Symbol U (Union)
Symbol O (Public)
Symbol P (Space and Planetary Sciences)
Symbol A (Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences)
Symbol H (Human Geosciences)
Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
Symbol B (Biogeosciences)
Symbol G (General Geoscience)
Symbol M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)

** : International Session

Symbol U (Union)
U-001 Future of Earth and Planetary Science: Big Science Project
**U-002 Planetary Climate Studies and Venus Orbiter "AKATSUKI"
U-003 Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS radar (PANSY)
U-004 Geofluid and Dynamics of Subduction Zone
Symbol O (Public)
O-ED   Public Education
O-ED001 Poster presentations by senior high school students
O-ES   Earth and Planetary Sciences for Public
O-ES005 Geopark
O-ES006 Recent Advances in Earth and Planetary Science
Symbol P (Space and Planetary Sciences)
P-PS   Planetary Sciences
**P-PS001 Towards New Views of Mars
P-PS002 Origin and evolution of solid materials in stars and planets
P-PS003 Lunar science
P-PS004 Planetary Sciences
P-PS005 Science of Small Solar System Bodies
**P-PS006 Material Circulation in the early solar system
P-PS007 Initiatives for future planetary explorations
**P-PS008 Formation and evolution of our earth and other earths
P-PS009 Meteorite anatomy
P-PS010 Giant planets, satellites, and exoplanets
Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment
P-EM021 Space weather
P-EM022 Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
P-EM023 Heliosphere and Interplanetary Space
P-EM024 Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetosphere
P-EM025 Ionosphere and Thermosphere
P-EM026 Space Plasma physics: Theory and Simulation
**P-EM027 Energetic particle dynamics in Earth's inner magnetosphere
P-EM028 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences-1
P-EM029 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences-4
P-EM030 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences-5
P-EM031 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences-2
P-EM032 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences-3
P-EM033 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences-7
P-EM034 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences-8
P-EM035 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences-6
**P-EM036 International Symposium for CAWSES-II and ISWI
P-CG   Complex & General
P-CG040 Planetary atmosphere-magnetosphere
Symbol A
(Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences)
Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology & Atmospheric Environment
A-AS001 Atmospheric Chemistry
A-AS002 Modern Atmospheric Science: Climate Change in the Arctic
A-AS003 Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate
**A-AS004 Development of precipitation products in geophysical studies
**A-AS005 Atmospheric Brown Cloud - Asia
A-AS006 Fountain of Energy and Substance in Equatorial Atmosphere
Aeronomy, Atmospheric Electromagnetism & Atmospheric Electricity
A-EM011 Physics and chemistry in the Atmosphere and Lower Thermosphe
**A-EM012 Thunderstorms and lightning impacts on the atmosphere
A-HW   Hydrology & Water Environment
A-HW015 Isotope hydrology 2010
A-HW016 Groundwater and environmental geology in urban areas
A-HW017 Hydrological Cycle and Water Environment
A-HW018 Hydrogeology and Material Transport in Watersheds
A-HW019 Runoff prediction by classification and threshold extraction
A-CC   Cryospheric Sciences & Cold District Environment
A-CC021 Glaciology
A-CC022 Global environmental changes by ice core studies
A-CC023 Cryosphere and Climate
Paleoenvironmental Sciences & Long-term Climate Change
A-PE025 Paleoclimate and paleoceanography
A-GE   Geological & Soil Environment
**A-GE030 Subsurface Mass Transport, Material Cycle, and Environmental
A-CG   Complex & General
A-CG031 Science in the Arctic Region
A-CG032 Ocean-Land linkage: climate change dynamics in present & past
**A-CG033 Global-scale Material Circulation through River Runoff
A-CG034 The land-sea interactions: material cycles and ecosystem
Symbol H (Human Geosciences)
H-GG   Geography
**H-GG001 Global Land Project and Geosciences
H-GG002 Foods in climates, from the view of Monsoon Asia
H-GM   Geomorphology
H-GM005 Geomorphology
H-QR   Quaternary research
H-QR010 Diachronic dynamics of human-environment interactions
H-QR011 Recent progress on late Pleistocene to Holocene stratigrapy
H-SC   Social Earth Sciences & Civil/Urban System Sciences
H-SC015 Human environment and disaster risk
**H-SC016 Urbanization and Global Environmental Change
H-SC017 Commodification of the rural spaces in Japan
H-SC018 Search for Green Geo-Technology helping CO2 reduction
H-SC019 Geoscientific approaches on dam sediments problem
H-DS   Disaster geosciences
H-DS021 Geohazards in humid, tectonically active countries
H-DS022 Glacial lake expansion & its outburst floods in the Himalaya
H-DS023 Earthquake Early Warning: further development
H-DS024 Active faults and earthquake disaster reduction
H-TT   Technology & Techniques
**H-TT030 Environmental Remote Sensing : Growth and Changes in Asia
**H-TT031 GIS
H-TT032 Geographical Information Systems
Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
S-GD   Geodesy
S-GD001 Geodesy General Contributions
S-GD002 Gravity and Geoid
S-SS   Seismology
S-SS011 Earthquake Source Processes and Physics of Earthquakes
S-SS012 Earthquake prediction
S-SS013 Seismicity
S-SS014 Crustal Deformation
S-SS015 Crustal Structure
S-SS016 Strong Ground Motion and Earthquake Disaster
S-SS017 Active faults and paleoseismology
S-SS018 Seismic wave propagation: Theory and Application
**S-SS019 Nankai Seismogenic Zone Experiments (NantroSEIZE)
S-SS020 Fault Rheology and Earthquake Dynamics
S-SS021 Comprehensive approach to the intraplate earthquakes
**S-SS022 Global Collaborative Earthquake Predictability Research
S-SS023 Kanto Asperity Project: Toward Drilling and Monitoring
S-SS024 Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Tokyo
**S-SS025 What have we learned from the Wenchuan earthquake?
S-SS026 Interpretations of seismic observations in subduction zones
S-SS027 Seismic linkage of great earthquakes
S-EM   Earth's Electromagnetism
S-EM031 Electrical conductivity, Tectono-electromagnetism
S-EM032 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
**S-EM033 Imaging of continent and ocean using EM induction studies
S-IT   Science of the Earth's Interior & Techtonophysics
S-IT035 Tectonics
S-IT036 Deep Earth science: Dynamics of plate, mantle, and core
S-IT037 Rheology and transport properties of earth materials
S-IT038 The Oceanic lithosphere: Birth, Growth and Sub(ob)duction
**S-IT039 Water in subduction zones, the large mantle wedge and deeper
**S-IT040 Large-scale Geodynamic Modeling and Observational Constraint
**S-IT041 Molten Earth: from the Core to Volcanism
**S-IT042 Mineral physics and dynamics of deep mantle
**S-IT043 On the Cause of Continental Drift
S-GL   Geology
S-GL045 Geochronology & Chronostratigraphy
S-GL046 Regional geology and tectonics
S-RD   Resources, Mineral Deposit & Resource Exploration
S-RD051 New development of resource geology
S-MP   Mineralogy & Petrology
S-MP055 Deformed rocks, Metamorphic rocks and tectonics
S-MP056 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
S-MP057 Hydrous materials and neutron scattering in earth sciences
S-VC   Volcanology
S-VC061 Hydrothermal systems beneath volcanoes
S-VC062 Volcanic and igneous activities, and these long-term forecas
S-VC063 Active volcanism
S-GC   Geochemistry
S-GC065 Solid Earth Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry
S-TT   Technology & Techniques
S-TT071 Frontier Research in Exploration Geophysics
S-TT072 Synthetic Aperture Radar
S-TT073 Seismometry and monitoring system
S-TT074 Airborne surveys and monitoring of the Earth
S-TT075 Stress inversion in seismology and structural geology
**S-TT076 Advances in Gravity and Magnetic methods in Geosciences
S-CG   Complex & General
S-CG004 Geofluid and Dynamics of Subduction Zone
S-CG081 15 years since the Hyogoken Nambu (Kobe) Earthquake
S-CG082 Petrology, Mineralogy and Resource Geology
S-CG083 Geochemistry of fault systems
S-CG084 Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste
S-CG085 Low-frequency oscillatory phenomena
S-CG086 Ocean Floor Geoscience
S-CG087 Crustal deformation in plate convergence zones
S-CG088 Structure and active tectonics of high strain rate zone
**S-CG089 Arc evolution and continental crust
S-CG090 Fluid inclusion
Symbol B (Biogeosciences)
B-AO   Astrobiology & the Origin of Life
**B-AO001 Astrobiology: Origins, Evolution, Distribution of Life
Biogeosciences & Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
B-BG005 Interrelation between Life, Water, Mineral and Atmosphere
B-BG006 Coral Reefs: Life, the Earth and Human Beings
B-PT   Paleontology
B-PT011 Biotic history and its relation to the Earth history
B-PT012 Evolution of Chemosynthetic Community in Earth History
B-PT013 Geoemical analysis of Phanerozoic environmental changes
B-PT014 Climate change in the low latitude and proxy development
B-PO   Paleoceanography
**B-PO020 Biocalcification and the geochemistry of proxies
B-PO021 Evolution of the Pelagic Realm
Symbol G (General Geoscience)
G-EJ   Education in Elementary & Junior High School
G-EJ001 Geoscience education of elementary and junior high school
G-SU   Education in Senior High School & University
G-SU011 Geoscience education of high school to university
Social Education, Mass Communication & Science Communication
G-SC020 Geoscience Outreach
G-HE   History of Earth & Planetary Sciences
G-HE030 History and Philosophy of Geosciences
Symbol M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
M-IS   Intersection
**M-IS001 Atmospheric Electricity
M-IS002 Sedimentary rocks, processes,and surface environments
M-IS003 Tsunami
M-IS004 Geophysical fluid dynamics-Transfield approach to geoscience
M-IS005 Gas hydrate and methane seep
M-IS006 Terrestrial Biogeochemistry
M-IS007 Drilling Earth Science
M-IS008 Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics
M-IS009 Progress of event studies extended by finer correlation
**M-IS010 Deep Carbon Cycle
M-IS011 Change of geological time scale
M-IS012 Interface- and nano-phenomena on crystal growth
M-IS013 Advancement in space climatology
M-IS0014 Atmosphere and ionosphere at 2009 total solar eclipse
M-IS0050 The 27 February 2010 Central Chile earthquake and tsunamis
General Geosciences, Information Geosciences & Simulations
M-GI015 Informatics for Earth and Space Science
M-GI016 Future and fate of the Earth environment observation data
M-GI017 Advances in inversion techniques for modeling dynamic system
M-GI018 Geoinformatics standard, management, and 3D modeling
M-AG   Applied Geosciences
M-AG021 Climate control and geosciences (CO2-CCS, geoengineering)
**M-AG022 Multi-disciplinary Studies on Natural Hazard in Asia
M-SD   Space Development & Earth Observation from Space
**M-SD030 Earth and planetary sciences using small satellites
M-TT   Technology & Techniques
M-TT035 Mapping and spatial representation in geoscience