud classification based on histogram analysis of pixel values of night time cloud images over Manila Observatory (14.64N, 121.07E) | 日本語 English |
AAS11-P02 | Observations of night time cloud cover sensitivity measurements with changes in threshold pixel values | 日本語 English |
GADD, Patricia | MIS11-10 | Applications of ITRAX XRF core scanning and PCA in palaeotsunami research | 日本語 English |
GAHERTY, James B | ★ SIT08-03 | Constraints on composition and flow in the oceanic mantle from a high-resolution estimate of seismic velocities and electrical conductivity in the central Pacific | 日本語 English |
GAJUREL, Ananta Prasad | SSS30-P02 | 2015年ネパール・ゴルカ地震 (Mw 7.8) 震源域中央部における稠密余震観測 | 日本語 English |
GAKUHARI, Takashi | HTT21-11 | 炭素・窒素安定同位体分析に基づく縄文時代におけるイヌの食性復元 | 日本語 English |
HTT21-P14 | 炭素、酸素及びストロンチウム安定同位体比分析の戦没者遺骨鑑定への応用パプアニューギニア人、日本人及び米国人遺骨の分別の試行的検討 | 日本語 English |
GALANTI, Eli | ★ PPS01-11 | Deep Plume Interaction with Gas Giant Weather Layers: Preparing for Juno and Cassini Observations | 日本語 English |
GALKIN, Ivan | MGI04-P03 | Data alliances in Open Science for interoperable and multidisciplinary data usage | 日本語 English |
GAMO, Toshitaka | MTT28-P08 | 競争配位子平衡CSV法を用いた海水中の銅有機錯体に関する研究?多重検出窓を使って? | 日本語 English |
GANKHUREL, BAASANSUREN | BCG09-P06 | 南モンゴルの塩湖におけるヒ素とウランの固液分配挙動 | 日本語 English |
GANSHIN, Alexander | MIS01-04 | Simulation of CO2 and CH4 in Siberia using coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian model | 日本語 English |
GANSHIN, Alexander | ACG24-11 | トップダウン法とボトムアップ法によるCO2フラックス推定値の比較 - シベリア・ヤクーツクでの試み - | 日本語 English |
GANZAWA, Yoshihiro | ★ SGL38-P01 | OSL法による断層ガウジの年代測定 | 日本語 English |
★ STT53-07 | 更新世火山石英のRTL(赤色熱蛍光)年代測定 | 日本語 English |
GAO, Maosheng | HCG11-P09 | Three dimensional morphological changes and 137Cs dating in the Yellow River (Huanghe) delta during 1976?2012 | 日本語 English |
GAO, Shan | SIT10-P01 | Experimental Melting Study of Basalt-Peridotite Hybrid Source | 日本語 English |
GAO, Xiang | SIT12-12 | Role of the subducting plate on the ETS-type phenomena around the mantle wedge corner | 日本語 English |
GAO, Yongxin | ★ MIS03-P01 | Earthquake-induced electromagnetic field due to electrokinetic effect | 日本語 English |
GAO, Zhonglei | PEM07-P03 | Nonlinear resonant scattering of radiation belt relativistic electrons by oblique EMIC waves | 日本語 English |
PEM08-P02 | First observation of whistler-mode chorus with wavy tones | 日本語 English |
GARBE-SCH?NBERG, Dieter | ★ SIT10-06 | Insights from geochemistry and age of associated seamounts into the mantle source evolution of Shatsky and Hess Rises | 日本語 English |
GARCIA, Helber | SSS25-P34 | 微動アレー観測に基づいたボゴタ(コロンビア)盆地における速度構造モデルの構築 | 日本語 English |
GARC?A-COMAS, Carmen | AOS03-08 | Expanding our Knowledge on Copepod Community Structure in Subarctic and Subtropical Communities as Revealed by the Species Functional Traits |
日本語 English |
GARCIA-URQUIA, Elias | HDS05-P03 | Landslide mapping using AW3D 2m DEM: a case study in Tegucigalpa, Honduras | 日本語 English |
GARES, Paul | ★ HTT08-07 | Simulating and Quantifying Legacy Topographic Data Uncertainty: An Initial Step to Advancing Topographic Change Analyses | 日本語 English |
GARRETT, Edmund | MIS11-P11 | 浜名湖と富士五湖堆積物を用いた津波および古地震研究の展望 | 日本語 English |
GASC, Julien | SCG20-11 | Dehydration-driven stress transfer as a mechanism for lower Wadati-Benioff earthquakes | 日本語 English |
SCG20-P09 | The mechanics of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes: experimental evidences | 日本語 English |
GAUTAM, Umesh Prasad | SSS25-18 | Detection of nonlinear site response using the main shock and its aftershocks of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake recorded at the DMG site of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal | 日本語 English |
GEDE, Swibawa | MIS06-P08 | 不耕起栽培が熱帯サトウキビ畑の物理性の保全に及ぼす効果 ―疑似団粒を用いた耕起・不耕起栽培における雨水浸透特性の検討― |
日本語 English |
GELDMACHER, J?rg | ★ SIT10-06 | Insights from geochemistry and age of associated seamounts into the mantle source evolution of Shatsky and Hess Rises | 日本語 English |
GELFENBAUM, Guy | ★ MIS11-13 | 数値解析を用いた津波堆積物研究の現状と今後 | 日本語 English |
GELLER, Robert J. | SIT06-11 | 波形インバージョンによる北部太平洋及びアラスカ下のD"の3次元S波速度構造推定 | 日本語 English |
SIT06-13 | Full-waveform inversion for localized 3-D S-velocity structure in D” beneath the Caribbean using USArray data | 日本語 English |
G?MINARD, Jean-Christophe | SCG58-04 | Granular friction: Triggering slip motion with small vibrations | 日本語 English |
GENCO, Riccardo | ★ MTT05-07 | Seismic-infrasound monitoring of a tidewater calving glacier (Bowdoin, Greenland) | 日本語 English |
SVC47-17 | 2015年6月の臨時観測によるストロンボリ火山の噴火地震の相対震源決定 | 日本語 English |
GENDA, Ai | MIS17-P11 | インドネシア・セリブ島から採取されたサンゴコアを用いた海洋環境復元とインドネシア通過流との関係 | 日本語 English |
GENDA, Hidenori | PCG10-19 | The velocity and mass distributions of impact ejecta in the vicinity of the impact point: An application to the material transport from Mars to Phobos | 日本語 English |
PCG10-22 | On the origin of Martian moons | 日本語 English |
PPS11-12 | 衝突点近傍の掘削流: “干渉領域”からの高速放出物 | 日本語 English |
PPS11-P31 | 隕石重爆撃による大気・海洋量の進化 | 日本語 English |
GENESTRETI, Kevin | PEM06-P07 | Three-dimensional magnetotail reconnection: Geotail and Cluster observations | 日本語 English |
GENG, Yechuan | BPT05-P14 | エディアカラ紀海水中Cu元素変化と生命進化の関連:中国三峡地域エディアカラ紀Cu元素化学層序 | 日本語 English |
G?NOT, Vincent | MGI04-04 | Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support. | 日本語 English |
GENOVIA, Tom G. | ★ ACG15-P01 | フィリピン、ボリナオにおける海草群集の多様性が魚類の群集構造に与える影響 | 日本語 English |
GENZANO, Nicola | ★ MIS03-05 | Thermal InfraRed satellite surveys over Japanese seismic area applying Robust Satellite Techniques on MTSAT observations | 日本語 English |
MIS03-P13 | Development of the quasi-real-time monitoring of volcanic lava activity using MODIS | 日本語 English |
GEOPARK CLUB, Asahikawa | O04-P04 | カムイの大地ジオパーク構想 ?大雪山を源に石狩川の水潤う上川盆地と神居古潭? | 日本語 English |
GERDING, Michael | AOS04-02 | Turbulent Mixing in the Oceans and the Atmosphere | 日本語 English |
GERRARD, Andrew | PEM08-10 | Three-step development of the 17 March 2015 storm: Van Allen Probes/RBSPICE observations | 日本語 English |
GERSHMAN, Daniel J | ★ PEM06-01 | First Electron-Scale Measurements of Magnetic Reconnection in Space | 日本語 English |
PEM06-P02 | Electron acceleration at the Earth's quasi-perpendicular bow shock: MMS observation | 日本語 English |
GERSTENBERGER, Matt | SSS03-02 | Hybrid Models and Time-dependent Hazard in New Zealand | 日本語 English |
SSS03-P02 | Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability - Global and Regional Results | 日本語 English |
GERSTOFT, Peter | ★ MTT05-01 | Longitudinal Seismic Waves in the Ross Ice Shelf Excited by Whillans Ice Stream Stick-Slip Events | 日本語 English |
GERVASONI, Fernanda | SGC16-P05 | MORB-like and radiogenic/nucleogenic noble gas components in southern Patagonian subcontinental lithospheric mantle | 日本語 English |
GERYA, Taras | ★ SIT08-10 | Generation and recycling of proto-oceanic lithosphere in Archean plume-lid tectonics | 日本語 English |
GESHI, Nobuo | SVC47-P47 | 火砕物粒度特性を用いた単成火山活動における爆発度の試験的評価 | 日本語 English |
SVC48-19 | 7.3 ka鬼界カルデラ噴火に伴い発生した津波: 屋久島北東部小瀬田海岸付近におけるイベント堆積物からの制約 | 日本語 English |
★ SVC49-10 | 物質科学アプローチによる大規模噴火の理解とモデル化 | 日本語 English |
GHAMRY, Essam | PEM07-P01 | Latitudinal distribution of the Field Aligned Current estimated from SWARM constellation | 日本語 English |
GHODDOUSI-FARD, Reza | PEM04-24 | GPS phase scintillation during the geomagnetic storm of March 17, 2015: The relation to auroral electrojet currents | 日本語 English |
GILBERT, Alexis | BPT05-14 | 蛇紋岩を母岩とする白馬八方温泉の炭化水素の起源:分子および分子内炭素同位体分析 | 日本語 English |
GILES, Barbara L. | ★ PEM06-01 | First Electron-Scale Measurements of Magnetic Reconnection in Space | 日本語 English |
PEM06-04 | MMS High time resolution measurements of kinetic plasma turbulence in Earth’s magnetosheath and upstream solar wind | 日本語 English |
PEM06-09 | Shift of the magnetopause reconnection line to the winter hemisphere under southward IMF conditions: Geotail and MMS observations | 日本語 English |
PEM06-11 | Structure of the magnetopause observed by MMS and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability | 日本語 English |
PEM06-12 | MMS satellites and EISCAT radar observations of dayside flow bursts. | 日本語 English |
PEM06-P02 | Electron acceleration at the Earth's quasi-perpendicular bow shock: MMS observation | 日本語 English |
GILL, James B | SGC50-06 | マントルリザボアの成因:沈み込み帯フィルターとマントル熱進化の役割 | 日本語 English |
GILL, James B. | SIT09-P04 | Geochemical characteristics of Izu rear arc magmatism after the cessation of the Shikoku Basin opening: Results from IODP Exp. 350 | 日本語 English |
GINGERICH, Stephen | AHW18-P04 | マルチアイソトープ手法に基づく摩周湖からの漏水と周辺地下水の交流に関する研究 | 日本語 English |
GINIATOULLINE, andrei | AAS02-P01 | Explicit solution of a problem modelling nonlinear Atmosphere dynamics with consideration of heat transfer, humidity and moisture content | 日本語 English |
GIOSAN, Liviu | MIS16-P05 | Exp.346 U1430地点における中期中新世サイクル層序の確立とXRFスキャナーを用いた古海洋変動復元 | 日本語 English |
GIRARD, Julien | MGI04-04 | Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support. | 日本語 English |
GIRTON, James | AOS04-07 | Samoan Passage near-inertial waves | 日本語 English |
GIULIANI, Gioacchino | ★ MIS03-04 | Precursory gas geochemical and gamma rays anomalies prior to the 2016 M6.4 Meinong earthquake, southern Taiwan | 日本語 English |
GIVEN, Douglas D | ★ SSS01-02 | ShakeAlert: Implementing Public Earthquake Early Warning for the U.S. | 日本語 English |
GKIOULIDOU, Matina | PEM08-P11 | Void structure of O+ ion observed by the Van Allen Probes in the inner magnetoshpere | 日本語 English |
GKIOULIDOU, Matina | PEM08-10 | Three-step development of the 17 March 2015 storm: Van Allen Probes/RBSPICE observations | 日本語 English |
PEM08-P13 | Comparative study of proton and oxygen ion supply into the inner magnetosphere during a geomagnetic storm | 日本語 English |
GLAGOLEV, Mikhail V | MIS01-03 | Mapping West Siberian wetlands using Landsat imagery for methane emission inventory | 日本語 English |
GO, Gay A. | ★ ACG15-P01 | フィリピン、ボリナオにおける海草群集の多様性が魚類の群集構造に与える影響 | 日本語 English |
GO, Yumiko | SVC46-03 | 非定常数値シミュレーションによる富士山宝永噴火の火山灰輸送過程への風影響の再解釈 | 日本語 English |
GOFF, James | MIS11-10 | Applications of ITRAX XRF core scanning and PCA in palaeotsunami research | 日本語 English |
GOFF, James | MIS11-P09 | 古津波堆積物と古地形の関係‐GPRによる予察的検討‐ | 日本語 English |
GO-ICHIRO, Uramoto | G02-P01 | 高知県内にある地震津浪碑の3次元デジタルアーカイブ化に向けた取り組み | 日本語 English |
MIS16-P01 | インドモンスーン復元のためのベンガル湾掘削(IODP Exp. 353) | 日本語 English |
MIS18-03 | 南太平洋環流域の遠洋性粘土に存在する大量の微小マンガン粒について | 日本語 English |
GOLBUU, Yimnang | ACG15-08 | パラオ共和国におけるグローカル環境問題とサンゴ礁生態系 | 日本語 English |
GOLDBERG, Dara | SSS01-P03 | Rapid Magnitude Estimation in Earthquake Early Warning with Seismogeodesy | 日本語 English |
GOLDSTEIN, Barry G. | ★ PPS01-10 | NASA’s Flagship Mission to Jupiter’s Moon Europa: Exploring a Potentially Habitable World | 日本語 English |
GOLDSTEIN, Jerry | ★ PEM06-01 | First Electron-Scale Measurements of Magnetic Reconnection in Space | 日本語 English |
PEM06-P07 | Three-dimensional magnetotail reconnection: Geotail and Cluster observations | 日本語 English |
GOMEZ, Christopher A | ★ HTT08-05 | Impact of glacier recession on debris-flow fan morphology at Fox Valley, New Zealand, using airborne photogrammetry | 日本語 English |
HTT08-P06 | Machine Learning Algorithm for impact crater extraction from high resolution DEM derived from SfM data in Vanuatu | 日本語 English |
GOMI, Hitoshi | SIT06-17 | Electrical resistivity of substitutionally disordered hcp Fe-Si and Fe-Ni alloys: Chemically-induced resistivity saturation in the Earth’s core | 日本語 English |
SIT07-P04 | The effects of ferromagnetism and interstitial hydrogen on the equation of states of hcp FeHx | 日本語 English |