

Session table


Symbol A(Public presentation)
Symbol U(Union)
Symbol V(Volcanology)
Symbol K(Petrology・Mineralogy)
Symbol O(Measurement and exploration technology )
Symbol S(Seismology)
Symbol H(Hydrology・Limnology・Groundwater Hydrology)
Symbol W(Snow and Ice)
Symbol D(Geodesy)
Symbol Q(Quaternary)
Symbol C(Geochemistry)
Symbol L(Global environment Climate Change)
Symbol B(Biogeosciences)
Symbol E(Geomagnetism)
Symbol I(Physics of the Earth's Interior)
Symbol M(Earth, Planetary and Space Science)
Symbol T(Earth and Planetary Tectonics and Dynamics)
Symbol G(Geology)
Symbol Y(Disaster prevention ・Application earth science)
Symbol P(Planetary Sciences)
Symbol Z(Others)
Symbol J(Joint)

        papers partially presented by English              all papers presented by English

Symbol A(Public presentation)     to TOP
Symbol Session title
A001 Proposals for the contents of ''Rika'' in Japan from Japan Geoscience Union
A002 Poster presentations by senior high school students
A003 Recent Advances in Earth and Planetary Science
A004 Frontiers of Geoscience in the 21st Century: Space, Planets, and Life

Symbol U(Union)    to TOP
Symbol Session title
U051 Frontier Research in Geophysical Exploration
U052 Development of ecologically closed life support systems in earth and space
U053 Space Sciences at JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
U054 Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences

Symbol V(Volcanology)     to TOP
Symbol Session title
V101 Active volcanism
V102 Magma system and eruption
V201 Dynamics of Volcanic Explosion

Symbol K(Petrology・Mineralogy)    to TOP
Symbol Session title
K103 Ophiolites and oceanic lithosphere
K104 Petrology, Mineralogy and Resource Geology
K105 Physics and chemistry of minerals
K202 Applications of pulsed neutron beam to earth and planetary sciences

Symbol O(Measurement and exploration technology)   to TOP
Symbol Session title
O106 Exploration Geophysics and its application
O203 Intensive air-borne geo-observations

Symbol S(Seismology)   to TOP
Symbol Session title
S107 Active faults and paleoseismology
S108 Earthquake related phenomena
S109 Physics of earthquakes
S110 Seismicity
S111 Strong motion and earthquake disaster
S112 Theoretical seismology
S113 Seismometry and data acquisition system
S114 Earthquake prediction
S115 Seismology
S116 Subsurface structure and seismic motion
S117 Earthquake source process and mechanism
S118 Crustal structure
S119 Modeling of slip and flow process below the seismogenic region
S204 Seismic Source Model and Strong Ground Motion
S205 The advance line of frontier seismology
S206 Perspectives on the modern seismology and volcanology pioneered by Keiiti Aki
S207 Mapping and Monitoring of crustal activities
S208 Great earthquake with multiple-segment rupture: its mode and long-term forecast
S209 Earthquake prediction based on process verification
S210 Seismic wave propagation: Theory and application

Symbol H(Hydrology・Limnology・Groundwater Hydrology)  to TOP
Symbol Session title
H120 Water Cycle, Water Environment
H121 Isotope Hydrology 2006
H211 Groundwater and environmental geology in urban areas

Symbol W(Snow and Ice)  to TOP
Symbol Session title
W212 Glaciology
W213 Cryosphere and Climate
W214 global chage by core studies

Symbol D(Geodesy)  to TOP
Symbol Session title
D122 Gravity and Geoid
D123 Geodesy General (inc. Technology, Tide)
D124 Crustal Deformation
D125 GPS

Symbol Q(Quaternary)   to TOP
Symbol Session title
Q126 Quaternary Science
Q127 Recent progress on the understanding of Alluvium

Symbol C(Geochemistry)   to TOP
Symbol Session title
C128 Solid Earth Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry

Symbol L(Global environment Climate Change)   to TOP
Symbol Session title
L129 Paleoclimate and paleoceanography
L130 Processes and evolution of climate changes-past, present and future
L215 Geoscience to control climate change
L216 Environmental change in the low latitude and biomineralization

Symbol B(Biogeosciences)   to TOP
Symbol Session title
B131 Interactions of life, water and minerals: Processes and sites
B217 Biotic history and its relation to the Earth history
B218 Astrobiology: Origins, Evolution, Distribution and Destiny of Life in Space
B219 Interaction between the geoenvironment and organisms
B220 Interlink between geochemistry and microbiology in subsurface biosphere

Symbol E(Geomagnetism)   to TOP
Symbol Session title
E132 Heliosphere and Interplanetary Space
E134 Electrical Conductivity, Tectono-electromagnetism
E135 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
E136 Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes
E137 Space Weather
E138 Ionosphere and Thermosphere
E139 Physics and Chemistry in the Atmosphere and Lower Thermosphere
E140 Structure and Dynamics in the Magnetosphere
E141 Seismo Electromagnetics
E221 Perspectives of Geomagnetism: Geodynamo, Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism

Symbol I(Physics of the Earth's Interior)  to TOP
Symbol Session title
I142 Rheology and transport properties of earth materials
I143 Deep Earth science: Dynamics of plate, mantle, and core
I222 Deep Mantle Slab

Symbol M(Earth, Planetary and Space Science)  to TOP
Symbol Session title
M144 Planetary atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere

Symbol T(Earth and Planetary Tectonics and Dynamics)     to TOP
Symbol Session title
T145 Thermal structure and processes of the Earth
T146 Tectonics
T224 Stress inversion in seismology and structural geology: methods and applications
T225 Seismotectonics of the Philippines: Recent studies and related developments

Symbol G(Geology)    to TOP
Symbol Session title
G147 Regional geology and tectonics
G148 Sedimentary rocks, sedimentary processes, and surface environments
G149 Long-term igneous activity and volcano history
G150 Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste
G151 Deformed and metamorphic rocks and tectonics
G152 Geochronology, Chronostratigrapy
G226 Dynamics of landforms and sedimentation: Experimental perspectives
G227 Natural hazards recorded in sediments
G228 New horizon of the study of gas hydrates and methane plumes

Symbol Y(Disaster prevention ・Application earth science)    to TOP
Symbol Session title
Y153 Geological hazard and environmental problem on geology

Symbol P(Planetary Sciences)    to TOP
Symbol Session title
P154 Planetary Sciences
P155 Origin and evolution of solid materials in stars and planets
P230 Mars: Science and Future Missions
P231 Scientific results from "HAYABUSA" and future small body research
P232 Count Down for the Lunar Exploration
P233 What did we learn from Deep Impact mission?

Symbol Z(Others)   to TOP
Symbol Session title
Z234 Environmental Remote Sensing
Z235 GIS
Z236 Geomorphology
Z237 Atmospheric Electricity

Symbol J(Joint)    to TOP
Symbol Session title
J156 Geophysical fluid dynamics: Transfield approach to earth/planetary phenomena
J157 Earth and Planetary Information Science
J158 Earth and planetary system science
J159 Geoscience Education and Outreach
J160 Science on Seismogenic Zones
J161 Marine Geoscience
J162 Fault rheology and seismogenic processes (joint session of AOGS and JPGU)
J238 Terrestrial Biogeochemistry
J239 Evolution of the Western Pacific region
J240 Images and imaging techniques for earth and planetary science
J241 Low-frequency oscillatory phenomena related to volcanic and subduction processes
J242 Invitation to Kitchen earth Science